When can there be a fall in the rate of profit?
SEVERAL major economists have put forward theories predicting a falling tendency of the rate of profit under capitalism; Marx had seen in this fact an awareness on their part of the essential transitoriness of the capitalist system. But while some of these theories have logical validity, others do not. Among the latter is Adam Smith’s theory.
If everybody’s going to join NATO, then why have the United Nations? The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2023)
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) held its annual summit on 11–12 July in Vilnius, Lithuania.
The evolution of a solution
After 20 plus years of educating and organizing throughout the Alabama prison system, one of the most frequently asked questions I get is, “What is a work stoppage like?” Well, it’s surreal, it’s really hard to put into words and I don’t want to be cliche about it, but I’ll do my best.
Leaked files suggest hidden British hand in latest Kerch Bridge strike
The Grayzone has exposed British intelligence freelancers for collaborating with Ukraine’s Security Service to destroy Kerch Bridge. Leaked documents suggest they played a role in the latest attack on the bridge, and may be helping Kiev hunt down accused collaborators.
Samir Amin: Negating Eurocentrism, Creating Universal Culture
Watch John Bellamy Foster speak about Samir Amin, a visionary scholar who dedicated his life to challenging dominant paradigms such as Eurocentrism.
Ecocide, war and the “New American Century”
Ecocide is the deliberate destruction of an environment so that it can no longer sustain life.
Inexcusable Inaction: Manipur’s horrific video exposes sexual violence, Govt failure
The police only swung to action after a video of the savage incident of two Kuki women being paraded naked on May 4 went viral and sparked political outrage.
House Foreign Affairs Committee marks anniversary of Cuba’s July 2021 uprising with renewed calls for regime change
To commemorate the two-year anniversary of right-wing protests in Cuba in July 2021, the House Foreign Affairs Committee sponsored a roundtable next to the Bay of Pigs museum in Miami, Florida, that affirmed U.S. calls for regime change in Cuba.
French MPs to vote on Bill that would allow police to spy through phones
The proposed law specifies that the procedure can be executed “without the knowledge or consent of its owner or possessor,” but is limited to suspects involved in terrorism, organised crime and other illegal activities punishable by five or more years in prison.
Extreme heat prompts issue of safety warnings across several countries
Safety warnings have been issued in France where temperature levels on Wednesday reached 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).
Biden, Jayapal, and liberal Zionists rush to prop up the Israel lobby for 2024
Liberal Zionists rushed to affirm their support for Israel and hatred of anti-Zionism in the wake of the Pramila Jayapal “racist state” comment because they are afraid the Israel lobby will abandon the Democratic party.
200 years of the Monroe Doctrine: History and present
The Monroe Doctrine served Washington to declare unilaterally and as if it were a divine right, protector of the American continent, letting the rest of the world know where its zone of influence, expansion and predominance resided.
The war in Ukraine: Towards the collapse of the West’s reputation
After the bipolar world that existed from the end of the Second World War until the implosion of the Soviet Union in December 1991, the current conflict on the territory of Ukraine is the point of gravity in the process of transition between two great eras of contemporary history: the old—unipolar—that has lasted for the last 30 years and the new—multipolar—post-hegemonic, that came into being at the end of February 2022.
The history of affirmative action exposes its reactionary weaknesses
Affirmative action began as a reparations program but ends as a “diversity” project which barely benefits Black people.
Patriarchy and the origins of women’s oppression
Any vision of a world beyond capitalism involves the liberation of women from oppression, exploitation and discrimination. But just because we might have been able to win revolutionary social change, it does not mean that equal economic, social and cultural rights will be automatic for women.
Everybody should see “Every Body”
A wave of exclusion is sweeping the nation, in state legislatures and federal courts, including the Supreme Court.
Politics of hedging in the Indo-Pacific
New Zealand’s estimation matters because it is a small country in Southern Pacific heavily dependent on trade with China for preserving its prosperity and yet one of the Five Eyes (along with the U.S., UK, Australia and Canada), the exclusive secretive security grouping of Anglo-Saxon countries.
Call to Mutiny
“It has never been true that nuclear war is ‘unthinkable.’ It has been thought and the thought has been put into effect.” —E.P. Thompson
Thousands of actors join picket lines in Los Angeles and New York
The strike by tens of thousands of U.S. film and television actors officially began Friday.
U.S. using Ukraine as disposal ground for banned cluster bombs: Colonel, Karen Kwiatkowski
Former Pentagon analyst and Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, Karen Kwiatkowski, points out the double standards in Western media’s portrayal of cluster bomb usage.