To think with, across and through Marx
My engagement with Marx in this book is ultimately an act of critical dialogue–of thinking with as well as across and through his texts toward multiple unforeseen destinations.
‘The Home and the Reproduction of Society: On Work, Rent and the Reach of Capital’
The early twentieth century saw a wave of anti-colonial struggles that took the form of the labour strike.
How the United States underdeveloped Somalia
On September 6, 2023, the United States military reportedly assisted the Somali government in an deadly counter-terrorism operation that killed five civilians.
Three waves of historical fascism
Though much marxist theory has explored the recurrent cycles and patterns of historical capitalism, not enough attention has been given to the tendency of moments of politico-economic crisis to become an ideological contestation between fascism and communism in the context of a crisis of liberalism.
Amazon shows us the many faces of worker alienation and resistance today
Once again we find ourselves in moments of economic crisis. As we battle through inflation and rounds of devaluation, thousands of workers around the world have lost their livelihoods. Yet amidst this all, we have seen workers across the globe go on strike and protest.
Labor power and wages after women’s labor market incorporation in Argentina
In the past years, there has been a very much welcomed flourishing of Marxist Feminist analyses.
Opaque algorithms are creating an invisible cage for platform workers
We live in a world run by algorithms. Nowhere is this more apparent than with platform companies, such as Facebook, Uber, Google, Amazon, and Twitter.
Neoliberalism and the crisis of higher education
Neoliberalism is the dominant ideology of this historical moment. It includes a belief in the following: the efficiency of the free market and the deregulation and privatization of the public sector that markets require; tax reduction; abandoning the welfare state; and replacing the notion of the public good with a personal responsibility for one’s own welfare.
China’s accession to the WTO and the collapse that never was
President Joe Biden is worried about China. In April he explained “we are in competition with China… to win the 21st century… we are at a great inflection point in history. We have to do more than just build back better… we have to compete more strenuously.”
The case of the vanishing boss
This article summarizes the manuscript, “The Two-Employer Problem: Strategic Dilemmas at the Heart of the Tipped Wage Debate,” a co-winner of the 2021 Albert Szymanski-T.R. Young/Critical Sociology Marxist Sociology Graduate Student Paper Award.
Statement of Support for Black Lives Matter and Defund the Police
Between 1963 and 1972, there were more than 750 Black-led urban revolts in the United States in 525 cities. How did sociologists react?
Limits of the Green New Deal
The Green New Deal is an exciting social program generating a great deal of interest on the left. Like its predecessor, the New Deal of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the GND holds out the promise of preventing the worst effects of anthropogenic climate change, and guaranteeing a better standard of living for its participants.
Down with neoliberalism . . . as a concept
I think the left should stop talking about ‘neoliberalism’, as I argue in a recent journal article published in Capital & Class.
Green paradoxes: How climate change policy preserves climate change causes
Why are societies failing to effectively respond to climate change? Why is it that “environmental degradation increases amid the growth of environmental attention and concern,” as Alexander Stoner and Andony Melathopoulos put it?