Impeachment watch
In their crusade to get Trump and distract from their own corruption, the Democrats have moved on from Russiagate to an impeachment inquiry over “Ukrainegate.”
NATO’s Largesse: “nuclear sharing”
The new Cold War is escalating, fueled by Washington’s bid to isolate or strangle Russia.
U.S. intel will bring Assange to the U.S. in Chains
Julian Assange, a hero in the struggle against imperial wars and the lies that states tell to justify them, is in mortal danger.
Et tu, RT? Amplifying Western disinformation on Rwanda
The Great Lie about the Rwandan bloodbath opened the door to a far larger genocide in Congo and justified U.S. military interventions all over the planet. During a recent campaign event, Florida Senator Bill Nelson said, “That story of Rwanda is very instructive to us because when a place gets so tribal that the two […]
We love the CIA!—or how the left lost its mind
“The Resistance” is steering so much of the left into a hard-right turn — including even Pacifica’s KPFA Radio-Berkeley.
War with North Korea cannot be contained but must be prevented
Peace is possible on the Korean Peninsula. If the planet is to survive, there is no other choice.