Culture, bread and revolution: A conversation with Natalia Molina
For the Caracas-based La Minka collective, culture and bread-baking go hand in hand with the project of making a socialist commune.
Popular democracy at work at El Panal Commune and across Venezuela
The second National Popular Consultation saw Venezuelans choose community projects to be funded by the state.
Born to win with Chávez: A women-led commune in the Venezuelan Llanos
Located on the outskirts of Biruaca, in Apure state, Nacidos para Vencer con Chávez [Born to Triumph with Chávez] is a women-led commune in a rural context that has a long history of patriarchal oppression. This fledgling commune seized upon Chávez’s idea as a way forward in difficult times, attempting to build community and increase production, while connecting with other communes through the Communard Union.
The Commune, a living tradition for Pumé people in Venezuela
Coporo Indigena is an Indigenous community in Apure state that has resisted settler violence, displacement from their land… and now the U.S. blockade.
Llaneros resist the blockade: The Pancha Vásquez Commune (Part II)
When production dropped, Venezuelans from the plains region turned to the commune to find solutions.
Organizing ranchers in the Venezuelan Llanos: The Pancha Vásquez Commune (Part I)
How communards in the Venezuelan plains region produce, organize, and resist the impact of the U.S. blockade.
On fascism and other maladies: A conversation with Luis Britto García
One of Venezuela’s most respected intellectuals talks about fascism and corruption scandals in the lead-up to the presidential elections.
Countering the impact of the U.S. blockade: A conversation with Llanisca Lugo
A Cuban intellectual examines the consequences of the imperialist blockades on both Cuba and Venezuela.
Open science and agroecology: A Conversation with Miguel Ángel Núñez
An independent researcher argues that Venezuela is undergoing an agroecological transition.
Theater for Revolution: A conversation with Armando Carías
A playwright committed to social change talks about cultural production under the Bolivarian Process.
Internationalist Doctors: A conversation with Vanessa Almeida and John Chikuike Ogbu
Two students from Venezuela’s ELAM medical school talk about becoming physicians in the service of the people.
The dialectics of constituted and communal power: A conversation with Ángel Prado
The main spokesperson of El Maizal Commune is trying to put institutional power at the service of the commune.
Vicissitudes of grassroots media: A conversation with Thierry Deronne (Part II)
A documentary filmmaker long associated with the Bolivarian Revolution talks about the history of its audiovisual production and the challenges ahead.
Communication by and for the People: A conversation with Thierry Deronne (Part I)
A documentary filmmaker and teacher tells the story of Venezuela’s groundbreaking community media movement.
Growing native potatoes in synergy with the land and its people
Campesinos high up in the beautiful Andean valley of Gavidia are working to preserve the native potato and the way of life that goes with it.
The commune is a comprehensive reworking of social relations: A conversation with Chris Gilbert
A new book exploring the theory, practice and history of socialist commune building in Venezuela.
Campesinos as Scientists: PROINPA Combats seed dependency
PROINPA is a grassroots campesino organization promoting food sovereignty, endogenous seed production, and an agroecological transition.
Venezuela, the decolonial alternative: A conversation with Ramón Grosfoguel (Part I)
A distinguished author from the decolonial tradition discusses the relationship between colonialism and imperialism.
Chávez, UNASUR and the end of unipolarity: A conversation with Judith Valencia
The Venezuelan researcher offers her reflections on Chávez’s geopolitics and the reactivation of the Union of South American Nations.
Food for Thought: Pueblo a Pueblo Promotes Grassroots Food Sovereignty (Part IV)
An innovative form of food distribution has been key for schools and communes.