As Chávez said, ‘let’s not change the climate, let’s change the system!’: a conversation with Max Ajl
An anti-imperialist approach to global warming in the context of COP26.
The imprint of an insurrectional past: a conversation with Iraida Vargas and Mario Sanoja
Two eminent anthropologists talk about Venezuela’s history and its relation to the present.
Venezuela’s popular Democracy under siege: A conversation with Elías Jaua
Chavez’s former Vice President and long-time minister talks about the internal dynamics of the Bolivarian process.
Realizing the dream of Communal Cities: A conversation with Jennifer Lemus and José Luis Sifontes
Spokespeople from one of Venezuela’s flagship communes discuss the building of a communal city and the path towards Chávez’s communal state.
Standing by a radical Chávez: A conversation with Rafael Uzcátegui
A key figure from the newly-formed Popular Revolutionary Alternative talks about his expectations for the upcoming parliamentary elections.
Chavismo and the Left: A conversation with Reinaldo Iturriza (Part II)
A Chavista author and former minister talks about the Bolivarian Revolution’s innovations and internal tensions.
The wild and the disaffected: A conversation with Reinaldo Iturriza (Part I)
A Chavista author and former minister talks about the Bolivarian Revolution’s class basis and the risks that apathy poses to the political process.
Alba TV’s new model for communication: A conversation with Pablo Kunich
The coordinator of a media platform that works with social movements talks to VA about the history and challenges of popular communication.
Popular protagonism in Venezuela’s transition to socialism: A conversation with Michael Lebowitz
The Marxist theorist emphasizes that socialism involves people transforming themselves.
The role of intellectuals in the Bolivarian Revolution: A conversation with Luis Britto Garcia
Venezuela’s most acclaimed contemporary writer talks about the Bolivarian Revolution and its dialectical relation with cultural producers.
Grassroots Communication fights back! A conversation with Jessica Pernia
A founding member of Tatuy TV speaks about what it means to be a group of revolutionary journalists in hard times.
Cultural production in Revolutionary Venezuela: A conversation with Kael Abello
A key member of the ‘Comando Creativo’ artists’ collective reflects on how to make relevant art during a revolution.
Chavez, a mirror of the people: a conversation with Edgar Perez
An organizer and intellectual from Caracas’ La Vega barrio talks about the dialectical relationship between Hugo Chavez and the popular movement.
Defending Chavez’s project today
I began to work directly with Comandante Hugo Chavez in May 1996. By that time, Chavez was already exploring the idea of participating in elections.
Solidarity isn’t a slogan, it’s a process: a conversation with Vijay Prashad
In this exclusive interview, a prominent Indian intellectual examines how imperialism operates in our time and proposes specific forms of solidarity with Venezuela.
The worldwide struggle against fascism: a conversation with Nestor Kohan (Part 2)
An important Latin American political theorist argues that right-wing “internationalism” requires a leftist response that also reaches beyond national boundaries.
Venezuela’s missile crisis: a conversation with Juan Contreras
A grassroots leader from the 23 de Enero barrio in Caracas looks at the historical forces operating behind the showdown unfolding right now in the Bolivarian Republic.
Either Washington or Venezuela, savage capitalism or socialism
Luis Britto Garcia is perhaps Venezuela’s most highly regarded public intellectual. A firm supporter of the Bolivarian Process, he has written numerous plays, novels, historical investigations and film scripts and is also an incisive commentator on politics in the region.
Everyday life in besieged Venezuela
A young author presents intimate snapshots of ordinary life as it is lived by millions of Venezuelans during a grueling crisis fueled by deadly U.S. sanctions and coup efforts.
What’s been learned won’t be easily forgotten
A young Venezuelan intellectual argues that the revolutionary potential of Chavismo may be in abeyance, but it could come back to life again.