How to get Venezuela’s economy going again
In this interview with Venezuelanalysis, an independent researcher speaks frankly about the roots of the country’s economic crisis and outlines a series of policies to revert it.
Building ‘Patria’
In this interview with Venezuelanalysis, we talk to a central figure in a voluntary workers’ initiative to jumpstart industrial plants, both state‐owned and worker‐controlled.
Chavez and the twilight of capitalism
A philosopher, fisherman and former member of the Situationist International reflects on the Bolivarian Revolution.
Women and the crisis in Venezuela
A new report on women’s human rights in Venezuela reveals the uneven advances of the Bolivarian Process in this area.
Venezuela’s Constituent Assembly and the rise of fascism
A former guerrilla and active member of the National Constituent Assembly talks with VA about the class struggle in the countryside and the looming menace of the ultra-right in Brazil.
The commune and 21st century socialism: A conversation with Robert Longa of El Panal Commune
In this interview, VA talks with a key cadre of the Alexis Vive Patriotic Force, an organization based in the 23 Enero barrio that has worked to build Venezuela’s most emblematic urban commune.
Report from Havana: Talking With the FARC-EP’s Peace Commission
If there has ever been any question that the FARC-EP (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) is essentially a political organization — one that took up arms guided by a political vision and will abandon them when a new political strategy leads them to do so — that question may be forever laid to rest by […]