MLK and the Black Misleadership Class
Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday is the greatest sheer spectacle of hypocrisy and historical duplicity of the year, as Black misleaders take center stage to claim his mandate and mission on behalf of a corporate party.
Uncle Sam the hit man
Mumia Abu Jamal, the nation’s best known political prisoner, says the U.S. is living up to its reputation as an international assassin with its hit on an Iranian general on Iraqi soil. “America is more hated today than ever,” said Abu Jamal, co-author of the multi-volume book, “Murder, Incorporated.”
The issue-less impeachment: the corporate democrats stand for nothing, so they impeach for nothing
The corporate Democrats are effectively exonerating themselves and their Republican brethren of the full spectrum of lawlessness that is everyday politics in the belly of the racist, imperial beast.
“Booming” economy means more bad jobs and faster race to the bottom
For the past 30 years, no matter which party has been in power, the U.S. economy has produced more and more “bad” jobs–because the Race to the Bottom is ruling class policy.
Public housing as the front line of Green New Deal
The AOC-Sanders initiative seeks to flip the racist script by revaluing public housing and its remaining occupants.
By trying to silence Sanders, the corporate media de-legitimize themselves
Sanders has been made into a non-person, and his proposals routinely distorted, because the corporate media want Americans to meekly submit to the Race to the Bottom.
Phony progressives follow Trump lead on Venezuela
So-called progressives sound just like Donald Trump when they describe Venezuela’s elected government as a “dictatorship,” said Nicholas Evan Ayala, co-editor of Anti-Conquista. “A lot of Democrats pretend to be anti-war, yet fail to see that every intervention they advocate follows a long history of US evil…leading to the deaths of millions of people,” said Ayala.
The Corporate Democrats’ (and Alicia Garza’s) get-Sanders slanders
Once the Bernie Sanders threat has subsided, Elizabeth Warren will be required to further neuter herself to allay the fears of billionaire Democratic donors. Once upon a time not so long ago the U.S. corporate media was a livelier place, where the rich people that owned the presses argued among themselves about the destiny of […]
Is Warren talented enough to betray the people as masterfully as Obama?
Elizabeth Warren is seen as a counter Bernie Sanders, but she will melt (like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris) if she stops raising Democrats’ expectations to bust corporate power.
Blacks don’t blame immigrants for the boss’s crimes
Large proportions of African Americans registered strong opposition to building a wall on the southern border, keeping undocumented people in limbo, and mass deportations.
American exceptionalism = mass murder
U.S. police agencies, including the FBI, are incapable of mounting an effective offensive against their soul mates in the armed white right.
Sanders vs the Endless Austerity Regime
Bernie Sanders must very quickly get serious about building a grassroots movement-type politics on the ground that disrupts the corporate-managed pace, coverage and content of the primary season.
Prosecution falters in poisoning of Flint water
Five years after it was confirmed that the water supply of Flint, Michigan, was a danger to human health, charges have been–at least temporarily–dropped against eight former and present officials who had been facing up to 20 years in prison for a host of felonies. These included charges of voluntary manslaughter in the deaths of 12 people from a 2014 outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease attributed to Flint’s water, which was tainted by pollutants from the Flint River and by lead water pipes.
Regime change through social media
“If you can actually influence how people think, through social media, then you can have a lot more control” of their political behavior, said Valentine.
“Color” revolution USA
The U.S. press has routinely abused, disrespected and lied about Black, brown and yellow peoples and their heads of state, and now subjects its own top political figures to the same treatment.
Mass manufacturers of slander and lies
The U.S. has nothing to offer Africa but guns, drones and an extended half-life for the neocolonial order.
Russiagate implodes, pleasing Trump but leaving the left in the cold
With Mueller’s “no collusion” verdict, Donald Trump can claim to have been vindicated in the Russiagate saga, but there will be no respite for the real left—not to be confused with the phony “resistance” that has run on Kremlin-hate (and Syria hate and Venezuela hate) for the past two years.
The words and deeds of social imperialists
The U.S. left makes celebrities of self-styled “socialists” that have no solidarity with real strugglers against imperialism in the world.
Make MLK’s teachings part of school curriculum
Dr Martin Luther King’s writings and speeches “should be a part of the curriculum of public schools,” said Larry Hamm, chairman of the People’s Organization for Progress, based in Newark, New Jersey.
Ocasio-Cortez, socialism, war and austerity
It’s good that there are now plenty of young people that like the idea of socialism. But if they don’t really know what socialism is, they also don’t know what capitalists will do to resist it.