Asylum, migration and U.S. foreign policy
Immigration rules are often determined by U.S. foreign policy. Citizens of nations under U.S. attack, such as Venezuela, are made eligible for asylum. Haitians suffer under U.S. dictates but are deported and returned to the hell that Washington created.
Decolonizing the mind
The word decolonization should not be treated as trendy slang. It describes an important political and psychological process. Media and state attempts at indoctrination show just how important it is.
Biden’s studen loan scam
The Biden administration announcement of so-called student loan debt relief does little to alleviate the problem it claims to solve.
Nancy Pelosi, White Supremacy, and China
White supremacist arrogance was the order of the day when Nancy Pelosi ignored a red line set by the Chinese government and visited Taiwan. The Speaker of the House showed stereotypical and racist attitudes towards that country and began a chain of events that won’t go well for the U.S.
Glen Ford’s irreplaceable journalism
In the best sense of the word a journalist is someone who brings to the public sphere accurate, well sourced information, and rigorous analysis.
The problem with Juneteenth
Juneteenth was a people’s holiday with deep meaning for the descendants of enslaved people. But the declaration of an official federal holiday has turned it into an opportunity for corporate exploiters and cynical politicians to show pretend concern for Black people. At best Juneteenth provides a history lesson and an opportunity for much needed political education.
Mass shootings, Empire, and racist, copaganda dog whistles
Two mass shootings in quick succession brought out the worst in Americans. The anger and grief were followed by the usual lies and pretense that violence here is somehow mysterious. Political leaders advocate state violence all the time, calling for new victims to be created here and around the world.
Obama and Liberals killed abortion rights
On May 2, 2022, a memo written by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito was leaked to Politico.com. Alito made clear that the court with a 6 to 3 conservative majority intends to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision which made abortion legal in the United States.
Countries struggling against U.S. domination are inevitably turning to China
Greetings everyone. Of course I want to start by thanking Friends of Socialist China for inviting me to participate in this meeting today. When I received the invitation in early February I didn’t know, I don’t think anyone knew, that the world would change irrevocably just a few weeks later.
In praise of “Whataboutism”
The word “whataboutism” is used to silence and insult opponents of U.S. imperialism. It should be embraced as a means of revealing what is too often kept hidden.
Ukraine and U.S. war propaganda
The corporate media always carry water for the state, and they are never more dangerous than when the nation is on a war footing. Right now the United States government is sending weapons to Ukraine.
On the Biden plantation
The idea that Joe Biden would provide harm reduction was created to help the unpopular candidate secure an electoral victory. The reality is a litany of lies and certain defeat for democrats at the polls. There is no harm reduction in a system dedicated to neo-liberalism and austerity.
Democratic Party betrayal, abortion, and the Supreme Court
“ What about the Supreme Court?” Those words are used to thwart any discussion which questions support for the Democratic Party.
China is not colonizing Africa
International media cannot be trusted to give accurate information. Skepticism is especially warranted when China is the topic and allegations of colonizing Africa make headlines.
U.S. threatens regime change in Nicaragua
Nicaragua has been a target of U.S. aggressions since the 1850s. The Biden administration’s attack on the newly elected government is the latest chapter in a long and sordid history. Eyewitness accounts of the electoral process reveal the manipulations and lies concocted by the U.S. and its corporate media partners in this latest regime change effort.
The Obama Presidential Center will displace Black people
The Obama Presidential Center will inevitably displace a working class Black community in Chicago. The center is in keeping with Obama’s history of doing the bidding of the powerful, including accelerating gentrification.
Thousands of police killings are unreported
Police killings of Black people are a feature of American law enforcement and they are deliberately under counted.
“Race Norming” and Health Care Jim Crow
The term “race norming ” ought to be immediately suspected as having a nefarious intent. Anything referred to as norming in a racist society invariably ends with Black people getting the short end of the stick.
Freedom Rider: Standing with the Cuban people
The current Black-centered Cuban protest operation is very well orchestrated and if Black people in this country are not careful, they will end up amplifying the dictates of U.S. imperialism.
Freedom Rider: The terrible origins of July 4th
The British crown and the colonists were both determined to seize lands from native peoples and to continue enslavement.