• Open Letter from López Obrador to Hillary Clinton upon Her Visit to Mexico

    Letter from the legitimate president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to Secrectary of State of the Government of the United States of America, Hillary Clinton on the occasion of her visit to Mexico in March 2009.  Translation by Dan La Botz.  Spanish language original follows. Federal District, Mexico March 25, 2009 Mrs. Hillary Clinton […]

  • G20 Protests

    Berlin, London, and Rome Berlin, Frankfurt, London, Paris Vienna

  • G20 Meltdown in the City

    The system isn’t in crisis, the system is crisis! Manifesto Can we oust the bankers from power? Can we get rid of the corrupt politicians in their pay? Can we guarantee everyone a job, a home, a future? Can we establish government by the people, for the people, of the people? Can we abolish all […]

  • On the Idea of Communism

    On the Idea of Communism, Birkbeck Institute, 13-15 March 2009, £100 / £45 (!) Videos by Big Casino Slavoj Žižek Alain Badiou Jacques Rancière Slavoj Žižek Program bibliobs.nouvelobs.com/files/communism-programme.pdf Alternative Program cinestatic.com/infinitethought/2009/03/alternative-schedule.asp Reports on the “On the Idea of Communism” Conference David Broder, “Report of Conference ‘On the Idea of Communism’” (The Commune, 15 March 2009) […]

  • Protests Mark the Sixth Anniversary of the Iraq War

    From the Bush Wars (more Iraq than Afghanistan) to the Obama Wars (more Afghanistan and Pakistan than Iraq). . . . Scenes from the “March on the Pentagon” RallyVideo by William Hughes Hollywood San Francisco Atlanta St. Paul, Minnesota Madison Tacoma

  • Tipping Points to Future Drowning

    Crack in sea ice recorded along the Antarctic Peninsula on 2 January, 2009 by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center’s MODIS Rapid Response. Photo: NASA. JOHANNESBURG, 10 March 2009 (IRIN) — The UN Environment Programme’s 2009 Year Book lists disturbing evidence from studies in 2008, which show that the earth is losing its ice at a […]

  • Getting to the Bottom of Sea-level Rise

    Sea level rise will displace millions across the world.  Photo: Shamsuddin Ahmed/IRIN. JOHANNESBURG, 10 March 2009 (IRIN) — In the past few months, newspapers across the globe have been flooded with a debate over new studies projecting a higher and faster sea-level rise by the next century, which would sound the death-knell for low-lying countries […]

  • Eighth of March: A United March in Caracas to Commemorate Fighting Women’s Day

    This Sunday, the Eighth of March, Assemble at Plaza O’Leary at 9 AM in Silence, to March toward Plaza Los Museos, the Location of the Cultural Festival We Are Marching to Open New Paths.  Big Marches Work Their Magic Because We Make the Path by Marching, Which Is the Legacy of the Collective Memory of […]

  • Industrializing amidst a Global Financial Crisis: Is It Possible?

    The Center for Economic and Policy Research, Center of Concern and Heinrich Böll Foundation cordially invite you to: Industrializing Amidst a Global Financial Crisis: Is it Possible? with featured speakerHa-Joon Chang, Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge and remarks byRogerio Studart, Alternate Executive Director for Brazil, World BankandMark Weisbrot, Co-Director, Center for Economic and Policy […]

  • Obama’s Iraq

    An evening of films and discussion with speakers from:Big Noise Films – IVAW – UFPJ – The Indypendent Obama’s Iraq is an evening of short films never before seen in America.  Shot on the other side of the blast shields in Iraq’s walled cities, it covers a very different side of the war than is […]

  • Leftists Poised to Win Presidency in El Salvador: New Report Examines Implications

    After 17 years since the end of El Salvador’s civil war, the leftist Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) is poised to accomplish what its guerrilla predecessors never did: take over the national government.  Reliable polls unanimously project that FMLN candidate Mauricio Funes will win the March 15 presidential elections.  What all this means for […]

  • Statement of Binyam Mohamed

    23.02.2009 I hope you will understand that after everything I have been through I am neither physically nor mentally capable of facing the media on the moment of my arrival back to Britain.  Please forgive me if I make a simple statement through my lawyer.  I hope to be able to do better in days […]

  • April Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty, and Social Change

    The Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of New York invites you to join us in April for a 10-day trip to Venezuela examining advances in food sovereignty and other initiatives for social change.  Start off in the capital city of Caracas, then travel to four additional states, including visits to newly formed cooperative farms and rural […]

  • Finland: Students Defend Universities from Capitalism

    Over 1,500 students demonstrated in Helsinki on 19 February 2009 against the proposed reform of higher education.  After the demonstration, the students proceeded to occupy the administration building of the University of Helsinki.  Students in Tampere, Turku, Joensuu, Rovaniemi, and Oulu also organized walkouts. The new Universities Act proposed by the Finnish government, if enacted, […]

  • La masacre de Gaza y el conflicto de Medio Oriente

    TERMINÓ EL RECESO Y EL SABADO 7 DE FEBRERO VUELVE “LEÑA AL FUEGO” CON UN DEBATE “LEÑA AL FUEGO”: Programa semanal que desde hace nueve años y diez meses se viene emitiendo los sábados de 18 a 20 por Radio de la Ciudad, AM 1110, bajo la conducción del periodista HERMAN SCHILLER.  Este programa se […]

  • Free Palestine!  Isolate Apartheid Israel!South African Dock Workers Refuse to Handle Israeli Goods

    COSATU and PSC launch Week of Action for Palestine supported by YCL and other progressive organisations In a historic development for South Africa, South African dock workers have announced their determination not to offload a ship from Israel that is scheduled to dock in Durban on Sunday, 8 February 2009.  This follows the decision by […]

  • Iceland Gets New Government

    The Geir Haarde government of Iceland became the first in the world to fall in the wake of the financial meltdown.  Now, Iceland has a provisional coalition government, headed by the world’s first lesbian prime minister, Johanna Sigurdardottit of the Social Democratic Alliance.  Left-Green Movement Chairman Steingrimur J. Sigfusson is reportedly now appointed Minister of […]

  • Jews and Arabs Refuse to Be Enemies: Hadash Campaigns against Fascism and Racism

    Hadash (the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality – Communist Party of Israel) launched its new election campaign on Monday, January 26, 2009, facing the general elections to be held on February 10.  The campaign’s focus is the fight against fascism and racism. The Arab-Jewish front’s new campaign slogan is “Jews and Arabs Refuse to […]

  • Bolivia: The Yes Vote Triumphs with 61.96% (TVB)

    La Paz, 25 January (ABI) — The new Political Constitution of the State (CPE) was approved this Sunday with 61.96% of the votes in the constitutional referendum, according to the exit poll results broadcast by Televisión Boliviana (TVB), Channel 7. The No vote, on the other hand, obtained 36.52%.  Blank and null votes together constituted […]

  • Iceland: The Fall of the Neoliberal Government

    First, Prime Minister Geir Haarde.  Then, Commerce Minister Bjorgvin Sigurdsson.  Now, Jónas Fr. Jónsson, director of the Financial Supervisory Authority (FME), and the entire FME board.  Ministers and officials are quitting one by one, unable to withstand the wrath of the people of Iceland demanding their immediate resignation.  Haarde’s proposal that new elections be held […]