Archive | Commentary

  • Economic Crisis Hits States and Municipalities

    Crises expose the system’s irrationalities and wasteful resource allocations.  For example, Madoff and his many, smaller imitators reveal the tips of corruption icebergs.  More important, the crisis-induced fiscal emergencies looming in most of the 50 states demonstrate several absurdities in our economic system. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) in Washington, DC monitors […]

  • Devastating Defeat!

    187 with Cuba at the UN Alfredo Martirena Hernández was born in 1965 in Santa Clara, Cuba.  This cartoon was published by Rebelión on 1 November 2009.  Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at] | | Print

  • Trance (Langston Hughes: In Translation)

    (for Hafiz) The stillest fall of all is the fall from grace.  No louder than a feather falling in a forest, and yet we fall.  There are many ways to kill a man.  Gun and knife will work well but to make a man irrelevant will also do, and what better way to ignore an […]

  • Is Capitalism Really on Its Last Legs? Interview with Michael D. Yates and Fred Magdoff

    Mike Whitney: In your new book, The ABCs of the Economic Crisis: What Working People Need to Know, you allude to right-wing think tanks, like the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute, which promote a “free market” ideology.  How successful have these organizations been in shaping public opinion about capitalism?  Do you think that […]

  • Regarding the Further Measures in Afghanistan

      Notes of Anatoly S. Chernyaev Gorbachev: My intuition tells me — something is worrisome.  I am afraid we are losing time!  Everybody is getting used to it.  I guess they say, well, there is a war going on, everything in its turn, such is life.  “The strange war!” — soon they will attach this […]

  • Defense Share of GDP at Its Highest Level since 1993

    GDP grew at a 3.5 percent annual rate in the 3rd quarter, driven by a 22.4 percent jump in car sales, the result of the Cash for Clunkers (C4C) program.  This increase in car sales accounted for 42.0 percent of the growth in the quarter.  Consumption as a whole, which grew at a 3.4 percent […]

  • Personal Income and Outlays: September 2009

    Personal income decreased $0.1 billion, or less than 0.1 percent, and disposable personal income (DPI) decreased $0.2 billion, or less than 0.1 percent, in September, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis.  Personal consumption expenditures (PCE) decreased $47.2 billion, or 0.5 percent.  In August, personal income increased $17.4 billion, or 0.1 percent, DPI increased $14.1 […]

  • Iran: Reform of Energy Subsidies

    At long last and after decades of talking about doing something about the subsidies, there is a bill before Iran’s majlis to target (but not remove) subsidies.  I could not locate the bill itself but my impression is that it only addresses energy subsidies and not other subsidies such as food and medicine.  So far […]

  • Agreement to Restore Zelaya, If Honored, Will Be a Victory for Democracy in the Hemisphere, CEPR Co-Director Says

    Washington, D.C. — News of a deal that would effectively end the coup d’etat in Honduras and restore democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya to office would be a “victory for democracy in the hemisphere” resulting from the continued resistance of the Honduran people and pressure from Latin American governments, Center for Economic and Policy Research […]

  • The FBI Raid and Shooting Death of Imam Luqman

      It is with deep sadness and concern that we announce the shooting death of Imam Luqman A. Abdullah, of Masjid Al-Haqq (Detroit, MI).  Imam Luqman was a representative of the Detroit Muslim community to the “National Ummah” and the general assembly (Shura) of the Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA). The Federal Bureau of […]

  • Ecuador and Bolivia Show That Even Small Developing Countries Can Pursue Independent Economic Policies, Stand Up for Their Rights, and Win

    Among the conventional wisdom that we hear every day in the business press is that developing countries should bend over backwards to create a friendly climate for foreign corporations, follow orthodox (neoliberal) macroeconomic policy advice, and strive to achieve an investment-grade sovereign credit rating so as to attract more foreign capital. Guess which country is […]

  • Government Price Supports Create Mini-Bubble

    The August Case-Shiller 20-City index showed a 1.0 percent rise in house prices for the month.  The index has now risen at a 12.7 percent annual rate over the last three months.  Prices rose in 16 of the 20 cities in the index, with only Charlotte, Cleveland, Las Vegas, and Seattle registering price declines for […]

  • Trumka on Israel

    “And tonight, let me tell you that, so long as I’m president, you will never have a stronger ally than the AFL-CIO.  That’s why we’re proud to stand with the JLC to oppose boycotting Israel.” — Remarks by Richard L. Trumka, President of the AFL-CIO, Jewish Labor Committee 2009 Annual Human Rights Dinner, October 27, […]

  • UN Calls for End to US Embargo on Cuba

    The UN General Assembly on Wednesday voted overwhelmingly to call for an end to the US embargo on Cuba. The vote was cast at the 192-member General Assembly with 187 in favor, three against and two abstentions. This is the 18th year that the General Assembly voted to urge an end to the US embargo. […]

  • The Decolonizing Struggle in France: An Interview with Houria Bouteldja

    “We are the children of an illusion that consisted in believing that the independences of our countries signified the end of colonization.” — Interview with Houria Bouteldja, spokesperson of the decolonial movement in France known as the “Mouvement des Indigènes de la République” (MIR — Movement of the Indigenous of the Republic).1 Why do you […]

  • A War of Terror in Pakistan: Interview with Saadia Toor

    Saadia Toor is an assistant professor at Staten Island College, author of a forthcoming book on Pakistan from Pluto Press, and part of the group Action for a Progressive Pakistan. The Pakistani Army has launched a major offensive against Taliban forces in the province of Waziristan.  What is behind this assault, and what impact will […]

  • Sexuality and the National Struggle: Being Palestinian and Gay in Israel

      Rauda Morcos has every right to hate the press.  On July 2003, the Israeli newspaper Yedeot Ahronot interviewed Morcos about her poetry but also announced to the world that she was a lesbian. Following the public outing, Rauda Morcos’ car windows were smashed, the tires punctured, and she received countless threatening phone calls and […]

  • Queerness as Europeanness: Immigration, Orientialist Visions and Racialized Encounters in Israel/Palestine

    Over the last 15 years more than a million people have immigrated to Israel from the former Soviet Union, welcomed by the Israeli ‘Law of Return’ that grants immediate citizenship and financial support to all Jews and their family members. My last research1focused on the queers among them, looking at the ways sexuality and nationhood intertwine in queer immigrants’ sense of belonging to the country that is officially defined by state policy — and indeed perceived by many immigrants themselves — as their home.

  • Gathering Rage Revisited

      In 1992, I was a thwarted, guilt-ridden and depressed revolutionary, living underground with my lesbian partner and two-year old daughter in St. Louis.  I was part of a tiny group that had gone underground at the beginning of the 1980s, responding to the collapse of the mass movements after the end of the Vietnam […]

  • When the Climate Change Center Cannot Hold

    After the weekend in which and thousands of allies valiantly tried to raise global consciousness about impending catastrophe, we can ask some tough questions about what to do after people depart and the props are packed up.  No matter the laudable big-tent activism, let’s face it: global climate governance is gridlocked and it seems […]