Archive | Commentary

  • About No Sex in the City

      Suad Amiry Presents No Sex in the City, 10 October 2007 Suad Amiry Speaks at the Casa Internazionale delle Donne, Roma. January 2009 Suad Amiry, Public Lecture, UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies, 8 April 2008 Play now: Excerpt from Ines Gramigna and Virginia Fiume, “Portrait of a Lady: Encounter with Suad Amiry” (Alternative […]

  • American Public Still Ahead of Its Leaders on Foreign Policy

    Americans are famous for not paying much attention to the rest of the world, and it is often said that foreign wars are the way that we learn geography.  But most often it is not the people who have little direct experience outside their own country that are the problem, but rather the experts. The […]

  • Fruits in Our Backyard

    Click to enlarge. Hillary, another fruit has already fallen in our “backyard”! Allan McDonald is a Honduran cartoonist.  Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at]

  • The Soldier and the Road

      Nahid Ghobadi has directed five short films (Closed Circle, First Journey, Build Our Homeland, Last Fever, and A Simple Excuse for Happiness).  She was Script Supervisor of Turtles Can Fly, Assistant Director of Marooned in Iraq, and Co-editor of Half Moon.  She is also a published poet.  This film, released in 2008, was written, […]

  • Money

      “Children are dying, spies and spying, Refugees are fleeing, politicians are lying, And deals are done and webs are spun, Laws keep the third world on the run.” Click here to download “Money” in MP3. Benjamin Obadiah Iqbal Zephaniah, born and raised in Birmingham, England, is a poet.  Rejecting the appointment as an officer […]

  • Immigration Past, Immigration Present: Confronting the Internal “Other” in Europe

      Oliver Grant.  Migration and Inequality in Germany.  Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2005.  416 pp.  $190.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-19-927656-1. Leo Lucassen.  The Immigrant Threat: The Integration of Old and New Migrants in Western Europe since 1850.  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2005.  296 pp.  $25.00 (paper), ISBN 978-0-252-07294-9. Elia Morandi.  Italiener in Hamburg: Migration, Arbeit und […]

  • The Reality Behind Economic “Recovery”

    Mid-August, 2009, was a peculiar time in the US economy.   Wall Street, big banks, and the media were mostly celebrating “economic recovery.”  Meanwhile, average Americans were suffering record levels of unemployment, job insecurities, home foreclosures, personal debt anxieties, and the upsets, tensions, and angers that inevitably result.  One economist referred to the US as “one […]

  • The Gay Electronic Intifada of Lebanon

    “Intifada” is Arabic for uprising.  People of the Lebanese gay community and their supporters are working very hard on their own intifada of supporting LGBTIQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersexual, and Queer) people and defeating homophobia.  A lot of this work is being done by Helem and Meem.  I personally work with Helem (“Dream” in […]

  • Decentralized Despotism and Its Discontents

      Lungisile Ntsebeza.  Democracy Compromised: Chiefs and the Politics of the Land in South Africa.  Leiden: Brill, 2005.  300 pp.  $38.00 (paper), ISBN 978-90-04-14482-8. One central question forms the backbone for this local study of governance in a rural district of the Eastern Cape: how is it that the chiefs and headmen, many of whom […]

  • U.S. Continues to Provide Honduran Regime with MCC Aid Money, Despite Having Cut Off Other Countries Following Coups

    The U.S. continues to provide the coup regime in Honduras with tens of millions of dollars in aid money through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), despite having cut off MCC assistance to Mauritania and Madagascar following coups d’etat in those countries, the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) describes in a new issue brief. […]

  • Abd el-Hadi Fights a Superpower

      In his life he neither wrote nor read. In his life he didn’t cut down a single tree, didn’t slit the throat of a single calf. In his life he did not speak of the New York Times behind its back, didn’t raise his voice to a soul except in his saying: “Come in, […]

  • The “Cosmopolitan Century”: European Re-Membering

      Natan Sznaider.  Gedächtnisraum Europa: Die Visionen des europäischen Kosmopolitismus; eine jüdische Perspektive.   Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2008.  153 pp.  EUR 16.90 (paper), ISBN 978-3-89942-692-2. As Europe moves into the twenty-first century, its search for a shared identity continues to occupy academic journals, the feuilleton pages, and Eurocrats eager to underwrite a by-and-large successful administrative […]

  • Stop the Shutdown: UAW NUMMI Toyota Fremont Workers Speak Out

    Hundreds of UAW Local 2244 NUMMI Toyota auto and truck workers and their families on 20 August 2009 protested the possible closure of their plant in Fremont, California.  Over 4,600 plant workers would lose their jobs, and so would 35,000 other workers throughout California, including many parts workers as well as ILWU members and Teamsters.  […]

  • Muslim in America: Identity and Isolation

    An early morning flight to D.C., day-long conference and empty cityscape drained me of energy. Exhausted, I stepped out of my nondescript hotel into the street and felt a heavy air pregnant with moisture.  Heading down the sidewalk to find dinner, I came across the shadow of a man who had the unmistakable gait of […]

  • What Is Cosmopolitanism?

      Chris Rumford, ed. Cosmopolitanism and Europe.  Studies in Social and Political Thought.  Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2007.  272 pp.  $85.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-84631-046-1; $30.00 (paper), ISBN 978-1-84631-047-8. Rebecca L. Walkowitz.  Cosmopolitan Style: Modernism Beyond the Nation.  New York: Columbia University Press, 2006.  248 pp.  $45.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-231-13750-8. These two explorations of cosmopolitanism from quite […]

  • The Responsibility to Protect, the International Criminal Court, and Foreign Policy in Focus: Subverting the UN Charter in the Name of Human Rights

    It was just a matter of time before members of the collapsing left enlisted in the imperial attack on the most fundamental principles of the UN Charter, and added their voices to the growing chorus of support for Western power-projection under the Responsibility to Protect doctrine (R2P) and the International Criminal Court (ICC).  But this […]

  • How to Get Free Land in 5 Easy Steps: A Handy Guide for Imperialists and Other Reasonable Individuals

      1. Eliminate Native People. Choose the most appropriate strategies: disease, criminalization/incarceration, blood quantum, cultural genocide/forced assimilation, forced out-migration, cultivate poverty, just kill them. 2. Replace All Aspects of Native Society with Your Own. Examples: Government & Law, Economy, Religion, Culture. Useful code-words: Progress, Modernization, Development, Inevitable. 3. Invent Legal Instruments That Allow You to […]

  • Coup Protestor Gang-Raped by Honduran Police

    On Friday, Latin America scholars sent an urgent letter to Human Rights Watch, urging HRW to speak out on violations of human rights under the coup regime in Honduras and to conduct its own investigation.  HRW hasn’t made any statement about Honduras since July 8. One of the things Human Rights Watch should be investigating […]

  • Queers Respond to Tel-Aviv Homophobic Violence, Call for BDS against Israel

    If your own suffering does not serve to unite you with the suffering of others, if your own imprisonment does not join you with others in prison, if you in your smallness remain alone, then your pain will have been for naught. On the evening of August 1st in Tel Aviv, someone entered a youth […]

  • My Home of the Last Seven Millennia

      “As we joke about this accident, I feel refreshed to be back in Tehran.  Things are always going wrong here, but, at the same time, there is a network of people ready to volunteer to help.” — Sabereh Kashi Sabereh Kashi started her career as a journalist and film critic in Iran.  She made […]