Archive | Commentary

  • Responsibility to Protect?

    On July 23, a debate concerning the Responsibility to Protect took place in front of the General Assembly of the United Nations.  The responsibility to protect (R2P) is a notion agreed to by world leaders in 2005 that holds States responsible for shielding their own populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and related crimes […]

  • Reply to the Campaign for Peace and Democracy

    The Campaign for Peace and Democracy1 has chosen to interpret our “Riding the ‘Green Wave’” article2 as a “vitriolic and dishonest attack” on its authors, and an “offensive impugning of [their] integrity.”  In fact, it is nothing of the sort.  Instead, it is concerned with issues of central importance to the left in the United […]

  • The World Left and the Iranian Elections

    The recent elections in Iran, and the subsequent challenges to their legitimacy, have been a matter of enormous internal conflict in Iran, and of seemingly endless debate in the rest of the world — a debate that threatens to linger for some time yet.  One of its most fascinating consequences has been the deep divisions […]

  • “Come Over and Help Us”: A History of R2P

    Address to the United Nations General Assembly Thematic Dialogue on the Responsibility to Protect, the United Nations, New York,  23 July 2009 The discussions about Responsibility to Protect (R2P), or its cousin “humanitarian intervention,” are regularly disturbed by the rattling of a skeleton in the closet: history, to the present moment. Throughout history, there have […]

  • South Africa: A Nation in Protest, a Moment of Hope

    July 31, 2009 It is Friday afternoon, and I am in the Johannesburg Oliver Tambo Airport preparing for my journey back to New York where I will arrive Saturday morning.  I left South Africa and Swaziland at the beginning of July, only to return two weeks later to put together the project that I am […]

  • Truth and Reconciliation for Iran

    We are a group of university educators and antiwar activists with diverse political views who are based in Europe and North America.  During the past few years we have been active in defending Iran’s national rights — particularly those relating to the peaceful use of nuclear energy — against the pervasive deception created by western […]

  • Is Israel Guilty of Piracy?

    On June 30th, the Israeli Navy hijacked our small boat, the Spirit of Humanity, 19 miles off the coast of Gaza.  They kidnapped 21 crewmembers and passengers, including a former US congresswoman and a Nobel laureate.  Then, they forced them into a port in Israel.  Was this an act of piracy?  And did Israel break […]

  • U.S.-Brokered Mediation Has Failed — It’s Time for Latin America to Take Charge

    The mediation effort that U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arranged to try to resolve the Honduran crisis, which began when a military coup removed Honduran President Mel Zelaya more than four weeks ago, has failed.  It is now time — some would say overdue — for the Latin American governments to play their proper […]

  • Iran’s “Leftist” Don Quixotes

      In the 1970s, when Iran’s Fedayeen and Mojahedin1 groups were engaged in an urban guerrilla struggle against the former Shah’s dictatorial regime, a faction of the Iranian Student Association (ISA) in the United States called Ehyaa2 had managed to convince some in the US Left, in particular America’s Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), that a […]

  • In Memory of Neda Agha Soltan

    On the fortieth day after the killing of Neda Agha Soltan. . . . Behesht-e Zahra Cemetery, Tehran Abbas Abad Street, Tehran Vali Asr Street, Tehran Shahr Park, Rasht

  • Education and Its Cold War Discontents

      Andrew Hartman.  Education and the Cold War: The Battle for the American School.  New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.  x + 251 pp.  $74.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-230-60010-2. Although world affairs are inherently distant from the local activity of running a school, international events can often heighten a sense of threat from abroad and a related […]

  • Honduras Coup Resistance Speaking Tour in U.S.A.

      One month after the interruption of constitutional order in Honduras through a military coup d’etat and in the wake of widespread reports of human rights violations harkening back to events of the 1980s, the National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities (NALACC) is bringing a delegation of civil society representatives from that country […]

  • Mapping a Legal Geography of Yugoslavia’s Disintegration

      Ana S. Trbovich.   A Legal Geography of Yugoslavia’s Disintegration.   Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.  xiv + 522 pp.  $80.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-19-533343-5. Ana S. Trbovich’s A Legal Geography of Yugoslavia’s Disintegration is a valuable intervention in the long running and, at times, torturous debate over the collapse of the former Yugoslavia.  The […]

  • ¡En Honduras No Pasarán!

      En Clave Roja / No Pasarán Pan y Rosas Brought online by TV PTS (Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas) of Argentina on 27 July 2009, for the march today against the coup in Honduras.  En Clave Roja, <>; No Pasarán <>; and Pan y Rosas <>.

  • Iraqi Government Moves against Iranian Mojahedin

      Play now: Patrick Cockburn: I think the government would have liked to have done it earlier, but the Mojahedin-e Khalq, these dissidents, were protected by the Americans in Iraq really since 2003 because the Americans, one way or another, saw them as an ally against the Iranian government. Marco Chown Oved: And does this […]

  • Venezuela: Class Struggle Heats Up over Battle for Workers’ Control

    On July 22, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez again declared his complete support for the proposal by industrial workers for a new model of production based on workers’ control. This push from Chavez, part of the socialist revolution, aims at transforming Venezuela’s basic industry.  However, it faces resistance from within the state bureaucracy and the revolutionary […]

  • Independence Is a Hard-earned Reality in Iran

    Iranians are writing their history.  The pen of the revolutionaries of the 1970s has been supplemented by the keyboard of a new generation.  Ayatollah Khomeini’s supporters perfected clandestine pamphleteering and the distribution of audio cassettes to subvert the regime of the shah; today’s activists use Facebook and Twitter to get their message across.  This is […]

  • Dissecting Utopia: New Book Assesses Latin American Left

    Patrick Barrett, Daniel Chavez, and Cesar Rodriguez-Garavito, eds., The New Latin American Left: Utopia Reborn, Pluto Press (2008), 320 pages. The conflict in Honduras has been an ongoing challenge for governments across the political spectrum in Latin America.  In the years leading up to this tense and decisive event a number of leaders and social […]

  • Iran’s Quiet Revolution: Mohammad Javad Jahangir’s The Invisible Crowd

    According to Ervand Abrahamian, a scholar of Iran’s contemporary history, George Rudé’s observation that “perhaps no historical phenomenon has been so thoroughly neglected by historians as the crowd” is particularly true about the Middle East.1  While European journalists have invariably portrayed oriental crowds as “xenophobic mobs” hurling insults and bricks at Western embassies, local conservatives […]

  • How Many Leftists Are “United for Iran”?

    So, how many leftists are United for Iran?  “8,000 people at the event in Paris, 4,000 in Stockholm, 3,000 in Amsterdam, more than 2,500 in Washington DC, 2,500 in New York, 2,000 in London. . . ,” says, the sponsor of the global day of action on 25 July 2009.  The low numbers1 (in […]