Archive | Commentary

  • Obama’s Doublespeak on Iran

    On the US-Iran relationship, President Obama seems to be talking from both sides of his mouth.  From one side we hear promising messages of dialogue and a “new beginning” with Iran; from the other side provocative words that seems to be coming right out of the mouth of his predecessor, George W. Bush. For example, […]

  • Send a Book to Gaza

    Dear Friend, In partnership with Al-Aqsa University in Gaza, the Free Gaza Movement (FG) is launching its “Right to Read” campaign which will use the FG boats to deliver textbooks and other educational supplies to universities throughout the occupied Gaza Strip. This is not a charitable endeavor.  Rather it is an act of solidarity and […]

  • Asia: Land Grabs Threaten Food Security

    See, also, Food Crisis and the Global Land Grab at , a new Web site set up by Grain. PHNOM PENH, 10 June 2009 (IRIN) — Sam Pov, a rice farmer in Cambodia’s western Battambang Province, is very worried that his land will be taken over by a foreign investor. “I’ve heard the rumours about […]

  • Why Unions Still Matter

    Play now: Sasha Lilley: Over the past four decades, the number of workers in unions has declined steeply, so that today only 12.4% of American workers are represented by unions.  Yet there are great hopes that that trend may be reversed, and at least in some parts of the country, union membership has increased slightly […]

  • Statement by a Group of Iranian Anti-war Activists about Iran’s Presidential Elections

    Monday 8 June 2009 We are a group of Iranian academic and antiwar activists in Europe and the United States who, in the past few years, have consistently defended Iran’s national interests in all areas including its right to develop peaceful nuclear technology.  Our varied activities in the face of anti-Iran propaganda by the neoconservatives […]

  • Iran: Artists Campaign for Mousavi

    Green Stars (including Manijeh Hekmat, Masoud Kimiaei, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Dariush Mehrjui, Fatemeh Motamed-Aria, Kiumars Pourahmad) Mousavi Campaign Film, Directed by Dariush Mehrjui Mohsen Namjoo, “Hamrah Sho Aziz” Mohsen Makhmalbaf in Support of Mir-Hossein Mousavi Zahra Rahnavard (Wife of Mousavi), a Woman of Art and Ideas See, also, Shiva Balaghi, “An Artist as President of the […]

  • His Name Is Ezra Nawi

      Every so often someone comes along who is so brave and so inspiring that you just can’t sit by and remain silent when you learn they need your help. We’re writing to you today about one of these rare people. His name is Ezra Nawi. You’ve probably never heard of him, but because you […]

  • Peru’s Amazon Indigenous Peoples Need You to TAKE ACTION Now!

    60 Die in Peru Rainforest Protest Send a Message to the President of Peru June 5, 2009 URGENT ACTION ALERT Peru’s Amazon Indigenous Peoples need you to TAKE ACTION now! Tell the Peruvian Government: Immediately suspend violent repression of indigenous protests and the State of Emergency Repeal the Free Trade Laws that allow oil, logging, […]

  • Solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples of the Peruvian Amazon!

    Washington DC, 8 June 2009 Washington DC, 8 June 2009 Washington DC, 8 June 2009 Washington DC, 8 June 2009 Washington, DC, 5 June 2009 Washington, DC, 5 June 2009 Lima, 5 June 2009 Lima, 27 May 2009 Los Angeles, 26 May 2009 Los Angeles, 26 May 2009 United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, […]

  • July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty, and Social Change

    A food sovereignty delegation from the Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of New York visits La Vela de Coro, Falcón, Venezuela.  Video by Diego Gerena-Quiñones. The Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of New York invites you to join us in July for a 10-day trip to Venezuela examining advances in food sovereignty and other initiatives for social […]

  • Brazil: Revisited

    “A modern city, warts and all.” — Dennis Brutus Dawnlight seeps slowly into Sao Paulo skies as if reluctant to rediscover old betrayals or disclose new ones in Lula’s disappointed lands (IMF/World Bank scoundrels have tenacious as well as rapacious ravening claws) but trees silhouetted against pale skies against malodorous ditches assert irrepressible growth, undeterrable […]

  • Ideas for the Struggle #3 To Be at the Service of Popular Movements, Not to Displace Them

    This is the third in a series of articles on “Ideas for the Struggle” by Marta Harnecker. 1.  We have said before that politics is the art of constructing a social and political force capable of changing the balance of forces in order to make possible tomorrow what appears impossible today.  But, to be able […]

  • Feeling the Hate in Jerusalem

      This video was brought online on 4 June 2009, to conincide with Barack Obama’s speech in Cairo on the same day.  According to Max Blumenthal, the video was censored by the Huffington Post: “Censored by the Huffington Post and Imprisoned by the Past: Why I Made ‘Feeling the Hate in Jerusalem’” (Mondoweiss, 6 June […]

  • Joe Higgins, “the Best Fighter Money Can’t Buy,” Elected as MEP

    Joe Higgins of the Socialist Party, receiving 82,366 votes (of which 50,510 were first preference votes), was elected to the Dublin Constituency for the European Parliament. Listen to Higgins’ speech to the media after his victory. “This is a roar of opposition by ordinary people in Dublin to the savage policies of the Fianna Fáil-Green […]

  • Victory!  Veolia Abandons Jerusalem Light Rail Project under Political Pressure

    VICTORY! In the first smashing and convincing victory of the global BDS movement in the field of corporate responsibility and ethical compliance, Veolia is reportedly abandoning the Jerusalem Light Rail project, an illegal project that aims at connecting Israeli colonies built on occupied Palestinian territory to the city of Jerusalem. As the Haaretz article below* […]

  • Israel: Manof’s Local “Loyalty Oath,” Designed to Bar Arabs

    A community in northern Israel has changed its bylaws to demand that new residents pledge support for “Zionism, Jewish heritage and settlement of the land” in a thinly veiled attempt to block Arab applicants from gaining admission. Critics are calling the bylaw, adopted by Manof, home to 170 Jewish families in Galilee, a local “loyalty […]

  • People’s Summit

    Four Days of Active Resistance, Political Discussion, and Strategizing for a “People’s Stimulus Plans” and an “Economic Bill of Rights” for Working People and the Poor For more information, go to or . Phone: 313.671.3715 or 887.4344.  Email:>.

  • Towards a Great German Oil Empire

      Dietrich Eichholtz.  Krieg um Öl: Ein Erdölimperium als deutsches Kriegsziel 1938-1943.  Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2006.  141 pp.  ISBN 978-3-86583-119-4; EUR 19.90 (paper), ISBN 978-3-86583-119-4. Dietrich Eichholtz does not mince words.  From the first page of this powerfully argued book, his underlying argument is clear: “The imperialist interest in oil played a role in the […]

  • Yes, We Can!

    Mohamed Gaber is a graphic designer and photographer in Cairo, Egypt.  Check out his blog Egyptian Leftist at .

  • The Atrocity Exhibition

    Some Brief Notes on Congolese History Since its inception the Congo has been raped.  Its origins as a state are unique within African history, initiated, as it was, not as a colony but as the personal property of King Leopold II of Belgium; an obscene figure whose 23-year reign was cloaked in the empty rhetoric […]