Cultural Identity in the Islamic World
A colleague of mine who now works as an editor at a large German daily newspaper told me about an experience he had while enroling in Jewish Studies. Since the main currents of Judaism and Islam both flow through the same cultural space with a strong Arab influence, he thought it would be wise to […]
Green Hands
Behrooz Gharibpour, born in Sanandaj in 1950, is a Kurdish-Iranian playwright and director. The tombak player in the film is Mohammad Reza Mortazavi. “Green Hands” was made in 2003.
Mohawks Protest against Arming Canadian Border Guards
“Hundreds of Mohawks marched across the Seaway International Bridge into Canada from the U. S. on Saturday [9 May 2009] to protest a plan to arm border guards.” Akwesasne Mohawk Leaders Issue Joint Statement Against Arming Canada Customs Offices Onerahtokha / April 30, 2009 AKWESASNE — The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, St. Regis Mohawk Tribal […]
Interview with Nancy Fraser: Justice as Redistribution, Recognition and Representation
Nancy Fraser‘s analysis of the obstacles to social and political justice represents an advance at a theoretical level for those who face the dilemmas of social practice. In this sense, her work reinforces the importance of the role of the intellectual, not only when it comes to dealing with moments of crisis, but also with […]
Interview with Judith Butler: “Gender Is Extramoral”
Essayist, thinker and professor in the Department of Rhetoric at the University of California, Berkeley, Butler is best known for her studies of gender and sexuality, in which she examines the question of what it means to remake, to resignify, the restrictive normative concepts of sexual life and gender. Is it possible to establish any […]
When Will It Be Enough, Mr. President?
President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20500 May 12, 2009 Dear President Obama, We write to you again, this time to say we are saddened to see that you now clearly believe in the tired, inhumane and unworkable assumption that violence will somehow work; that might makes right. But […]
The Citizenship and Entry in Israel Law
The Citizenship and Entry in Israel Law (Temporary Order), enacted in 2003, is a racist law that bans family unification between Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as any citizen from the following states defined by Israel as “enemy” states: Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. Adalah […]
Forbidden Land
“Forbidden Land” is a short documentary produced by Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel that highlights the confiscation of Palestinian Arab-owned land by Israel. Thousands of Palestinian citizens of Israel lost their land in the 1950s and 1960s after the government seized it, claiming that the land was needed […]
“Israel’s Internal Matter”: The Palestinian Prisoners of Zion
A year has passed since we last marked Prisoners’ Day. Throughout this period, we have witnessed the most intensive media coverage with regard to Palestinian prisoners. Speculation about an impending deal to swap a large number of prisoners for the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit (captured in Gaza in 2006) stirred waves of rumors, including […]
Is Civil Peace in Nepal Endangered?
Analytical Monthly Review, published in Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, is a sister edition of Monthly Review. Its May 2009 issue features the following editorial. — Ed. Today, in May 2009, few familiar with recent events in Nepal would dispute that there is a serious threat to the civil peace, whose origin dates from the […]
The Unrecognized
“The Unrecognized” is a short documentary that highlights the plight of Palestinian Arab Bedouin citizens of Israel living in the Naqab (Negev) desert in the south of the country, many of whom were forced off their lands following the establishment of the state in 1948. The human rights of these citizens of Israel have been […]
Stealth Move in Washington Aims to Get $100 Billion for IMF without Congressional Debate
“You don’t have to do this.” Those are the near-last words of several victims in the Coen brothers’ classic, No Country for Old Men, as they try to convince the movie’s unrelenting assassin that he should spare them. The assassin, played by Javier Bardem, finds this annoying, because in his mind these murders are pre-determined. […]
Pakistan at the Precipice
To watch my country of birth unravel has been a curious thing. As the Taliban continues to sweep across vast swaths of northern Pakistan, American pundits and officials ask incredulously, “How can their government let this happen? How can their people let this happen?” The United States looks on anxiously like a jolted passerby watching […]
The Union Premium
Countless academics have sought to measure the tangible benefits of being a union member. The difference between union and non-union wages, often referred to as the “union premium,” can be calculated in many different ways. It’s a profoundly complex field. . . . Here’s a classic example of the poop one has to wade […]
Indonesia: Tough Times for Returning Labor Migrants
JAKARTA, 14 May 2009 (IRIN) — For Risti Ariyani, the dream of working abroad and helping her family is over. Her contract with a computer components factory in Malaysia was abruptly cancelled because of the global financial crisis, leaving her no choice but to return home to Central Jaffa Province. “My family was counting on […]
Pope’s Political “Pilgrimage” to Israel
Pope Benedict XVI upset the schedule on his first day in Israel by leaving an interfaith meeting in Jerusalem early on Monday night after a leading Muslim cleric called on him to condemn the “slaughter” of women and children in the recent assault on Gaza. The pontiff walked out, a spokesman noted, because Sheikh Tayseer […]
Climate Change Biggest Threat to Health, New Study
JOHANNESBURG, 14 May 2009 (IRIN) — Climate change will be the biggest global health threat in the 21st century, but little is known about its possible effects on developing countries, where the impact will be felt most, says a new report. “Information that is reliable, accurate, and disseminated is fundamental for effective adaptation and to […]
US Pakistan Policy Is Floundering
Paul Jay: So, we left off the first segment of the interview with you suggesting that there really doesn’t seem to be any kind of sensible strategy of the US in Pakistan and Afghanistan. What would the sensible strategy be right now? Obama seems to have . . . it’s very strange, they assessed the […]
The Difference between Bush and Obama
Click here to download a high-resolution image. Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist.
Peru: Indigenous People Declare the Real State of Emergency
On May 9, 2009, the Peruvian government declared a state of emergency in the regions of Loreta, Amazonas, Cusco, and Ucalyali — where thousands of indigenous people have mobilized against several new laws that threaten to strip away their indigenous land rights. In effect, the state of emergency (SoE) is a “declaration of war” against […]