Archive | Commentary

  • Stanford Anti-War Alumni, Students Call for Condi War Crimes Probe

    During the Vietnam War, Stanford students succeeded in banning secret military research from campus.  Last weekend, 150 activist alumni and present Stanford students targeted Condoleezza Rice for authorizing torture and misleading Americans into the illegal Iraq War. Veterans of the Stanford anti-Vietnam War movement had gathered for a 40th anniversary reunion during the weekend.  The […]

  • Antonio Giustozzi, Researcher, London School of Economics and Political Science: “The New Afghan Taliban Are Waging a Real Guerrilla War”

    Antonio Giustozzi, a researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science, is one of the internationally recognized specialists on the Taliban.  Author of Koran, Kalashnikov, and Laptop: The Neo-Taliban Insurgency in Afghanistan (Columbia University Press, 2008) among other books, this academic divides his time between London and Afghanistan.  Talking to Le Monde in […]

  • Doctors, Single Payer Activists Arrested, Make History at Senate Finance Roundtable

      5 May 2009 — It has finally happened right here in the United States.  Citizens who believe healthcare is a human right have been arrested and are being processed like criminals through the Southeast District of Columbia police station.  Their crime? Asking for single payer healthcare reform — publicly funded, privately delivered healthcare — […]

  • How Ideological Enemies Collaborated to Achieve Divergent Goals

    Francis R. Nicosia.  Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany.  Cambridge University Press, 2008.  xiv + 324 pp.  $85.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-521-88392-4. In his latest book, Francis R. Nicosia returns to and explores in greater detail one of the major topics of his important earlier book, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question (1985): the complex […]

  • AIPAC, Interrupted

    William Hughes Interviews Medea Benjamin, Malachy Kilbride, Louis Wolf, Brian Hennessy, Eric Anderson, Rev. Philip Wheaton, Athena Viscusi CodePink Protester Desiree Fairooz Stands Up for Gaza as Shimon Peres Speaks at Annual AIPAC Conference Both videos were brought online on 4 May 2009.

  • Paraguay: Protests and Rubber Bullets Greet Return of Dictatorship Criminal

    Workers and activists gathered in the central plaza of Asunción, Paraguay on May 1st to commemorate International Workers Day.  Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo marked the day by raising the minimum wage by 5%, half of what many of the unions present were demanding.  But another piece of news set the tone for this annual gathering: […]

  • Los Expatriados

    We would like to announce the creation of a new discussion blog Los Expatriados where we present and analyze issues relevant to the discussions surrounding the present colonial situation of Puerto Rico.  Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega noted the absence of Cuba and Puerto Rico that tarnishes the name of the Summit of the Americas.  He […]

  • Protecting Privacy?

    Arístides Esteban Hernández Guerrero, born in Havana in 1963, is a painter, illustrator, and cartoonist, nicknamed Ares.  This cartoon won the First Prize at the 2009 International Editorial Cartoon Competition, whose theme was “Protecting Privacy?”

  • Pakistan: Who’s to Blame?

    Speaking at the National Assembly, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani said that the military could stop the Taliban and that the country’s nuclear weapons were safe. “Does this parliament not have moral courage to stop them?” he asked. Pakistan is on a precipice.  The Swat Valley, once called the Switzerland of Pakistan for […]

  • Absent Spaces (Faragh Mafqud)

      Laila Hotait Salas is a Spanish-Lebanese filmmaker.  She holds a bachelor’s degree in Arabic Studies from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and is currently a San Francisco State University MFA Cinema candidate.  With Nadia Hotait, she has co-directed two documentary films: Beirut . . . Coming Back to You Is Not Painful (2004); and […]

  • Besancenot Marches with LKP in Guadeloupe

    POINTE-A-PITRE, 1 May 2009 (AFP) — The leader of the New Anti-Capitalist Party Olivier Besancenot marched on Friday in Guadeloupe, joining the procession organized by 13 trade unions of the LKP, which started the recent general strike in the island.  Besancenot characterized his presence as “hats off” to the movement. Several thousands of people (30,000 […]

  • On Islam and Gender Justice

    Zainah Anwar, ed., Wanted — Equality and Justice in the Muslim Family, Kuala Lumpur: Musawah/Sisters in Islam (, 2009, pp. 261, ISBN: 978-983-2622-26-0, 28 Malaysian Ringgit. Muslim family laws have for long been — and continue to be — a hugely controversial subject.  Critics contend that these laws seriously militate against basic human rights, especially […]

  • The Free Union — How Did We Build It?

      Kamal abu Eita. Photo by Hossam el-Hamalawy. The first time I participated in a discussion about independent unions, and about the idea of pluralism, was at a conference organized by the Al-Tagammu party — back in the days when Al-Tagammu was really “united” — when one of the veteran unionists, Atiyah Al-Sirafi, explained the […]

  • Lamar Outdoor Advertising Bows to Pro-Israel Pressure: Removes Billboards and Stifles Freedom of Speech

    ALBUQUERQUE, NM — An Albuquerque-based billboard company pulled ten billboards on April 28, 2009 that had featured a political message. The contract between a local grassroots group, the Coalition to Stop $30 Billion to Israel, and Lamar Outdoor Advertising was supposed to be for eight weeks; the billboards were taken down after only three weeks. […]

  • May Day Protests Cancelled by Swine Flu (H1N1) As Mexican Workers Face Yet Another Crisis

    In Mexico, May Day, the international labor holiday, has been cancelled for the first time in the country’s history. All of the major federations — the government-backed, conservative, and often corrupt “official” unions of the Congress of Labor (CT) as well as the independent National Union of Workers (UNT) and Mexican Union Front (FSM) — […]

  • Energy (and Empire) in World History

    Introduction Vaclav Smil’s Energy in World History (1994) provides an overview of global changes in human energy use from before the Neolithic Revolution to modern times.  In various places in the book, Smil discusses the relationship between energy use and the rise of centers of economic and political power in world history.  In explaining what […]

  • Together without God

    Ronald Aronson, Living without God: New Directions for Atheists, Agnostics, Secularists, and the Undecided, Counterpoint Press, 2008. Something unprecedented happened in American publishing in the last four years.  Books explicitly advocating atheism became bestsellers.  It happened despite (or because of) the theocratic drift in our politics.  In 2005, Wayne State University professor Ronald Aronson called […]


    The religious struggle in Berlin which ended Sunday with joy for some and great disappointment for others was primarily a political battle, even though it dealt with schools and religious lessons.  Many Berliners never did understand the complicated issue.  For an outsider to even try, a few German peculiarities need explaining. First of all, church […]

  • Re-visiting Race and Class in “The Age of Obama”

      Remarks delivered at the Thomas Foley Institute, Washington State University,, Pullman, Washington, April 18, 2009 Recently appointed Attorney General Eric Holder, whose parents hail from the Barbados, aroused instant ire when he remarked last February 18 that the U.S. remains a “nation of cowards” for not talking enough about things racial.  But is this […]

  • DHS Issues “New” Worksite Enforcement Guidelines That Are Simply More of the Same

    The National Immigration Law Center (NILC) is disappointed at the so-called new directive on worksite enforcement issued by Sec. Napolitano today and announced by a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) press release.  The directive itself has not been made public. The press release announces a new emphasis on criminal prosecutions of employers and expanding coverage […]