‘We’ve never been closer to nuclear catastrophe’: Activist Helen Caldicott
Australian anti-war and environmental activist Dr. Helen Caldicott warns that policymakers who understate the danger of nuclear weapons don’t have the public’s best interest at heart.
The Requirements of the European Left: A Conversation with Peter Mertens, General Secretary of the Workers Party of Belgium
Vijay Prashad in conversation with Peter Mertens, General Secretary of the Workers Party of Belgium.
The question of the civilizational state: an interview at Guancha with Vijay Prashad
Following the interviews with Zhang Weiwei, director of the China Institute at Fudan University, and Martin Jacques, former senior fellow of the Department of Politics and International Studies at Cambridge University, Guancha.cn (观察者网) invited Vijay Prashad, executive director of the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, to continue the discussion on the “civilizational state”.
‘The Cry Is “Lumumba Lives”—His Ideas, His Principles’
‘The Cry Is “Lumumba Lives”—His Ideas, His Principles’
The ‘old-yet-new’: Past and present intermingle at the Hugo Chávez and Alí Primera communes
Communards from two rural communes in Yaracuy tell their story of a common struggle for the land.
‘Every issue is a disability issue’
CounterSpin interview with Rebecca Vallas on disability economics.
‘A crucial part of colonization is taking our children’
CounterSpin interview with Jen Deerinwater on Indian Child Welfare Act.
Aminata Dramane Traoré: “They want to lead us into war”
An interview with Aminata Dramane Traoré on the chaos caused by Western states in the Sahel and the interests of the international oligarchy.
Our kind of Marxist: an interview with Staughton Lynd
In my opinion, American capitalism no longer has any use for, let’s say, 40 percent of the population. These are the descendants of folks who were brought over here in one way or another during the period of capital accumulation. They’re now superfluous human beings.
Sander Claessens: ‘We defend a socialist society where people and the planet come first’
The president of the Comac student movement in Belgium spoke to Peoples Dispatch about organizing students and youth to fight against oppression and injustice
From Mexico, Cuban doctors speak out!
Tlaxcala is one of the 31 states of Mexico, the smallest. Its capital is Tlaxcala de Xicohténcatl and has a population of 1 million 342, 977 inhabitants, according to 2020 data. At an altitude of more than 2,000 meters above sea level, it was an area populated by cultures such as the Olmec-Xicallanca to the south and the Otomi to the north.
Engels and the second foundation of Marxism
John Bellamy Foster, Editor of Monthly Review (New York, USA) gives our annual Engels Memorial Lecture, joint with the Working Class Movement Library.
Thomas Sankara: “We didn’t import our revolution”
This is the first English translation of this interview and the opening installment in a Liberation School series of previously untranslated work by Thomas Sankara. This translation series is the result of a collaboration with ThomasSankara.net, an online platform dedicated to archiving work on and by the great African revolutionary.
Self-determination, referenda and the rights of minorities
In the wake of the controversies and heated debate generated in the wake of the referenda held last September in the regions of the Donbass, it became necessary to get some clarity on the legal issues surrounding this event.
Greta Thunberg: ‘Wake up and treat the climate emergency as an emergency’
Climate activist Greta Thunberg was interviewed by ABC’s 7.30 presenter Sarah Ferguson on November 3. Below is a transcript of the interview.
Offloading climate responsibility on the victims of climate change
Nnimmo Bassey (NB): Simple solutions are avoided in today’s world because they don’t support capital.
“We’re all in prison, as long as Julian’s in prison”: exclusive interview with Stella Assange
On Friday, October 7th, with some of the fellow promoters of the 24 hours for Assange, we attended the Wired Next Fest 2022, hosted for the occasion by the Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan.
“If Europe is incapable of working for peace, it will vanish from history!”
Georges Martin: Switzerland has always considered that there are two elements to its neutrality: the “right of neutrality” in case of war, as stipulated in the Hague Convention of 1907, and the “policy of neutrality”.
Insurgency and counterinsurgency: an interview with Dylan Rodriguez
Roberto Sirvent and Dylan Rodriguez discuss the challenges of sustaining radical liberation movements.
Abortion: A pillar of a broad pro-democracy and human rights coalition
Mabel Bellucci was integrally involved in the Argentinian abortion movement from the 1980s until the early 2000s—an era of struggle that set the stage for the recent liberalization of the country’s abortion law.