‘Moderna is trying to turn this people’s vaccine into a rich people’s vaccine’
CounterSpin interview with Peter Maybarduk on NIH/Moderna patent
Return of the Dialectics of Nature: Marxian Ecology and the Struggle for Freedom as Necessity —A Discussion of the Deutscher Prize 2020
This session is a discussion of the Deutscher Prize Winning Book 2020 ‘The Return of the Dialectics of Nature: Marxian Ecology and the Struggle for Freedom as Necessity’ – John Bellamy Foster
“Dealin with the Devil”: musicians confront Joe Manchin at Kennedy Center concert
Senator Joe Manchin has emerged in recent weeks as the leading opponent of vital social programs to provide relief to working people in the areas of education, healthcare, the environment and much more.
‘Every turn in this case has been another brick wall, and behind it is Chevron’
CounterSpin interview with Paul Paz y Miño on Chevron vs. Steven Donziger.
As Chávez said, ‘let’s not change the climate, let’s change the system!’: a conversation with Max Ajl
An anti-imperialist approach to global warming in the context of COP26.
A Discussion with John Bellamy Foster – Presenting the 2021 transform! yearbook
A discussion with John Bellamy Foster, one of the world’s leading figures in Marxian ecological theory.
The imprint of an insurrectional past: a conversation with Iraida Vargas and Mario Sanoja
Two eminent anthropologists talk about Venezuela’s history and its relation to the present.
China’s Fortune Cookie Crumbles: Michael Hudson and Renegade Inc.
Welcome to Renegade Inc. With China’s increasing wealth, Western investors want some of the action. One of those investors is a bullish gentleman called George Soros.
‘Brazilians are hungry because they have no income, not because of a lack of production’: João Pedro Stedile
For Stedile, large sections of the bourgeoisie have already manifested their deep dissatisfaction with the Bolsonaro government but have not reached a consensus about an alternative.
Where are the threads dropped with the criminal investigation of the Sackler family?’
CounterSpin interview with Rick Claypool on OxyContin immunity.
‘The invasion of Afghanistan was a fraud’: an interview with John Pilger
The Taliban were a convenient target to satisfy a political lust for revenge for 9/11.
101 years of communist struggle in Turkey
On the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Turkey, Peoples Dispatch spoke to Ekin Sönmez, a member of the party’s Central Committee, about how the party is confronting the urgent challenges facing Turkey’s working class and is deepening the struggle for socialism.
The IMF’s announcement of $650 billion in Special Drawing Rights: advertising effect
The 190 countries that are members of the IMF are entitled to allowances in strong currencies which they do not have to pay back. This device is called Special Drawing Rights. To this we must add loans that the IMF can grant to a country calling for help. Loans must be repaid with interest and are tied to conditions that reinforce neoliberal policies.
Black Box East: The role of “the East” in the West’s radical imagination
The potential of the BLACK BOX EAST as a common space of transnational struggles is a matter of ongoing inquiry. Contributing to this cooperative process, social thinker Max Haiven and historian Vijay Prashad discuss about the role of “the East” in the Western radical imagination. An interview.
U.S. escalates threats to Ethiopian and Eritrean sovereignty
The U.S. and its Western European allies have been trying to pass some kind of resolution censuring Ethiopia that will lead towards military intervention, but so far, they have not succeeded. Why? Because China and Russia have been blocking it. They say that this is Ethiopia’s internal affair, and we shouldn’t engage in any undue interference. Everyone is saying the same thing they have been saying all along.
5 years since the 2016 Coup: an Interview with Dilma Rousseff
The 2016 coup was ground zero. It was the inaugural act, but the process continues.
Imperialism then and now: Capital relocation, inequality, encroachment and protracted crisis – Part 3/3
Prabhat Patnaik shows that as capital is relocated, real wages do not rise, inequality widens, and global demand is suppressed. The system remains in protracted crisis; Keynesianism in the North alone is no solution. The struggle is everywhere.
Imperialism then and now: Drain of wealth, depression, the role of the State and globalization – Part 2/3
Imperialism which existed in the colonial era persists to this day and the system cannot do without it.
Harm reduction guided by the goal of the abolition of prisons and capitalism: an interview with former Direct Action member and ex-prisoner Ann Hansen
I am active with the Prison for Women (P4W) Memorial Collective which has been fighting for a Memorial Garden at the site of the now closed Prison for Women, and a Gallery where the women’s art and writing can be seen in order to give some context to their lives and deaths. We also agitate to improve prison and parole conditions as a harm reduction tactic in order to alleviate some of the suffering, but always within the context of the abolition of prisons and capitalism as the goal, the light that guides us through the darkness.
Venezuela’s gangs have been turned into armed capitalist enterprises (Part II)
Criminologist Andrés Antillano examines a high-profile security operation to neutralize criminal activity in the Cota 905 district in July.