Solidarity isn’t a slogan, it’s a process: a conversation with Vijay Prashad
In this exclusive interview, a prominent Indian intellectual examines how imperialism operates in our time and proposes specific forms of solidarity with Venezuela.
Utsa Patnaik on agrarian history and imperialism
Humanity does not end where Europe ends, or America ends. Lenin’s contribution as well as Rosa Luxembourg’s work are both of inestimable value because they applied the Marxist method to areas that Marx himself had not touched.
Constitution is supreme and above all the customs and beliefs: Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan
In conversation with the Chief Minister who just completed 1,000 days in office
A Lakota historian on what climate organizers can learn from two centuries of indigenous resistance
NICK ESTES DID not intend to write a book about Standing Rock. He was working on his dissertation about Indigenous rights at the United Nations when the movement against the Dakota Access pipeline exploded on the edge of one of the 16 northern Plains Indian reservations of the Oceti Sakowin people, known by the U.S. government as the Sioux.
The worldwide struggle against fascism: a conversation with Nestor Kohan (Part 2)
An important Latin American political theorist argues that right-wing “internationalism” requires a leftist response that also reaches beyond national boundaries.
Interview with Stalin Pérez Borges: “It will be very difficult to defeat us.”
Let me finish this interview with our motto: “Fight, fight, don’t stop fighting for a government of the workers and of the people.”
Joao Pedro Stédile: “Venezuela is extremely important because it is the battle of this century”
It is a fundamental task for the class struggle that we succeed in liberating Lula so that he becomes the principal spokesman, he is the one who has the capacity to help mobilize the masses against the system and the project of the extreme right.
‘The neoliberal project is alive but has lost its legitimacy’: David Harvey
In an interview with The Wire, the well-known Marxist scholar talks about the surge of populist and right-wing politics and the future of neoliberalism, capitalism and technology.
Terrifying assessment of a Himalayan melting
New report predicts the impact of climate change on Nepal’s mountains may be much worse than we thought.
A Green New Deal is the first step toward an eco-revolution
In this interview, Foster discusses why a Green New Deal is just an entry point to an ecological revolution, and why any economic-social system that hopes to address the climate crisis must transcend capitalism.
Either Washington or Venezuela, savage capitalism or socialism
Luis Britto Garcia is perhaps Venezuela’s most highly regarded public intellectual. A firm supporter of the Bolivarian Process, he has written numerous plays, novels, historical investigations and film scripts and is also an incisive commentator on politics in the region.
The challenges for the European left regarding debt and the banks
The policy of Quantitative Easing (QE) has been implemented by the ECB since 2015 in the wake of what the Fed had done in the U.S. from 2008 to 2014. It consists of massively purchasing private and public debt securities from banks in the Eurozone and from corporations.
What’s been learned won’t be easily forgotten
A young Venezuelan intellectual argues that the revolutionary potential of Chavismo may be in abeyance, but it could come back to life again.
Interview with Maduro
Granma International reproduces excerpts from Ignacio Ramonet’s interview with the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.
We have to make sure the “Green New Deal” doesn’t become green capitalism
Incoming Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made waves in late November when she called for a Green New Deal (GND)—a plan to “transition” the U.S. economy to “become carbon neutral” over the course of 10 years.
“Activists shall not fear, we are fighting for justice” – MST’s Stedile
Landless leader told Brasil de Fato that, despite threats, MST will not back off from social struggle.
Dossier 12: India’s Communists and the elections of 2019
Ahead of the 2019 elections in India—the largest exercise of electoral democracy in the world–Brinda Karat of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) discusses the current political context in the country and the left-led resistance to the deepening assault on basic human rights led by India’s right-wing.
How to get Venezuela’s economy going again
In this interview with Venezuelanalysis, an independent researcher speaks frankly about the roots of the country’s economic crisis and outlines a series of policies to revert it.
Political correctness and the rise of the right
The honest answer is that I was asked to write something reflecting on Trump by my then editor at Scribe. In the immediate wake of the 2016 presidential election, many people were dumbfounded by the news out of the U.S. How could such an odious figure–such a transparent bigot and fraud–win power?
“In Hungary, there is no way forward but strikes”
Guzslován Gábor of the Federation of Metal Workers Union of Hungary talks about the impact of the ‘slave law’ passed by the far-right government of Viktor Orbán and the massive protests against it.