Costas Lapavitsas: socialism starts at home
“We have relations of domination, new ways in which imperialism manifests itself. That’s the reality of Europe, not the fairy stories of an alliance of nations, overcoming national borders, becoming one big, happy family.”
Confronting imperialism means winning back the power to imagine alternatives
Vijay Prashad talks to Daniel Whittall about socialism, anti-imperialism and the new global research network Tricontinental.
“A lot remains to be done”: interview with Aleida Guevara
“There are two things I will never accept, colonialism and racism. What many people do not realize is that Europe’s wealth is built on five centuries of exploitation of third world peoples, and that there is something like a historical obligation of reparation, of solidarity at least.”
Crackdown On Dissent is Dangerous
Writer-Activist condemns recent arrests of activists. She says ” I Am a Part of Society, I’m Not a Part of the State”
‘We would be opening the heavens to war’
CounterSpin interview with Karl Grossman on the weaponization of space.
There is still time for an ecological revolution to prevent hothouse earth
The only thing that could alter this dire situation, all over the world, is the rise of another power in society. We need not millions but hundreds of millions of people, necessarily predominantly working class, in the street day in and day out.
Interview with Angel Prado (Part II): “The commune holds the solution to the crisis”
The continuation of a comunero leader’s reflections on the future of the communal project and the contradictions in the Bolivarian Process, in this interview with VA’s Ricardo Vaz.
Interview with Angel Prado (Part I): “The commune holds the solution to the crisis”
A grassroots Chavista leader reflects on the future of the communal project and the contradictions in the Bolivarian Process, in this interview with VA’s Ricardo Vaz.
Dossier 7: The imperialism of finance capital and ‘trade wars’
Trump wants to resolve the crisis for America, caused by neo-liberalism, within the basic confines of neo-liberalism itself, i.e. without violating its core characteristic, which is free global mobility of finance.
The hope of ecosocialism
“The gross irrationality of our economic and social system is a measure of what we could do to improve the lives of people and the environment.”
We defend the Constituent Assembly
The national leader of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST), the economist João Pedro Stédile, is at the frontline for the liberation of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. He predicts that if Lula’s candidacy is prevented, a political crisis will become even more acute.
“We need new revolutionary tools to advance the struggle of the working class”
To this day, “NUMSA has not deviated from its perspective of Marxism, Leninism and its goal of building a socialist South Africa,” says Karl Cloete
Agroecology in Puerto Rico
The movement for people’s agroecology seeks to empower the peasantry of the island through encouraging collectivism and cooperatives.
What’s really happening in Nicaragua?
Violent protests have been going on since April of this year, forcing residents to stay indoors. While the corporate media and an army of online trolls have been making false claims about the Ortega government, the reality is exactly the opposite.
Ocasio-Cortez hedges criticisms of Israel– ‘I may not use the right words’
Rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the congressperson-to-be for a district in the Bronx and Queens, famously tweeted “This is a massacre,” after Israel’s slaughter of 60 Gazans on May 14, and said Democrats must not be silent anymore about Israeli human rights violations, and opposed the embassy move.
On capital-imperialism: an interview with Virgínia Fontes
In her book Reflexões im-pertinentes: História e capitalismo contemporâneo published in 2005, she examined the development of capitalism and its new forms of commodification through a combination of theoretical reflection and empirical analysis. Based on the concept of expropriation, her research reflects a recovery of the critique of political economy in social theory.
Anti-imperialist comeback: an interview with Torkil Lauesen
Torkil Lauesen is a Danish antiimperialist whose book The Global Perspective: Reflections on Imperialism and Resistance has recently been published by Kersplebedeb.
All strikes of public sector workers are now political strikes
Arielle Concilio speaks with Marxist labor historian Nelson Lichtenstein on the lessons of the Teachers’ Spring and the signs of a resurgent labor movement in the U.S.
“They’ve been doing this massive, anti-democratic model of education reform”
CounterSpin interview with Wayne Au on Gates’ educational failure.
A Marxist theory of music: it’s all in the groove
It is a defence of popular music, but in the first place it is an attempt to explain why the music of our time sounds the way it does.