Yellow vest movement is not just about fuel tax hike, it is a crystallization of a deep social discontent and distress
Since November 17, France has been witnessing the massive Gilets jaunes or ‘Yellow Vests’ protests against the anti-working class policies of the Emmanuel Macron government. The protests against the rising economic burden on the people are also spreading to many other European countries.
Building ‘Patria’
In this interview with Venezuelanalysis, we talk to a central figure in a voluntary workers’ initiative to jumpstart industrial plants, both state‐owned and worker‐controlled.
Every woman is a working woman
In 1972 feminists from Italy, England, and the United States convened in Padova, Italy, for a two-day conference. Associated with the extra-parliamentary left, anti-colonial struggles, and alternatives to the communist party, these activists composed a declaration for action, the “Statement of the International Feminist Collective.”
Dossier 11: The homemade politics of Abahlali BaseMjondolo, South Africa’s shack dweller movement
The shack-dwellers’ movement– Abahlali baseMjondolo, or AbM— is among the organizations of the world’s poor and dispossessed fighting for land reform and dignity. Despite waves of repression by the state, AbM membership now numbers over 50,000 in settlements across the country since their founding in 2006. In an interview with Tricontinental Institute, Zikode talks about the essence of AbM—what they are fighting for, who they are, what they have achieved, and what we can learn from them.
Chavez and the twilight of capitalism
A philosopher, fisherman and former member of the Situationist International reflects on the Bolivarian Revolution.
Yellow-vest protests in France-an extraordinary political school
Hello, Professor Drweski. My name is Maria Cernat. I am a feminist, an academic and a journalist writing for Baricada.org. I am a lecturer at the Communication Sciences and International Relations Department, Titu Maiorescu University. I was very curious, and I am sure our readers are too, about the situation in France. I have a few questions that I hope you could answer for our readers.
Boots Riley: ‘I’m putting forward ideas about how we can change things’
Sorry to Bother You pairs a righteous political fury with surrealist flights of fancy. Writer-director Boots Riley explains how he came up with 2018’s wildest comedy.
Gandhi, Marx & the ideal of an ‘unalienated life’
In this in-depth interview, Akeel Bilgrami speaks on a wide range of issues of intellectual relevance and contemporary importance such as the relationship between Gandhi and Marx, issues of modernity, Chomsky’s philosophy, personal influences, academic philosophy in India, secularism, caste and current politics in India, Hindutva politics and the criminal threat of the present government, the Hindutva political challenge and ways of resistance, and the importance of Left politics.
New Cold War & looming threats
John Pilger, investigative journalist and documentary film-maker, talks about the U.S.’ aggression in the Asia-Pacific region and the decline of its global dominance and says that a “new Cold War beckons isolation for the U.S. and danger for the rest of us”.
‘Marx’s writing more relevant today than ever’
THE German political economist Wolfgang Streeck is one of the world’s leading critics of neoliberal capitalism. He received international attention for his essay “How will capitalism end?” written in 2014 for the New Left Review. The much-discussed essay was later republished in book form.
We need to look for origins of fascism in capitalist crises
Inequalities are immanent to capitalism. Capitalist modes of production are maintained through the reproduction of inequalities.
Praxis and critical theory
In fact, my book begins with the early Marx because he created the first version of what I call the philosophy of praxis. The key problem of this version of Marxism is what Marx called the “realisation” of philosophy.
The commune and 21st century socialism: A conversation with Robert Longa of El Panal Commune
In this interview, VA talks with a key cadre of the Alexis Vive Patriotic Force, an organization based in the 23 Enero barrio that has worked to build Venezuela’s most emblematic urban commune.
Fake news on WhatsApp swayed Brazil’s election. India should be worried
WhatsApp and fake news go hand-in-hand in both Brazil and India. And judging by the Facebook-owned messaging app’s effect on Brazil’s recent presidential election, India may be slated for some serious trouble next spring.
GMO potato creator now fears its impact on human health
Of all the genetic engineers who have renounced the technology—Arpad Pusztai, Belinda Martineau, Thierry Vrain and John Fagan, among others—because of its shortsighted approach and ability to produce unintended and potentially toxic consequences, Caius Rommens’ story may be the most compelling.
Climate change is the product of how capitalism “values” nature
Capitalist industrialization has led us to the edge of the precipice of climate change, and avoiding the end of civilization as we know it may require the development of a view in direct opposition to the way in which capitalism “values” nature, according to John Bellamy Foster.
Realities and challenges of recuperated workplaces in Argentina
In this interview we talk to Andrés Ruggeri, anthropologist and researcher who directs the Facultad Abierta programme, dedicated to researching and supporting companies and factories recuperated by their workers. Ruggeri tells us about the history of this movement, the challenges it faces, the relations with recent governments in Argentina, and much more.
A sound ecological policy cannot be achieved within a capitalist framework
“Ecosocialist politics is based on recognizing that a sound ecological policy cannot be achieved within a capitalist framework. In order to restore (to the extent possible) the health of the ecosphere, it is necessary that economic decisions be no longer based on the capitalist goals of maximizing profit and accumulating wealth.”
Twenty-first century capitalism—the means exist to break the chains that hold us
“The overwhelming character of the ecological crisis will eventually…[force workers to recognize] that the main material conditions determining their lives are both economic and environmental—and indeed that the latter are more far-reaching.”
Brazil Elections: a conversation with social leader Frei Betto
The second round of elections in Brazil will take place Oct. 28, and this time two opponents will face off. On the one side is Fernando Haddad from the Workers’ Party (PT) who promises to continue the project started by Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff.