The wild and the disaffected: A conversation with Reinaldo Iturriza (Part I)
A Chavista author and former minister talks about the Bolivarian Revolution’s class basis and the risks that apathy poses to the political process.
Grandson of overthrown Chilean President Salvador Allende defends Venezuela against U.S. coup attempt
The grandson of Chile’s former elected socialist President Salvador Allende, who was toppled in a 1973 CIA-orchestrated military coup, has lived in Venezuela for 10 years. The Grayzone’s Ben Norton interviewed Pablo Sepúlveda Allende in Caracas.
If humanity is to have any future at all
The history of capitalism as a world system is punctuated by struggles for world hegemony between declining hegemonic powers and rising states, usually leading to world wars. We are now in such a period, which had been building for some time under Obama and is now being pursued much more openly and belligerently under Trump.
Forging unity within the working class: an interview with Michael D. Yates
The ruling class always tries to divide the working class. We must make certain that the working class is not divided internally and we can draw on the past to find examples of working-class organizations that have actively worked to generate a cohesive and class-conscious membership.
AEP 59: The American Trap sprung on Tiktok and Huawei, with Carl Zha
Back with Carl Zha of Silk & Steel podcast, who we last saw in our episode on the India-China border conflict.
‘What we’re seeing now is Jim Crow 2.0’
CounterSpin interview with Carol Anderson on voter suppression.
Alba TV’s new model for communication: A conversation with Pablo Kunich
The coordinator of a media platform that works with social movements talks to VA about the history and challenges of popular communication.
A fractured empire, within and without
Two things seem certain at this point: (1) The Trump administration will continue to extend its heavy handed neofascist tactics in the next three months, seeking to expand its political base by these means, and (2) the White House and the Republican Party will try to engineer another set of stimulus payments/tax cuts in early September with Trump’s name all over it.
‘Trump’s troops are breaking the law and creating chaos’
Janine Jackson interviewed legal scholar Marjorie Cohn about secret police in Portland for the July 24, 2020, episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript.
Where do we go from here: A fundraiser for Black Lives
A recording of our panel discussion on the Black Lives Matter movement. Featuring Elizabeth Hinton, Robin D. G. Kelley, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Brandon M. Terry, and Cornel West.
Cuban medical internationalism has been a core component of the revolution
“If the small economy of Cuba can improve the health of millions of the world’s people, imagine what could be accomplished if America’s enormous productive capacity changed from creating useless and destructive junk to producing what people throughout the world actually need.”
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s regular press conference on July 15, 2020
O’Brien should really read up on Marxist-Leninist works. The people’s position is the fundamental political position of Marxist parties. People are the creators of history and the true driving force behind historical progress.
Popular protagonism in Venezuela’s transition to socialism: A conversation with Michael Lebowitz
The Marxist theorist emphasizes that socialism involves people transforming themselves.
BAR Book Forum: Andrew J. Douglas’s “W. E. B. Du Bois and the Critique of the Competitive Society”
This book sets out to challenge some of the assumptions that undergird what I call the competitive society—that is, a society marked by winners and losers, a world in which Black people are routinely expected to bear the burden of loss and defeat.
‘Either you are fighting to eliminate exploitation or not’: A leftist critique of the Green New Deal
Canadian Dimension in conversation with essayist, researcher and historian Max Ajl
On Contact: Ecosocialism with Victor Wallis
On the show this week, Chris Hedges talks to writer, teacher and activist Victor Wallis about the prospect and need for ecosocialism. Wallis’ book is entitled ‘Red-Green Revolution: The Politics and Technology of Ecosocialism’.
The storm of protest in the United States
“Neofascism has its source in monopoly-finance capital, at the apex of the system, but depends for its existence on the ability to mobilize, with the help of a führer-like figure such as Trump, a very considerable part of the overall population.”
World makers of the Black Atlantic
My sense, while reading this book, was of a twentieth century tradition now ripe to be reclaimed and revived, since, like Du Bois and his generation, we will surely need now to grasp the deep roots of our multiple crises if we are to be free of them and deliver a world to our children that is fit to inherit.
‘Everything affects and is affected by every other thing’
If “everything affects and is affected by every other thing,” we must respond to the dangers to human existence in the 21st century by changing the system, creating a different form of social metabolic reproduction. There is no other way.
“Indian racism towards Black people is almost worse than white peoples’ racism” An Interview with Arundhati Roy
We ourselves live in a pretty sick society that seems incapable of feelings of sisterhood, brotherhood, solidarity.