Moving Beyond Capitalist Agriculture: Could Agroecology Prevent Further Pandemics?
The current complex of COVID-induced crises fits hand-in-glove with the system’s “normal” operation. Stability has been the delusional realm of a small sliver of the Global North, awash in post-World War Two imperialism and the repeated reinvention (and re-imposition) of various plantation systems of cheap and racialized labor.
Canadian imperialism and the underdevelopment of Burkina Faso
Canadian mining companies own $2.5 billion of Burkina Faso’s gold, and the country is one of the most poverty-stricken in Africa.
A senseless cathedral of doom
The principal causes of conflict on the continent, SIPRI summarises, are: ‘state weakness, corruption, ineffective delivery of basic services, competition over natural resources, inequality, and a sense of marginalisation’.
Food supply to 675,000 people cut off after Durban food bank ransacked
FoodForward SA closes branches nationwide because of insecurity.
The other side of ecocide
The other side of ecocide thrives in the fertile ground of radical socioecological theory.
Food riots show the need for a basic income grant
As rioters target supermarkets, activists call on the government to help those who cannot survive amid rising prices and mass unemployment.
Exposing police lies to destroy the legacy of Kwame Ture
His work touched the civil rights, Black Power, and Pan-African movements and his selflessness and strong organizing skills helped create revolutionary cadre who continue to carry out the work he engaged in today.
Kwame Nkrumah and imperialist finance in Africa today
More than half a century after Kwame Nkrumah first articulated his magisterial critique of neocolonialism, Scott Timcke argues his critique remains just as relevant in the analysis of present-day developments of capitalism in Africa.
Dossier No. 42: Defending our sovereignty: U.S. military bases in Africa and the future of African unity
Neo-colonialism, Nkrumah noted, seeks to fragment Africa, weaken African state institutions, prevent African unity and sovereignty, and thereby insert its power to subordinate the aspirations of the continent for pan-African consolidation.
Digital Money Beyond Blockchain with Rohan Grey
In this episode, we’re joined by Rohan Grey (@rohangrey), President of the Modern Money Network, Director of the National Jobs for All Coalition, Research Fellow at the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity, and JSD student at Cornell Law school. Our conversation is dedicated to Rohan’s current work on the political, economic, and cultural implications of money’s digital future.
Don’t allow another U.S.-NATO Libya in the Horn of Africa
Paternalistic U.S. government political posturing toward Africa has a history of turning into fatal consequences for the masses of African peoples.
‘The Last G7’: Satirical cartoon mocking bloc’s attempt to suppress China goes viral
A Chinese cartoonist’s political satire, which mocked the Group of Seven (G7) members that attempt to suppress China, went viral on Chinese social media on Sunday, when the G7 summit was underway in Cornwall, the UK.
African financial independence is a threat to imperialism
African leaders had come to recognize the various factors that hinder the continent’s development and seriously jeopardize the future of its peoples. The Abuja Treaty was put in place to increase economic self-reliance, promote self-sustained development, and raise the living standard of African peoples.
AFRICOM military’s exercise: The art of creating new pretexts for propagating U.S. interests
Phoenix Express 2021, the AFRICOM-sponsored military exercise involving 13 countries in the Mediterranean Sea region, concluded last week. While its stated aim was to combat “irregular migration” and trafficking, the U.S. record in the region indicates more nefarious interests.
Kenya in the Digital Finance Revolution with Sibel Kusimba
Money on the Left speaks with Sibel Kusimba, Associate Professor of Anthropology at University of South Florida, about her work on mobile money and digital finance in Kenya. In her recently published book with Stanford University Press titled Reimagining Money: Kenya in the Digital Finance Revolution, Kusimba both theorizes and critiques Kenya’s thriving M-Pesa mobile phone-based payment system as a constitutive component of Kenyan social life.
U.S. moves against Ethiopia and Eritrea: Atrocities alleged, sanctions imposed
Historian Jeff Pearce, @jeffpropulsion, responding to the atrocity reports of Alula Solomon, @Alula_Solomon, CEO, Tigrai Media House
North Africa and the Middle-East: A new wave of debt. Part 6
We deepen our analysis by focusing on various regions. After Latin America and the Caribbean and Sub-Saharan Africa, we continue with the Middle-East and North Africa (MENA).
Frantz Fanon and the Algerian revolution today
This two-part long read is an extract from a chapter in a forthcoming book Fanon Today: The Revolt and Reason of the Wretched of the Earth (edited by Nigel Gibson, Daraja Press 2021).
An unsustainable burden of debt afflicts the peoples of Sub-Saharan Africa. Part 5
In Sub-Saharan Africa, where health spending and human development levels are in a dramatic state, there is a stronger case than ever for unilateral suspensions of debt payments based on arguments recognized in international law; such as state of necessity and fundamental change of circumstances.
How France continues to dominate its former Colonies in Africa
In France’s former African colonies, imperialist monetary policies from Paris continue to cripple domestic economies and undermine democracy. Colonialism in Africa won’t have meaningfully come to an end until true economic sovereignty is allowed to flourish.