Humboldt and Gaza: Berlin Bulletin No. 222, May 4, 2024
It was May 10th in Germany’s terrible year 1933, Hitler had been in power for hardly three months, when students and staff emptied the university libraries of forbidden books and threw them, an estimated 20,000 books by over a hundred authors, into the flames of a giant bonfire.… No books were burned this time in early May. But there were ironic parallels, some all too alarming!
Students’ Gaza protests spread across Britain
Wave of campus occupations launched at six unis.
U.S. to send largest weapons shipment yet to Ukraine
“This is the largest security assistance package that we’ve committed to date,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said at a Pentagon news conference.
Asian ‘NATO’ encircles China
The U.S.-steered Aukus military alliance is cranking up hostilities by inviting Japan into the anti-China pact, writes FIONA EDWARDS of the No Cold War campaign
To the emerging political force who could change the world
This is truly a new political fact: particularly on the issue of war, but not only, the 20-year-olds are coming back on the scene.
How Africa’s national liberation struggles brought democracy to Europe: The Seventeenth Newsletter (2024)
African liberation struggles not only won independence in their own countries; they also defeated Estado Novo colonialism, which spurred the Carnation Revolution 50 years ago.
Portugal: Fifty Years Since the Carnation Revolution
John Green on the fiftieth anniversary of Portugal’s Carnation Revolution.
Portugal’s forgotten revolution
The ‘carnation revolution’ saw soldiers, workers and communities join forces to overthrow fascism and challenge capitalist power. Peter Robinson traces events from April 1974.
Ukraine war funding and failed Russian sanctions
Russia is extremely unlikely to fall a third time for a Biden/NATO request to ‘freeze’ military operations and negotiate again.
From World War II to Gaza: U.S. Labour opposition to war and fascism
To understand the growing support within union ranks for an end to unconditional U.S. military and financial support for Israel in its conduct of a brutal war, it is important to look back at the legacy to which the UAW statements refer.
Gramsci and his friend “S”
Piero and Nino exchanged ideas, criticized one another, encouraged each other; Nino often used Piero, seven-years his junior, as an intellectual sounding board, as a trusted interlocutor, asking for advice, for suggestions, whether his friend could chase up a source, a book or journal, a magazine or newspaper article, could he confirm this fact and that, find out some precise detail about Croce’s historical studies, if Machiavelli ever wrote anything about economics, or David Ricardo about philosophy.
Opinion: England’s anti-trans Cass review is politics disguised as science
The recent report borrows from DeSantis bans on transgender care in Florida and appears designed to provide political justification for further attacks on transgender care.
Ten-year anniversary of the anti-coup rebellion eastern Ukraine, as Russian forces advance in Donetsk
Dmitri Kovalevich is the special correspondent in Ukraine for Al Mayadeen English. He writes military-political situation reports from there.
Capitalism is the single greatest source of violence
What the present moment reveals, once again, is that Western aggression during the “Cold War” was never about destroying socialism, as such. It was about destroying movements and governments in the periphery that sought economic sovereignty. Why? Because economic sovereignty in the periphery threatens capital accumulation in the core.
From Harvard to Karl-Marx-Allee: The Experiences and Reflections of an American Communist in East Germany
In this interview with Zhao Dingqi, Victor Grossman reflects on his life as an American communist in East Germany.
The United States in Ukraine and Gaza: Double standards, really?
Should not the silence of the West in the face of the genocide currently underway in Gaza prompt skepticism about the loud cries of moral indignation of this same West in the face of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?
U.S. moves previously banned missiles closer to China and Russia
The U.S. military openly describes the “Typhon” as a “strategic weapon system that would be used against higher-value targets like air defense assets and command and control nodes.”
Faulty assurances: The Judicial torture of Assange continues
Only this month, the near comatose U.S. President, Joe Biden, made a casual, castaway remark that his administration was “considering” the request by Australia that the case against Julian Assange be concluded.
The North American peace movement at an inflection point
The North American peace movement is contesting ongoing U.S. wars in Ukraine and Palestine and preparations for war with China.
The Death of Paris ‘15
The Paris climate agreement of 2015 set the standards for how nation/states must approach the net zero target year 2050 by reducing greenhouse gas emissions in stages, starting with major reductions by 2030.