From Auschwitz to Gaza
If one reads the entire translated transcribed text of Himmler’s speech carefully or listens to it, the thought might suddenly occur to one that history is repeating itself in today’s political arenas.
Squaring circles for peace and war: Berlin Bulletin No. 224, July 11, 2024
One can hate or admire any of the gentlemen now involved [in the push for peace in Ukraine]; I would endorse Satan himself if he could help end this God-awful war and move towards the urgently-needed peace in the area—and elsewhere.
“Our difficult, beautiful subject”: Peter H. Feist’s Marxist method
In a striking photograph, Otto Karl Werckmeister captured Peter H. Feist—widely regarded as the leading art historian of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR)—at the sculpture garden of the Georg Kolbe Museum in Berlin. Feist, dressed in a sharp blue suit, fixes his attentive gaze on the viewer, holding his camera poised at the ready.
‘Principles and Methods of a Marxist Kunstwissenschaft—Attempt at an Outline’
It is not easy to explain in such a limited space which philosophical, methodological, and practical features characterize the study of Kunstwissenschaft that arose from the insights won by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels and were enriched by Vladimir Lenin, as well as many other scholars and revolutionaries.
The treachery of the Nazi-Zionist alliance
By collaborating with the Nazis, a small group of Zionists weakened anti-fascist resistance and contributed to the genocide of Europe’s Jews, writes Stefan Moore.
Ten Holocaust survivors condemn Israel’s Gaza genocide
Holocaust survivors say using the Holocaust to justify genocide in Gaza and repress student protest on college campuses is a complete insult to the Holocaust’s memory.
NATO developing ‘land corridors’ to rush U.S. troops to frontlines in event of war with Russia
The alliance began drawing up plans for war with Russia in 2023.
‘The Dreadful History and Judgement of God on Thomas Müntzer: The Life and Times of an Early German Revolutionary’ – book review
An excellent history of the sixteenth-century radical Thomas Müntzer brings the radical Reformation and the dawn of the modern era into focus, finds Dominic Alexander.
Germany and Netanyahu: Berlin Bulletin No. 223, June 7, 2024
Far from water-logged Bavaria, immensely worse destruction is bloodily wrecking two million lives, and with Germany, though so distant, deeply involved. Of course I mean Palestine, especially Gaza. For decades the media has distorted or ignored what has been happening there. After October 7th ignoring it was no longer possible, here or anywhere.
NATO’s spiralling commitments to Ukraine risk catastrophe
We are on the possible verge of a major escalation in the war in the Ukraine, one which risks war between NATO and Russia, and one involving nuclear weapons, argues Chris Bambery.
The resistible rise of the far right in Europe
In France, the far right is likely to be the leading political force in the European elections of 9 June 2024, and probably the second (or third) force in the European Union. A relatively large number of far right parties are now on the winning side in national elections, and are even taking part in national governments.
Punched, choked, kicked: German police crack down on student protests
Germany’s students, labelled ‘terrorist sympathisers’ for protesting against Israel’s war on Gaza, say their right to free speech is under attack.
Humboldt and Gaza: Berlin Bulletin No. 222, May 4, 2024
It was May 10th in Germany’s terrible year 1933, Hitler had been in power for hardly three months, when students and staff emptied the university libraries of forbidden books and threw them, an estimated 20,000 books by over a hundred authors, into the flames of a giant bonfire.… No books were burned this time in early May. But there were ironic parallels, some all too alarming!
From Harvard to Karl-Marx-Allee: The Experiences and Reflections of an American Communist in East Germany
In this interview with Zhao Dingqi, Victor Grossman reflects on his life as an American communist in East Germany.
Berlin police raid and shut down conference opposing Gaza genocide
On Friday afternoon, the German capital of Berlin witnessed scenes reminiscent of the era of the Nazi regime.
A striking contrast
Reichstag Fire was a crucial event in the conversion of Germany from a liberal democracy into a fascist dictatorship in 1933.
Germany is becoming a police state when it comes to Palestine activism
The German state is taking extraordinary measures to clamp down on pro-Palestinian activism, including arresting activists in their homes in the middle of the night.
Nato’s insatiable expansionism: The bombing of Yugoslavia 25 years on
Nato’s war against Yugoslavia in 1999 was a prelude to the war in Ukraine, says Dragan Plavšić.
Why the Left should reject Heidegger’s thought. (Part 1: The Question of Being)
While most leftists have no problem rejecting Heidegger as a person, many ostensibly progressive or left-wing philosophers have nevertheless adopted Heideggerian positions.
Politicians discussing climate change
Isaac Cordal is sympathetic toward his little people and you can empathize with their situations, their leisure time, their waiting for buses and even their more tragic moments such as accidental death, suicide or family funerals. The sculptures can be found in gutters, on top of buildings, on top of bus shelters; in many unusual and unlikely places.