Geography Archives: Global

  • Letters of application to NATO from Finland and Sweden, presented to Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on May 18. (NATO)

    Turkey rains on NATO’s parade

    On May 18, the secretary general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a Norwegian named Jen Stoltenberg, stood on a stage, flanked by the ambassadors to NATO of Finland and Sweden, Klaus Korhonen and Axel Wernhoff, respectively.

  • Lovely Wheat field

    Why are global wheat prices rising so much?

    The global food crisis has now grown to such proportions that everyone is talking about it (even though world leaders are doing relatively little about it).

  • Celsius

    What is Celsius and why is it crashing?

    The crypto lending platform paused withdrawals as Bitcoin spiraled downwards, sending its own token plummeting. Here’s what happened.

  • SWIFT strengthened dollar

    SWIFT dollar decline

    SYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR: U.S.-led sanctions are inadvertently undermining the dollar’s post-Second World War dominance. The growing number of countries threatened by U.S. and allied actions is forcing victims and potential targets to respond pro-actively.

  • Marcello Musto, Karl Marx’s Writings on Alienation. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (2021). 164 page

    ‘Karl Marx’s Writings on Alienation’ by: Marcello Musto, reviewed by: Carlos L. Garrido

    Marcello Musto’s anthology of ‘Karl Marx’s Writings on Alienation’ is both comprehensive and concise, containing within the span of 100 pages the three decades long development of the theory through more than a dozen published works and posthumously published manuscripts.

  • US workers quit

    The future of work 1 – remote working

    A few weeks ago, the world’s richest man Elon Musk, Tesla CEO, told his employees that they must return to the office or get out of the company.  Musk wrote in an email that everybody at Tesla must spend at least 40 hours a week in the office.

  • YouTube

    YouTube’s biggest info channels carry corporate news, not alternative views

    Despite the proliferation of fringe ideologies on YouTube—and the availability of truly alternative information there—the video hosting service’s anti-establishment status may be overblown. 

  • U.S. military bases around the world. (Photo: Al Jazeera)

    Mapping U.S. Imperialism

    This article deals with U.S. imperialism since World War 2. It is critical to acknowledge that U.S. imperialism emanates both ideologically and materially from the crime of colonialism on this continent which has killed over 100 million indigenous people and approximately 150 million African people over the past 500 years.

  • Wheat

    Food, famine and war

    If anything proves that famine and food insecurity are man-made rather than due to vagaries of nature and the weather, it is the current food crisis that is putting millions globally close to starvation.

  • Bitcoin Crash

    Cryptocurrencies must die

    Bitcoin had gone from around USD 4,000 to USD 64,000, a sixteen fold increase, in 20 months. Other cryptocurrencies had even more ridiculous price increases in the same time period – Ethereum had a 50 fold increase, Solana 500 times, and LUNA had a 1,000 times increase. Now, these cryptocurrencies are crashing down.

  • Federal Reserve Board of Governors.

    Neo-liberalism and anti-inflationary policy

    Central banks all over the capitalist world are raising, or are about to raise, interest rates as a means of countering the currently rampant inflation, which is certain to push a world economy that is barely recovering from the effect of the pandemic, back towards stagnation and greater unemployment.

  • Culture for All: Why Film Matters

    Culture for All: Why Film Matters

    Action films, horror films, romantic comedies, science fiction, documentaries–film plays a big part of our lives. Film matters, not only because it was the most popular cultural art form of the 20th century, but because film connects to so many areas of our lives in so many different ways. Not only in the way we visualise our lives, but the ways in which we understand and communicate them.

  • Welcome to the rich Indians club

    Tendency towards the emergence of an “international” middle class

    The chancellor of the exchequer of Britain, whose official residence is only next door to the British prime minister’s, is Rishi Sunak, a person of Indian origin. Britain’s home secretary is Priti Patel, also of Indian origin.

  • Not War but Class War graffiti in Turin.

    Fighting inflation excuse for class warfare

    SYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR. A class war is being waged in the name of fighting inflation. All too many central bankers are raising interest rates at the expense of working people’s families, supposedly to check price increases.

  • Global military spending reaches record high

    Global military spending reaches record high

    World military spending has passed U.S.$2 trillion for the first time, according to new data published by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Last year was the seventh consecutive year that world military spending increased; total expenditure has almost doubled this century.

  • Cryptocaplyse Now!

    Cryptocalypse Now!

    Cryptocurrencies are collapsing across the etherspace. Neil and Jonathan talk to Izabella Kaminska, founder of the Blind Spot and keen cryptowatcher, about Terra, Luna and Tether, the death spiral of the stablecoins, and whether anyone in the real world should care.

  • Tanks

    The war against food–who is to blame

    This week President Joseph Biden stopped at an Illinois farm to say he’s going to help the  Ukraine ship 20 million tonnes of wheat and corn out of storage into export, thereby relieving  grain shortages in the international markets and lowering bread prices around the world. 

  • Housing, Rents, Evictions, Homelessness.

    The inhumanity of capitalism

    For over two years now, the world has been facing a pandemic the like of which has not been seen for a century, and which has already taken 15 million lives according to the WHO, without being anywhere near an end.

  • Facebook

    Cambridge Analytica reborn? Private spy agency weaponizes Facebook again

    For all the public outcry, official probes and hearings, financial penalties, apologies and proposed regulations, Facebook remains the world’s foremost surveillance tool–weaponized in all manner of malevolent ways by any number of hostile elements.

  • Climate march in London

    Prevent pandemics and halt climate change? Strengthen land rights for Indigenous peoples

    Land is and means different things to different people. Indigenous, pastoralist, and rural farming communities are especially dependent on land, which is widely recognised by conservation organisations. Such communities are often uniquely vulnerable to the effects of ecosystem destruction while simultaneously having strong social norms and cultural values that support ecosystem preservation.