The hidden costs of the AI boom
In the hands of corporations, the hidden costs of AI will continue to be paid by working people across the globe.
IIPPE 2024: Imperialism, China and BRICS+
The countries of the BRICS+ were just as capitalist and imperialist as the imperialist bloc of the Global North, argued Ngawani.
Exposed: How Israeli spies control your VPN
An estimated 1.6 billion people rely on VPNs to carry out the most sensitive tasks online, from watching illegal videos to engaging in sexual or political activities.
More than 2,100 land and environmental defenders killed globally between 2012 and 2023
Colombia was found to be the deadliest country in the world, with 79 deaths in total last year—compared to 60 in 2022, and 33 in 2021.
Humans rescue Doomsday Glacier?
It was only 3 years ago when a group of distinguished climate scientists led by Erin C. Pettit (Oregon State University) said Thwaites Eastern Ice Shelf of the Thwaites Glacier/Antarctica, aka: Doomsday Glacier, could collapse “within as little as 5 years.”
Three new kinds of refugees in a world of migrants: The Thirty-Sixth Newsletter (2024)
No migrant wants to leave their home and be treated as a second-class citizen by countries that forced their migration in the first place.
When will we stop falling for fabricated antisemitism scandals?
Reginald D Hunter is the latest target of pro-Israel provocateurs feigning victimhood. Time to bring down the curtain on this pantomime, says Rivkah Brown.
She was brutally killed before she could write her story for the World: The Thirty-Fifth Newsletter (2024)
Following the the murder of a young female doctor in Kolkata, health workers, medical unions, and women’s movements have mobilised across the country to decry rampant gender-based violence and dangerous working conditions.
“Beauvoir and Belle: A Black Feminist Critique of The Second Sex” – Book Review
Belle and Beauvoir proves to be a much needed contribution on a neglected topic. Importantly, it comes at a time when theorists are calling for both greater conceptual clarity on how systems like capitalism and racism interact as well a return to the thought of Black women Marxists and communists.
What should we do about ‘degrowth’?
The ‘degrowth’ debate raises critical issues to which only a Marxist approach can provide answers, argues the Marx Memorial Library.
NATO, nukes and a New Cold War
We are pleased to republish below a series of three articles by Kenny Coyle analysing the new Labour government’s foreign policy, in particular the “progressive realism” espoused by Foreign Secretary David Lammy.
Eroding neutrality also undermines international Geneva. Yet Geneva remains silent…
By adopting unilateral U.S.-European sanctions against Russia in February 2022, even though it had always claimed that it would only apply sanctions endorsed by the United Nations and enshrined in international law, the Swiss government has dealt a heavy blow to neutrality and international Geneva. But in Geneva, nobody flinched. And here are the reasons why.
‘Sandwiched’ caregivers show need for improved welfare state
Our economy and society are heavily dependent on unpaid care work, disproportionately performed by women.
Ten theses on the far right of a special type: The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2024)
Fascism is an insufficient term, as it denies the intimacy between liberal and far right forces. In this week’s newsletter, we present ten theses to understand this ‘intimate embrace’ and the rise of this far right of a special type.
The invention of the “true transsexual”
The following text navigates through the trans health articles and books published between 1886 and 1966 which appear to have had the greatest influence on the writing of “The Transsexual Phenomenon”, ultimately posing the question: how did we get here?
The earth can’t endure Nato’s ambitions
NATO’s growing militarism doesn’t just risk widening war, but is deeply implicated in the mounting climate catastrophe, argues Nandita Lal.
As stock market crashes, is U.S. facing new financial crisis? Economist Michael Hudson explains
The stock market crashed on August 5, in a new “Black Monday”. What caused it? Is the USA on the verge of a new financial crisis? Ben Norton is joined by economist Michael Hudson to discuss the extreme volatility.
Anti-fascist rallies take the streets away from the racists
Counterfire members attended demonstrations across the country and sent the following reports of the heartening mobilisations against racism and fascism.
Rich countries drain ‘shocking’ amount of labor from the Global South
Workers in the Global South—from farm workers to scientists—power the world economy but face a yawning wage gap.
‘The problem is, there’s no place for anyone to go’
CounterSpin interview with Keith McHenry on criminalizing homelessness.