The World Split Apart 2.0: Introduction and Part 1
Nearly a decade ago I began warning that NATO expansion and the West’s failure to understand that Russian national security interests not a Russian desire to ‘recreate the USSR’ or ‘former Russian empire’ would lead to a world split apart between the West and ‘the rest’ (Sino-Russian ‘strategic partnership and those states oriented towards it).
The winds of the New Cold War are howling in the Arctic Circle: The Second Newsletter (2023)
In 1996, the eight countries on the Arctic rim—Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and the United States—formed the Arctic Council, a journey that began in 1989 when Finland approached the other countries to hold a discussion about the Arctic environment.
Zelensky complicit in corporate takeover of Ukraine
“Your money is not charity, it’s an investment.” That’s what Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his address to the U.S. Congress while visiting Washington on Dec. 21.
The smoldering Moldovan crisis
The battle between Russia and the West for Moldova has been ongoing since the Soviet collapse, despite the country’s constitutional ban on joining alliances, presumably applying only to military ones.
The trillion dollar silencer
The military’s deep penetration into all aspects of American life has hampered the development of a strong anti-war movement—at a time when it is desperately needed.
Declassified intelligence files expose inconvenient truths of Bosnian war
A trove of intelligence files sent by Canadian peacekeepers expose CIA black ops, illegal weapon shipments, imported jihadist fighters, potential false flags, and stage-managed atrocities.
A war of rhetoric & reality
Washington put us all on notice when Zelensky got to town: It has no intention of seeking a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis and every intention of recommitting indefinitely to its ideological war.
Dehumanizing the enemy
The word “Russophobia” has been used very widely in the past couple of years by Russians and by “friends of Russia” abroad to describe the campaign of vilification of President Putin in particular and of the Russian people more generally that the U.S. led West has practiced with rising volume and shrillness ever since the start of an Information War launched in 2007.
You should thank this Russian Naval Officer that you and your loved ones are alive today
Let’s hope there are more Vasily Arkhipovs out there today—we need them now more than ever.
Ukrainian army bombs Kalinina hospital in Donetsk for two days in a row
Since the beginning of December 2022, the Ukrainian army has been shelling the city centre of Donetsk on a daily basis, causing numerous civilian casualties.
An end to the war in Ukraine must be urgently sought
PRESIDENT Volodymyr Zelensky is away from Ukraine for the first time since his country’s long simmering civil war became a full-blown international conflict.
As New Cold War ramps up, Cuba and Russia fortify historic geo-political alliance
Miguel Díaz-Canel’s recent visit to Moscow recalls Fidel Castro’s historic 1963 trip to Soviet capital in aftermath of Cuban Missile Crisis.
A Lexicon for disaster
Russia seeks arms control agreements to prevent dangerous escalation. But the U.S. seeks only unilateral advantage. This risks all out conflict unless this changes.
Lenin still haunts the Russian ruling class
“In fact, Zelenskiy is far closer to Lenin than to George Washington. He is a dictator. He is a dangerous authoritarian who has used $100 billion in U.S. tax dollars to erect a one-party police state in Ukraine.” Who wrote this? It is the opinion posted on Twitter by Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of the Russia Today TV network (since 2005) and the Sputnik news agency (since 2014).
Brittney Griner and the U.S. State
Brittney Griner’s ordeal in Russia is over. But she has been secreted away for “reintegration” and the U.S. continues its own brand of international hostage taking.
The United States and White supremacy at war with China
In 1904, Jack London, the most celebrated American writer of the time, was sent as a reporter to cover the war between Russia and Japan.
‘Challenge the U.S. justifications for this war’
If you like horror stories, here’s one for you. It’s the 2022 National Defense Strategy document from the U.S. secretary of defense. This document was blessed by President Biden, who is quoted in the introduction.
Cluster bombs: Biden considers sending banned weapons to Ukraine
CNN reports that the Biden administration is considering adding cluster bombs to the mass of weapons it is pouring into Ukraine. The production and use of cluster bombs is prohibited under international law.
The season finale of the hit show ‘Proxy War’
Promotional materials for the episode hint at a heartwarming season wrap-up that’s sure to make wholesome viewing for the whole family, with series star Volodymyr Zelensky being awarded 2022 Person of the Year by Time Magazine.
The United Nations promise of peace–also in Ukraine
The hybrid war in Ukraine has sadly revealed how ineffective the United Nations Organisation has been when it comes to preventing armed conflict or even negotiating a cease-fire when hostilities have broken out.