From the Siege of Leningrad to the Siege of Gaza: Colonialist mentality
Eighty years ago, on January 27, 1944, people in the street were hugging each other and weeping with joy. They were celebrating the end of a nearly 900 days brutal siege. Soviet forces lifted the siege of Leningrad after ferocious battles. Exactly a year later they liberated Auschwitz.
Lenin’s ‘Last Testament’: The prophetic last words of a Marxist for our times
The myth that Lenin led to Stalin is exposed by Lenin’s Last Testament which argues for more democracy and removing Stalin from power, writes John Westmoreland.
Five of Lenin’s insights that are more pertinent than ever
Lenin’s understanding of the workers state must also take into account the adjustments that had to be made in the post-revolutionary period, when it became clear that emphasis had to be put on developing the productive forces and an efficient state that could guide the process of destroying the global inequalities between imperialist and imperialized nations.
Lenin: Architect of the Worker-Peasant Alliance
Among the many seminal theoretical contributions made by Lenin to Marxism was his pioneering of the concept of the worker-peasant alliance for a socialist revolution.
A hundred years since we lost Comrade Lenin
What does Lenin say to us in today’s post-Soviet world and what is his legacy, asks VIJAY PRASHAD. VLADIMIR ILYICH ULANOV
Learning from Lenin today
One hundred years since Lenin’s death, Nigerian socialist Abiodun Olamosu describes of the revolutionary on his own political development. As the preeminent organiser of the Russian revolution, Lenin helped to determine the course of Olamosu’s life in Nigeria. Olamosu explores the development of Lenin’s work and legacy. He regards Stalin’s rise to power, and the Soviet Union, as an abomination to the body of ideas of Marxism and socialist internationalism.
Geopolitics is moving North Korea’s way
In less than three years, the erosion in the U.S. hegemony that began cascading with the defeat in Afghanistan in August 2021 spread to Eurasia, followed by the massive eruption in West Asia by the end of 2023.
Lenin and his times
This is an extract from the introduction to Alex Snowdon’s forthcoming book on Lenin, to be published by Counterfire, where he outlines the key stages of Lenin’s life as a revolutionary.
An anniversary West would rather forget
An epochal anniversary from the annals of modern history is coming up in another ten days that remains a living memory for the Russian people. The Siege of Leningrad, arguably the most gruesome episode of the Second World War, which lasted for 900 days, was finally broken by the Soviet Red Army on 27th January 1944, eighty years ago to be exact.
Aleksandr Buzgalin and his time
Dimitris Konstantakopoulos: ‘The last time I saw Aleksandr was last June, in the nice café where he often used to make his appointments, on the former Gorky Avenue (which the recent “Restoration” renamed Tverskaya, as if to assure us that Money is the enemy of Culture), near Pushkin Square and a little further away from the Mayakovski metro station.’
The Russian Art of War: How the West led Ukraine to defeat
The problem with the vast majority of our so-called military experts is their inability to understand the Russian approach to war.
Ukraine and Palestine: A double threat to U.S. hegemony
The outcome of U.S.-led conflicts in Ukraine and West Asia will have a profound impact on the developing world order. Washington has already lost the former, and its major adversaries are vested in making sure it loses the latter too.
Lenin for the New Year
As the 100th anniversary of Lenin’s death approaches, here are ten books to help renew the Leninist tradition for the crises ahead, compiled by Dominic Alexander.
Russia and China no longer using dollar in trade, claims Russian PM Mishustin
Western currencies have almost been completely phased out in Russia-China trade, as nearly all payments between the countries are now carried out in rubles and yuan, according to Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.
Running the Red Gauntlet–Russia is negotiating with the Houthis for Red Sea passage of oil cargoes defying U.S./EU sanction
Russia is negotiating with the Houthis of Yemen to protect Russian oil cargoes moving through the Red Sea for delivery to India and China, the principal destinations of Russian oil currently traversing the waterway, the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, and the Gulf of Aden.
UK Special Forces secretly operated in Ukraine, says Polish journalist
Special forces operators of UK were embedded with Ukrainian troops in the early days of the conflict, Declassified UK reported on Wednesday, citing the newly published book by Polish journalist Zbigniew Parafianowicz.
West sabotaged Ukraine peace deal with Russia, admit Zelensky official and Germany’s ex leader
Russia wanted to sign a peace deal with Ukraine in March 2022, but NATO countries sabotaged it, according to Germany’s former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and the parliamentary faction leader of Zelensky’s political party, Davyd Arakhamia.
Washington Post lifts the veil on CIA’s shadow war against Russia waged since 2014
In August 2022, Ukrainian security service (SBU) operatives hid explosives in a crate intended for a cat in a car driven by a woman and her twelve year old daughter.
Russo-Ukrainian War: The Reckoning
Ukraine at the limits.
The Media’s Nord Stream lies just keep coming
Why do billionaires and governments scramble to control the media? Because the power over our minds is the greatest power there is.