Geography Archives: Spain

  • The Aroztegia Development Project, an “Urban Pelotazo”: Real Estate Jackpot

    In the Basque Country, land is being expropriated in order to build a luxury hotel and seven people are scheduled to got to trial, facing a sentence of twenty years in jail and 43 million euros in damages. Once again, Spanish authorities are trying to criminalize popular protest. Read more about the movement and how you can help.

  • Photo: Joost J Bakker. CC2.0

    The Valencia floods have one clear culprit: Capitalism

    Capitalism and Spain’s right wing parties are responsible for Valencia flooding deaths.

  • Spaniards

    Spanish citizens revolt: ‘Less tourism, more life’

    Spaniards across the country are protesting against the uncontrolled influx of tourists that has caused a collapse in quality of life, a jump in housing prices and a rise in the cost of basic necessities.

  • Pablo Picasso, Guernica, 1937.

    From Guernica to Gaza

    Raouf Halaby: “To say that I was awed is an understatement.”

  • U.S. Fighters in the Spanish Civil War: A Left Legacy in the Fight Against Fascism

    “Brigadistas: An American Anti-Fascist in the Spanish Civil War” is a page-turner of a graphic novel, illuminating the courage and commitment of young Americans in the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, who put their lives on the line against fascism in Spain. The Brigadistas left behind a profound legacy of courage and international solidarity for the U.S. left that still resonates today.

  • From left to right, Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo, José María Aznar (host of the meeting), Adolfo Suárez and Felipe González, photographed at the Moncloa Palace on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the first democratic elections after the Civil War. This meeting of the four presidents of the Government was held on June 13, 1997. Photo: Gorka Lejarcegi.

    ‘Either you join NATO or we will make the canaries independent’

    A recent interview with former Spanish politician José Manuel Otero has revealed further details regarding his country’s entry into NATO and attests to the double-dealing politics of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE).

  • Solidarity rally in Galicia, Spain, in 2014.

    Understanding Ukrainian Nazism

    In the West, media outlets are claiming that Russia’s agenda to “denazify” Ukraine is unfounded. At the same time, public opinion in Western countries is totally alienated from the Ukrainian reality, tending to believe only what is reported by the hegemonic media.

  • Sculpture of Enrique de Malacca

    Magellan, inquisition and globalisation

    The Philippines today struggles with this history. Some Filipinos highlight the warm native reception extended to Magellan’s fleet and the first Catholic mass, reminiscent of American Thanksgiving mythology.

  • "The Quiet Man"

    Letter from Catalonia: Alarming measures

    I’m in a small city in Catalonia called Olot, not far from the Pyrenees. I came here because I knew the coronavirus lockdown would be much rougher in Barcelona. Still, people walk around with masks and keep social distances, barely going out.

  • The Sahara Desert (Source | The Mind Unleashed)

    Trump wants Spain to build a wall across the Sahara Desert

    Since Spain only occupies a small part of the border, the wall would need to be built through many different countries.

  • For the sixth year in a row, more than one million people came out for the National Day of Catalonia on September 11.

    Catalonia referendum: Resisting the Spanish government siege

    In 1713-14, it took the troops of Spain’s Borbon monarchy 14 months of siege before taking Barcelona and ending Catalan self-rule. In September 2017, Catalonia is again under siege, this time from the central Spanish People’s Party (PP) government.

  • Spanish Recollections: the 80th Anniversary of the International Brigades

    In one hurrying day, eighty years ago, in Albacete, a center of Spain’s La Mancha region, a few officers somehow created quarters for five hundred men arriving the following day, then five hundred more, and more.  Soon three or four thousand, somehow organized in units despite a mad variety of languages, were issued a motley […]

  • Brexit and the EU Implosion: National Sovereignty — For What Purpose?

    The defense of national sovereignty, like its critique, leads to serious misunderstandings once one detaches it from the social class content of the strategy in which it is embedded.  The leading social bloc in capitalist societies always conceives sovereignty as a necessary instrument for the promotion of its own interests based on both capitalist exploitation […]

  • Germany: Icy Times and Rays of Hope

      2016 began here with an icy chill, not only with the weather but far worse, with human relations.  It also offered some, like myself, at least a few warm rays of hope. First the larger scene.  The huge influx of immigrants and asylum seekers, over a million in 2015, saw Germany effectively split in […]

  • German Know-Nothings Today

    “I don’t know.”  Those words, often repeated 160-odd years ago in the USA, earned the gang of those using them the nickname “Know-Nothing Party.”  Those were no expressions of intellectual modesty; party doings were secret, so members were not supposed to disclose anything about them, but just say, “I don’t know.”   Their patriotic title was […]

  • Berlin, July 1, 1990 — Athens, July 1, 2015

    In a recent news video I watched people pushing and shoving at a bank entrance.  I immediately recalled another scene, also with people pushing at a bank entrance.  In the older scene people looked eager and gleeful, pushing so hard, I believe, that one man’s rib was broken.  In the recent pictures they looked very […]

  • Glory to the Lucid Courage of the Greek People, Facing the European Crisis

    The Greek People are an example to Europe and the world. With courage and lucidity the Greek people have rejected the ignoble diktat of European and international finance.  They have won a first victory by affirming that democracy cannot exist unless it knows how to put itself at the service of social progress.  They have […]

  • ΟΧΙ!

    For some in other lands and continents Greece may seem distant and marginal, a few narrow peninsulas and scattered archipelagos jutting out of the sea.  Some may vaguely recall school knowledge about it.  “Didn’t some fellow named Prometheus steal fire from the gods?  Or was it Alexander the Great untying some “Gordian knot”?  Or a […]

  • Blockupy the ECB, Blockupy the NATO

    I defied my advanced age to board a special train, with a thousand mostly young people, and join in the big “Blockupy” demonstration in Frankfurt am Main, Germany’s big banking city.  The trip, though not the usual four and a half but seven hours, retained till well into the night a spirit of happy anticipation. […]

  • A History of a Counter-Revolution

    Gerald Horne.  The Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the United States of America.  NYU Press, 2014. In the conventional, celebratory liberal historical narrative about the Founding Fathers, the post-revolutionary persistence of slavery in the United States, along with women’s lack of essential political and legal rights, has long been regarded as […]