Diplomatic cables prove top U.S. Officials knew they were crossing Russia’s red lines on NATO expansion
U.S. officials were told that pushing for Ukrainian membership in NATO would not only increase the chance of Russian meddling in the country but also risked destabilising the divided nation.
U.S. sends long-range missiles to Ukraine
The White House announced Friday that it would send long-range missiles capable of striking nearly 100 miles into Russian territory to Ukraine, in one of the most significant escalations of U.S. involvement in the war with Russia to date.
Blinken concedes war is lost-offers Kremlin Ukrainian demilitarization; Crimea, Donbas, Zaporozhye; and restriction of new tanks to Western Ukraine if there is no Russian offensive
David Ignatius (lead image, left) has been a career-long mouthpiece for the U.S. State Department. He has just been called in by the current Secretary of State Antony Blinken (right) to convey an urgent new message to President Vladimir Putin, the Security Council, and the General Staff in Moscow.
Animal crackers: Berlin Bulletin 207, February 5 2023
“Hey”, squeaked one furry lemming to another (in lemming-lingo, of course). “I saw you trying to slip away from the crowd! Do you want to betray us good lemmings. Maybe you’re a fox-lover, even a wolf-lover. You’d better keep in line till we reach our proper goal.” As lemming-lovers sadly know, that goal could be over the cliff into the sea.
Latin America refuses to send Ukraine weapons, despite Western pressure
Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia have refused to send weapons to Ukraine, despite pressure by the U.S. and EU. Latin American left-wing leaders have urged peace with Russia and called for neutrality in the West’s new cold war.
Danish lecturer got sacked after not conforming on the war in Ukraine
The board at the People’s University of Copenhagen, Denmark, has canceled planned courses and fired the lecturer, after he publicly differed with required opinion on the war in Ukraine. The People’s University of Copenhagen, Denmark, is an educational institution founded in 1898 to ensure wider public access to science and research results, and therefore has […]
U.S. public opinion shifting sides about Ukraine
The U.S./NATO war on Russia via its proxy Ukraine has awakened significant opposition here in the U.S.
Hardly anyone is thinking logically about the risk of nuclear war
The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has moved its symbolic Doomsday Clock to ninety seconds to midnight, the closest it has ever been set since its founding after the second world war. Chief among their reasons for doing so is the increasingly dangerous war in Ukraine.
Right & Left to join in D.C. protest: “Not one more penny for war in Ukraine”
February 19, New Anti-Interventionist Coalition to March to White House from Washington Monument.
“Chinese aggression” sure looks an awful lot like U.S. aggression
Punchbowl News reports that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is planning a trip to Taiwan, which will be yet another incendiary provocation against Beijing if it occurs. The previous House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, sparked a significant escalation in hostilities with her visit last year, the consequences of which are still reverberating today.
Antiwar marchers honor MLK, say ‘NO’ to NATO proxy war in Ukraine
On Jan. 14, a large crowd gathered in Times Square in New York City to honor the true legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and demand an end to the brutal U.S.-NATO proxy war being waged in Ukraine.
“Golden ruble 3.0” – How Russia can change the infrastructure of foreign trade
According to preliminary estimates of the Bank of Russia, in January-September 2022, it strengthened to $198.4 billion, which is $123.1 billion more than in the same period last year. This surplus was taken out of the country (at the same time, half went to pay off the external debts of Russian companies with their replacement by domestic ruble lending) and is reflected in the balance of payments item “net capital outflow”.
Ukraine dissident digest
Donetsk city and region remains even now under intense fire by the artillery and mortars of the Kyiv regime, generously supplied by Western countries.
The World Split Apart 2.0: Part 3 and Conclusion
Like during the Cold War, the global schism has a military component that is gradually intensifying. The emerging East-West military standoff is building on the energy of the polarization exacerbated by the Russo-Ukrainian war for NATO expansion.
The World Split Apart 2.0: Introduction and Part 1
Nearly a decade ago I began warning that NATO expansion and the West’s failure to understand that Russian national security interests not a Russian desire to ‘recreate the USSR’ or ‘former Russian empire’ would lead to a world split apart between the West and ‘the rest’ (Sino-Russian ‘strategic partnership and those states oriented towards it).
Zelensky complicit in corporate takeover of Ukraine
“Your money is not charity, it’s an investment.” That’s what Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his address to the U.S. Congress while visiting Washington on Dec. 21.
The smoldering Moldovan crisis
The battle between Russia and the West for Moldova has been ongoing since the Soviet collapse, despite the country’s constitutional ban on joining alliances, presumably applying only to military ones.
The trillion dollar silencer
The military’s deep penetration into all aspects of American life has hampered the development of a strong anti-war movement—at a time when it is desperately needed.
White Lives Matter more in Ukraine
The open white supremacy and fascism exhibited in Ukraine are conveniently swept under the rug. Nazis are bad, unless they serve the interests of the U.S. state.
BlackRock logo to be added to Ukrainian flag
Kyiv has announced the addition of a fifth corporate logo to the Ukrainian flag following news that BlackRock will be playing a crucial role in the reconstruction of the nation. The world’s largest investment management firm will join Raytheon Technologies, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, and McDonald’s upon the now-omnipresent blue and yellow flag.