Gaza 2023 — high-tech war revisited
The Times remarks that “The speed, precision and scale of Hamas’s attack had thrown the Israeli military into disarray, and for many hours afterward civilians were left to fend for themselves.” It took two hours for the Israeli military to declare a state of war.
Questions posed by a movement
“These are all poor Adivasi villagers who take time off from their daily-wage labour or farming, students who come when school permits, or women who bring their children because they have nowhere else to leave them. On down days the numbers may be a few dozen, on special days the number swells to thousands.”
Fall-out of the Ukraine conflict on India’s economy
The Problem Is Actually At Home
The Indian farmers are right: their land is at stake (Part 3)
The story of Mexico’s agriculture can be organised around two threads: corn and land.
The Indian farmers are right: their land is at stake (Part 2)
In the previous part of this article we saw that the Indian rulers are actively preparing the legal groundwork for parting peasants from their land. In the following part we place this in an international context.
The Indian farmers are right: their land is at stake (Part 1)
The protesting kisans on the borders of Delhi repeat one thing over and over: When fighting against the three farm-related Acts, they are fighting to save their land.