Disruptive action on the climate deserves our support
We can learn from past movements and we can and should study the results of the many tactics activists are employing.
Floods in Pakistan: Where is the ‘International Community’ for the imperialized zones of the world-system?
A spade, as the proverbial saying goes, ought to be called a spade.
Marxism and the climate crisis (John Bellamy Foster on the ‘Historical Materialism podcast’)
Foster begins by referencing the fact that the 19th century, Newtonian view of nature, and the mechanistic, positivist approach to science originally penetrated socialist thought.
In Massachusetts, an undercover climate foe
Utility companies in the liberal stronghold are using regulated monopoly profits to shape and derail environmental efforts.
Putting a price on water: Can commodification resolve a world water crisis?
“Record heat and droughts are exposing millions to growing water and food scarcity issues across all continents,” the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned in a February 2022 report. “About half of the world’s population already experiences severe water scarcity for some part of the year.”
Sea level acceleration
This article addresses the most current research on sea level rise, as well as adaptation measures being taken around the world. Of special interest, brilliant adaptation measures are taking place in the face of higher seas.
Unprecedented melt of Swiss Glaciers, finds study
Switzerland’s glaciers are melting like never before, found a study. Switzerland has the greatest volume of glaciers of any country in Europe.
Why is the great project of Ecological Civilization specific to China?
When the concept of ecological civilization came to prominence in China, beginning around 2002 it was depicted as a defining element of socialism with Chinese characteristics, requiring a transition away from the expropriation of nature endemic to capitalist modernity and pointing to the need for worldwide social transformations. It was thus closely related from the start to the Marxist critique of capitalism.
Connecting the dots between climate devastation and fossil fuel profits
As Pakistan drowns, as Puerto Rico is cast into darkness, and as Jacksonians remain thirsty, it’s past time for a climate tax on fossil fuel companies.
Study: Manchin’s Pipeline bill would be a climate nightmare
New data suggest Dems’ greenwashed permitting legislation could produce far more carbon emissions than it eliminates.
A people’s analysis of a world on fire
As popular movements across the world have been warning, we are undergoing a crisis of the capitalist system globally.
How a pipeline bill gets greenwashed
A “clean power” group with ties to the fossil fuel industry is selling the Manchin-Schumer gas export bill as a climate victory.
Class struggle against growth
The Future is Degrowth: A Guide To a World Beyond Capitalism by Matthias Schmelzer, Andrea Vetter, and Aaron Vansintjan (Verso 2022) and Climate Change is Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet (Verso 2022) are Verso’s two most recent “guides” to combating the climate crisis.
BAR Book Forum: Maano Ramutsindela, Frank Matose, and Tafadzwa Mushonga’s Book, “The Violence of Conservation in Africa”
Maano Ramutsindela, Frank Matose, and Tafadzwa Mushonga: “The book places African states and their behaviors towards African people in conservation spaces within the global environmental agendas of powerful states and well-funded conservation organizations. It interprets conservation as an ideology referencing African landscapes without people. Such an ideology separates people from their biophysical and cultural milieus, leading to conservation violence authorized by states against their citizens.”
It’s time to call it what it is: A capitalism-induced ecological crisis
One-third of Pakistan is under water. Record heat waves blanket the globe driving up temperatures beyond what humans can survive. Polar glaciers are melting much faster than scientists predicted. Droughts, fires and floods are ravaging the planet, forcing the displacement of tens of millions of people. And this is just the beginning.
The missing data behind Manchin’s dirty pipeline deal
Dems touting a bill to expand fossil fuel pipelines have not released any emissions projections showing what the bill would do to the climate.
Kiss the Amazon goodbye?
As devastating as Trump (4 more years?) was for the environment, President Jair Bolsonaro’s MBGA or Make Brazil Great Again has one-upped Trump. He’s single-handedly destroying the world’s largest rainforest. It may be the single most important ecosystem for the survival of Homo sapiens. As such, with such a big important target to ravage, Bolsonaro’s making Trump look weak.
We will march, even if we have to wade through the Pakistani floodwaters: The Thirty-Sixth Newsletter (2022)
Dear friends, Greetings from the desk of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. Calamities are familiar to the people of Pakistan who have struggled through several catastrophic earthquakes, including those in 2005, 2013, and 2015 (to name the most damaging), as well as the horrendous floods of 2010. However, nothing could prepare the fifth most populated […]
Justice 4 Jackson. “Help us fix Jackson’s water system and build more autonomy and people power in the city.”
Jackson, Mississippi is currently suffering through an unprecedented water crisis.
What’s going on with the Greenland ice sheet? It’s losing ice faster than forecast and now irreversibly committed to at least 10 inches of sea level rise
Alun Hubbard: “As a field glaciologist, I’ve worked on ice sheets for more than 30 years. In that time, I have witnessed some gobsmacking changes.”