Mauritius challenges UK over Chagos Islands deal
Negotiations have also been influenced by India, which supports Mauritius due to shared cultural and historical ties.
The Racket: A chronicle of chaos wrought by the U.S. empire around the globe
Speculation about the reach of American political and economic meddling is one thing; Matt Kennard shows us how it looks up close.
Gravediggers of imperialism: International conference to decolonize the world
The Society for International Relations Awareness (SIRA) Conference on Aug. 12-13 in Abuja, Nigeria, served as a powerful testament of solidarity and commitment for peoples fighting for self-determination.
How U.S. Big Tech monopolies colonized the world: Welcome to neo-feudalism
U.S. Big Tech corporations are like the feudal landlords of medieval Europe. These Silicon Valley monopolies own the digital land that the global economy is built on, and are charging higher and higher rents to use their privatized infrastructure.
Planning crimes: 2024 NATO Summit’s agenda
This year’s NATO Summit was a show of the West’s commitment to warmongering and its plans to wreak havoc around the world to maintain its dominance.
Activists to protest NATO Summit in Washington
NATO Summit to take place in U.S. capital as the United States provides unconditional support for Israeli genocide.
The three great myths of NATO
The self-proclaimed defence alliance sees itself as the guardian of law and democracy. In reality, it is leaving a blood trail of devastation across the world.
League of imperialist criminals denounces the International Criminal Court
Prosecuting the war criminals, halting the genocide, and preventing the further escalation of a third world war are tasks inseparably connected with the fight for the revolutionary transformation of society under the leadership of the working class, which will replace capitalist barbarism with socialism.
“Legacy of Violence: A History of the British Empire” – book review
This is an amazing history, one that should be on the list of every history class dealing with modern history, history of the British Empire, and further on to those studying economics, politics, and geopolitical strategies.
John Pilger (1939-2023)
A bright star in the firmament of justice has gone out. One of the greatest journalists of our era has passed away.
The vacuity of the free trade argument
The fact that unrestricted trade creates domestic unemployment is quite obvious, and should be especially obvious to third world people who have had the historical experience of deindustrialisation during colonial rule.
IPEF: New Cold War weapon backfires
U.S. President Joe Biden’s Indo-Pacific Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) is the economic arm of his administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, aimed at countering China’s influence in the region.
Africa vs Colonialism: Why does the Continent’s struggle for self-sufficiency remain so difficult?
Regional organizations are trying to overcome the legacy of their dependence on the West.
The lies and secrets of French imperialism
The coups in sub-Saharan Africa have opened a new era for the African peoples rising against French imperialism.
Prigozhin’s three strikes–Khodorkovsky business, Berozovsky politics, the last Africa trip
On March 5, in Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR), there was a fire-bombing of a French–owned brewery which destroyed 50,000 bottles of beer.
Abnormalize the empire
The primary job of both Hollywood and the mainstream western press is to is to put a friendly, normal-looking face on a globe-spanning empire which dominates the world using nonstop violence and coercion. Their job is to continually normalize freakish tyranny.
Is the Planet a factory?
The 2019 Global Climate Strike—in which more than 6 million people from 150 countries partook—is a misnomer.
Is “de-globalisation” occurring?
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus had said “You cannot step into the same river twice.”
Resurrecting the concept of the Triad: The Twenty-Second Newsletter (2023)
The G7 meeting reveals the gaps between the United States and its allies (Europe and Japan), but these differences of interest and opinion should not be overestimated.
Science and imperialism: Scientists as workers for peace
Imperialism and militarism have always disguised and justified themselves as the defense of freedom.