Class and nation in the conflict in Ukraine
There are many common interests that can bring Russian and Ukrainian soldiers together in fighting for a more just and equal world.
Science and imperialism: Scientists as workers for peace
Imperialism and militarism have always disguised and justified themselves as the defense of freedom.
The perfect storm that created the housing crisis
The United States is in the midst of a severe housing crisis that is of its own making. This crisis results from several generations of awful housing policies, some of which date back a half century to the Nixon Administration (1968-1973).
The U.S. censors Dissenting Voices: On the attacks against the Midwestern Marx Institute
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution says that “Congress shall make no law… Abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
The Group of Seven should finally be shut down: The Twenty-First Newsletter (2023)
During the May 2023 Group of Seven (G7) summit, the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, near where the meeting was held.
The fight for migrant rights in the U.S.: an interview with Justin Akers Chacón
Justin Akers Chacón, a socialist based in San Diego, California, campaigns for worker and migrant rights in the US-Mexico border region and is the author of The border crossed us: the case for opening the US-Mexico border. He caught up with Red Flag to discuss immigrant rights in the US under Democratic President Joe Biden.
Sabotage in the time of the Anthropocene
A review of Daniel Goldhaber’s film adaptation of Swedish author Andreas Malm’s polarizing book ‘How to Blow Up a Pipeline’.
‘The court’s position is, no one can tell them what to do’
CounterSpin interview with Ian Millhiser on Supreme Court corruption
The ongoing Nakba means ongoing resistance
The “ongoing Nakba” means that the Zionist drive to expel and eliminate the Palestinian people continues to this day. That is why Palestinian resistance to Zionism will remain as long as Zionism exists.
Can the Global South build a new world information and communication order?: The Twentieth Newsletter (2023)
It is remarkable how the media in a select few countries is able to set the record on matters around the world.
Exceptionism in U.S. Empire
Aaron Good, who received his PhD in political science at Temple University, has written an exceptional book: American Exception: Empire and the Deep State (Skyhorse, 2022). The title of the first chapter broadly lays out the thesis of the book: “Empire, Hegemony, and the State.”
“We must build an alternative”
How Helen Gym’s fight to save a hospital turned her into a frontrunner to be Philadelphia’s next mayor.
Nakba at 75
The Nakba, “catastrophe” in Arabic, refers to Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine, which includes the expulsion and subsequent displacement of Palestinians, the destruction of Palestinian towns and villages, and other attempts to eradicate the Palestinian people from their ancestral homeland in the territory that became the State of Israel.
May 8 and the rehabilitation of Nazism in Germany
On 8 and 9 May, Berlin traditionally hosts numerous commemorative events to mark the end of the Second World War in Europe.
Public opinion and imperialism
A New York Times News Service report reproduced in The Telegraph of Kolkata (May 7), discusses the findings of a global public opinion survey carried out by the Bennett Institute of Public Policy of Cambridge University. These show that the Ukraine conflict had shifted public sentiment “in developed democracies in East Asia and Europe as well as the United States of America, uniting their citizens against both Russia and China and shifting mass opinion in a more pro-American direction”.
Michael Lebowitz, presente! (1937–2023)
Marxist economist Michael A Lebowitz passed away at home on April 19.
The great denial: Why they don’t want us to talk about class
In the first of three extracts from his new book, Radical Chains, Chris Nineham asks why the establishment is so desperate to suppress the very idea of class.
“Israel is built on the ruins of hundreds of Palestinian villages”
The International People’s Assembly (IPA) organized an online event to mark 75 years of the Nakba and the Palestinians’ continued resistance against the Zionist colonial apartheid occupation of Israel
“Karl Marx:” A biography by Engels
Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818 in Trier, where he received a classical education. He studied jurisprudence at Bonn and later in Berlin, where, however, his preoccupation with philosophy soon turned him away from law.
A planetary health perspective on menstruation: menstrual equity and climate action
Historically, blood-shedding has often been associated with heroic acts of valour. However, menstruation is not praised and cherished in the same way. Rather, menstruation is shrouded in secrecy, stigma, and stress, despite being a natural physiological process that occurs in a quarter of the global population.