Latest CPI Report : The ‘soft landing’ plane is still circling
For months the mainstream media and Washington Pols have been pushing the metaphor that the U.S. economy is a plane on its final approach to a ‘soft landing’. Soft landing is defined as inflation steadily coming down to the Federal Reserve’s goal of a 2% price level AND does so without provoking a recession.
California pistachio billionaires funding Israel’s occupation regime
Based on tax records from Lynda and Stewart Resnicks foundation, they’ve given anywhere from $500,000 to $200,000 to the Israeli military every year, with most of it funneled through an outfit called the American Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces.
What’s driving the rise in grocery prices–and what the Government can do about it
Skyrocketing grocery prices in America highlight how precarious our supply chains are, giving corporations ample opportunity to take advantage of consumers in the midst of minor supply shocks and major global crises. Unless we aggressively confront climate change, corporate consolidation, and profiteering, food prices will remain high and continue to climb.
How Canada benefits from instability in Ecuador
Ottawa appears largely unconcerned by Ecuador’s social and institutional decay.
The Economics Teacher of the New Generation: Cryptocurrency Ideology
The widespread ownership of crypto currencies in countries like Turkey and Argentina has created the grounds for a very reactionary economic understanding among broad social segments, especially among young people.
Americans deserve fairer social security taxes
Social Security has been a financial rock for seniors ever since benefits first began flowing in 1940.
Unravelling human history: the rise of class society and women’s oppression
Anthropology, since its inception, has been an ideologically contested–discipline, and the same is true of both primatology and zoology when they have been used to explain human evolution.
The living wage gap
According to an analysis from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the minimum wage does not suffice to pay for a typical set of living expenses in any state of the United States. Hawaii, Georgia and Utah, where the living wage gap exceeded $10 per hour, fared the worst.
Banks continue to prop up the fossil fuel industry
The hypocrisy of the world’s biggest banks on climate change keeps mounting.
Analysis: Clean energy was top driver of China’s economic growth in 2023
Clean energy contributed a record 11.4tn yuan ($1.6tn) to China’s economy in 2023, accounting for all of the growth in investment and a larger share of economic growth than any other sector.
How U.S. government statistics are like the Bible
The economic reality the U.S. public deals with differs so much from selective statistics reported by the media that there’s a split in perceptions of the actual U.S. economy as well.
What the GDP hides
There are well-known problems associated with the concept of gross domestic product as well as with its measurement.
Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger withdraw from ECOWAS
Land area under ECOWAS, which is condemned by West Africa’s popular movements as an agent of French imperialism, has been reduced to less than half after their withdrawal.
China is ‘world’s sole manufacturing superpower’, with 35% of global output
China’s state-led economic development model and robust industrial policy has transformed it into what an influential European think tank calls “the world’s sole manufacturing superpower”, making up 35% of global gross production–more than the 9 next largest manufacturers combined.
Farmers’ revolt in France
Farmers in France are not a homogenous block, and the left needs to be able to unite with its more progressive elements to generalize revolt, argues John Mullen.
Climate activists party around burning ‘your future’ sign as Shell announces 28 billion in profits
Greenpeace campaigners said that the oil group should pay some of its profits into a fund agreed upon at Cop28 climate talks last month to help pay for loss and damage caused by climate change.
Has China really reached the end of its economic boom?
China’s state sector still has a powerful ability to sustain investment and production.
CITGO: A multi-billion dollar heist?
A detailed and interactive infographic to recap how CITGO came to face its looming breakup as creditors line up for a court-ordered auction.
Global 1% own 43% of financial assets, 5 richest billionaires doubled wealth while 5 billion workers got poorer
The world’s richest 1% own 43% of global financial assets, and the wealth of the top five billionaires has doubled since 2020, while 60% of humanity got poorer, according to a report by Oxfam.
At Davos, the inmates run the asylum—and the world
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is the ruling-class Comic-Con, a fantasy fortress where the 1 percent’s 1 percent can save the world that they are sending to hell.