“Cobalt Red, How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives”
Siddarth Kara’s book exposes the exploitation behind the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Geopolitics is moving North Korea’s way
In less than three years, the erosion in the U.S. hegemony that began cascading with the defeat in Afghanistan in August 2021 spread to Eurasia, followed by the massive eruption in West Asia by the end of 2023.
Reporting on California’s fast food minimum wage raise comes with side order of fear
What’s scarier than a shark attack? An increase in the minimum wage.
‘Lethal assets’: U.S. finance capital owns the bombs falling on Palestine
Lenin on the economic essence of war.
A minimum-wage increase can benefit the whole economy
CounterSpin interview with Sebastian Martinez Hickey on minimum wage.
Gaza war offers the ultimate marketing tool for Israeli arms companies
As investors worldwide drop cash on Israeli start-ups for ‘battle-tested’ weapons, defence tech CEOs are poised to be the war’s only victors.
‘Sickening Profits: The Global Food System’s Poisoned Food and Toxic Wealth’
The modern food system is being shaped by the capitalist imperative for profit.
Wealth of five richest men doubles since 2020 as five billion people made poorer in “decade of division,” says Oxfam
The world’s five richest men have more than doubled their fortunes from $405 billion to $869 billion since 2020–at a rate of $14 million per hour– while nearly five billion people have been made poorer, reveals a new Oxfam report on inequality and global corporate power.
How VC is busting the Military Industrial Complex — for its own benefit
Didn’t think there could be anything worse than the existing defense bureaucracy? This next-gen is a real killer.
Beijing will be quietly pleased with the decline of Taiwan’s separatist vote
It is almost unanimous, then. Most Western media have given us the lowdown.
Upsurge of neo-fascism and ‘dollarisation’
Neo-fascist rulers like Javier Milei propose to control inflation not by curbing capital flight, but by launching a massive attack on the working class.
In 41 U.S. States, richest 1% pay lower tax rates than everyone else
“Almost nobody says we should have the richest pay the least. And yet when we look around the country, the vast majority of states have tax systems that do just that.”
Paul Burkett, rest in power
In memory of Paul Burkett, Marxist scholar and jazz musician, 1956-2024.
Criticism LTD w/ Matt Seybold
Matt Seybold joins Rob Hawkes and Scott Ferguson to discuss the political economy of literary criticism from past to present, amateur to professional. Seybold is Associate Professor of American Literature at Elmira College and Resident Scholar at the Center for Mark Twain Studies. In addition to writing and teaching in the field of literature & economics, Seybold produces and hosts The American Vandal podcast, an ever-growing collection of conversations and presentations about literature, humor, and history in America that is inspired by Mark Twain’s life and legacy.
John Pilger (1939-2023)
A bright star in the firmament of justice has gone out. One of the greatest journalists of our era has passed away.
How Yemen changed everything
In a single move, Yemen’s Ansarallah has checkmated the west and its rules-based order.
The World’s Economic Centre of Gravity is returning to Asia: The Fifty-Second Newsletter (2023)
In October 2023, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) published its annual Trade and Development Report. Nothing in the report came as a major surprise. The growth of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) continues to decline with no sign of a rebound.
Review: ‘The Case for a Job Guarantee’ by Pavlina R. Tcherneva
Pavlina Tcherneva, a Professor of Economics at Bard College and a Research Scholar at the Levy Institute, has written a concisely, argued case for a federal job guarantee within the context of a Green New Deal.
World Bank enables private capture of profits, public resources
The World Bank insists private finance is needed for economic recovery and the Sustainable Development Goals but does little to ensure profit-hungry commercial finance serves the public interest.
Russia and China no longer using dollar in trade, claims Russian PM Mishustin
Western currencies have almost been completely phased out in Russia-China trade, as nearly all payments between the countries are now carried out in rubles and yuan, according to Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.