16th century revolutionary’s words resonate today: Review of new book on Thomas Muntzer
Andrew Drummond’s marvellous new book, The Dreadful History and Judgement of God on Thomas Muntzer: The life and times of an early German Revolutionary, published by Verso, is “the definitive” biography of the sixteenth century revolutionary, in the words of one Marxist historian.
Feminism and revolution: A conversation with Alejandra Laprea
Despite many obstacles, popular feminism is advancing grassroots struggles in Venezuela.
“Under the eye of the big bird”
A science fiction novel about the future of nature and technology reviewed by Ian Parker.
Chávez and the February 4, 1992, uprising established the ‘Day of Dignity’ in Venezuela
February 4, 2025 marked the thirty-third anniversary of the attempted seizure of power by Hugo Chávez in Venezuela.
Our revolutions are for the survival and development of human civilization: The Forty-Third Newsletter (2024)
As a renewed Bandung Spirit emerges in the world, we must understand the Global South from its own dynamics and not merely in relation to the West.
The revolutionary fire in the people starts with a song: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2024)
In the dialectical spiral of culture, poems, songs, and stories inspire us to act and depict our actions, which in turn inspires others to do the same.
Venezuela today: Revolution and elections
In light of recent imperialist aggressions, Chris Gilbert reflects on the challenges and complexities of using elections as a tool for socialist construction.
Thailand aborts the colour revolution
The curtain has come down on the abortive colour revolution in Thailand with the country’s Constitutional Court ordering the dissolution on Wednesday of the anti-establishment opposition party Move Forward, widely regarded as a U.S. proxy.
“Voices for African Liberation”
In 1974, 50 years ago, the newly launched Review of African Political Economy (ROAPE) journal boldly announced its intentions in the first editorial, “Appropriate analysis and the devising of a strategy for Africa’s revolution must be encouraged and we hope that the provision of this platform for discussion will assist that process”.
When the empire strikes back, will the African world be ready?
These are dark days for the empire.
Hell, maybe ANYTHING is possible
The thing that stands out for me the most when watching the deeply moving footage of Julian Assange arriving home to Australia is how impossible this all felt until it happened.
Theatre and revolution: The life and legacy of Konstantin Stanislavski
Stanislavski’s techniques and stage direction in the late 19th and early 20th centuries represented nothing short of a revolution in art, completely rejuvenating the Russian theatre, which was stagnating under Tsarism.
Review: The 1848 revolutions
“Revolutionary Spring” challenges the persistent and powerful historical view of the revolutions of 1848—49 as failures.
‘The Dreadful History and Judgement of God on Thomas Müntzer: The Life and Times of an Early German Revolutionary’ – book review
An excellent history of the sixteenth-century radical Thomas Müntzer brings the radical Reformation and the dawn of the modern era into focus, finds Dominic Alexander.
The liberation of Kanaky: Resisting France’s brutal colonial overlordships in the Pacific
We Palestinians know what it is for people to choose to ignore the context that leads to our struggle. Indigenous and native people have always been right to challenge colonisation. We are fighting for a world free from the racism and the theft of resources and land that have hurt and harmed too many indigenous peoples and our planet.
Overcoming our Sisyphus fate
As the great W. E. B. Dubois had long ago noted, “the government of the United States and the forces in control of government regard peace as dangerous.”
Thomas Sankara remains a global icon
His vision of a socialist, pan-Africanist model of development was not buried with him.
For the defense of the Alliance of Sahel States
To the African masses at home and abroad, oppressed and tormented by the imperialists for centuries and yet steadfast in your struggle. We, the Coalition for the Elimination of Imperialism in Africa, urge you to stand strongly behind the Alliance of Sahel States which, at this moment in our history, represents the model for Pan-Africanism and therefore the path towards the total liberation and unification of Africa.
When Che Guevara came to Gaza
The iconic revolutionary visited Gaza to inspire a popular uprising against Israeli dominance, writes Yousef al-Helou.
Portugal’s forgotten revolution
The ‘carnation revolution’ saw soldiers, workers and communities join forces to overthrow fascism and challenge capitalist power. Peter Robinson traces events from April 1974.