Degrowth and revolutionary organizing
Degrowth is a corrective prescription for the Global North, not the Global South. Degrowth targets the “externally conceived and managed growth-driven projects of private and government entities, from national to international levels.”
Ghana’s Socialist Movement: A Revolutionary Experiment in Communication
The SFG was born in 1993, first as a Marxist study group, at the beginning this group was made up of four people, today there are more than three thousand members organized in 25 collectives throughout the country.
Peasants and the Revolution
MARXIST theory develops with changing times, as capitalism itself develops, which is why it remains a living doctrine. On the question of the role of the peasantry in the revolutionary process that leads to the transcendence of capitalism, there have been significant developments in Marxist theory, which I propose to discuss here.
Paulo Freire’s centennial: Political pedagogy for revolutionary organizations
All revolutionary processes are educational.
Bolivarianism & Marxism: Commitment to the Impossible in Defense of Utopia
Socialist revolution throughout the world, looking to the horizon of the communist utopia, will have to collide with worldwide capitalism for that phenomenon to be overcome definitively. Socialist revolution surely will be breaking the imperialists’ chain at its weakest link, as Lenin would have said.
Nicaragua at a revolutionary crossroads and in imperialist crosshairs
U.S. attack on Nicaragua targets its Black community.
What Fidel Castro means to us
In honor of Fidel Castro’s birthday, Vijay Prashad writes about his legacy for the peoples of the Third World and his clarity in raising the primary crises facing humanity.
Percy Bysshe Shelley: romanticism and revolution
Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky, in Crime and Punishment, wrote, “The darker the night, the brighter the stars”.
Glen Ford: A remarkable revolutionary
He is one of the few among us who lived by Amilcar Cabral’s iconic words, Tell no lies, claim no easy victories!
Cuba’s cultural counter-revolution: U.S. gov’t-backed rappers, artists gain fame as ‘catalyst for current unrest’
Painting itself as a grassroots collective of artists fighting for freedom of expression, the San Isidro Movement has become a key weapon in the U.S. government’s assault on the Cuban revolution.
Canadian imperialism and the underdevelopment of Burkina Faso
Canadian mining companies own $2.5 billion of Burkina Faso’s gold, and the country is one of the most poverty-stricken in Africa.
Nicaragua’s Sandinistas battle ‘diabolical’ U.S. empire and poverty on 42nd anniversary of revolution
The Grayzone reports from Nicaragua on the 42nd anniversary of the Sandinista revolution. Nicaraguans discuss their improved quality of life, President Ortega condemns the dictatorial U.S. “empire that wants to dominate all countries,” and Vice President Murillo declares poverty an imperialist “crime against humanity.”
Washington beats the drum of regime change, but Cuba responds to its own revolutionary rhythm: The Twenty-Ninth Newsletter (2021)
Four days after Moïse’s assassination, Cuba experienced a set of protests from people expressing their frustration with shortages of goods and a recent spike of COVID-19 infections.
Cuba: hell, purgatory and paradise
The United States was never satisfied with having lost the Cuba subjected to its ambitions. Therefore, shortly after the victory of the guerrillas of the Sierra Maestra, they tried to invade the island with mercenary troops. They were defeated in April 1961. The following year, President Kennedy decreed the blockade of Cuba, which continues to this day.
Vygotsky’s revolutionary educational psychology
Vygotsky’s revolutionary theory of development is one that recognizes the many forms of capacity, intelligence, and potential in all beings.
A preemptive counter-revolution in Haiti?
Haiti Liberté editor and writer Kim Ives talks about the possible motivations behind the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, revealing developments about a possible uprising that the U.S. press rarely reports.
Cuban president Díaz-Canel: Revolutionaries to the streets!
This speech provides crucial context and information being covered up by the corporate media in the United States.
The revolutionary science of W. E. B. Du Bois and D. D. Kosambi
Du Bois, trained in history and sociology, was the first to conduct a scientific study on race in American society. Kosambi was trained in mathematics but was the first to scientifically investigate ancient Indian history.
Remembering Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara on his 93rd birth anniversary
‘A man who acted as he thought best and who has been absolutely faithful to his convictions.’
Nicaragua’s green revolution
While large polluting countries have refused to take necessary measures to slow the climate crisis, Nicaragua, one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, has taken impressive steps to shift to more sustainable energy.