Sequencing Revolt: How Grandmothers Fought the Argentinian Military Dictatorship and Revolutionized Science
The dictatorship in Argentina—one of the cruelest and bloodiest in the region—was in full swing. Among the thirty thousand disappeared by the state were an estimated five hundred babies and children, either taken along with their parents or born in the camps under brutal, inhumane conditions. Their grandmothers would do anything to find them.
Dossier no. 72: The churning of the global order
In January 2023, a reporter from Yomiuri Shimbun asked the press secretary of Japan’s foreign ministry, Hikariko Ono, for a definition of the term ‘Global South’.
Hyper-imperialism: A dangerous decadent new stage
It has been a scant 30 years since the ‘end of history’ was declared by bourgeois ideologists in pantomimes of wish-fulfillment for sensing the inviolability of United States imperialism. For peoples’ struggles and movements feeling the boot of imperialism on their necks, no such end was in sight.
Commune or Nothing! Communes Against Capitalism
In this panel, Kali Akuno, John Bellamy Foster, Chris Gilbert, and M.E. O’Brien examine the commune and communal organizing as part of the project of revolutionary social transformation. The speakers address how socialist communes can be used to abolish the logic of capitalism, which is based on the exploitation of human beings, the expropriation of nature, and oppression.
An Eco-Revolutionary Tipping Point?
Global warming, the two climate denials, and the environmental proletariat.
Paul Burkett (PapaPatty)
An intellectual and scholar, Paul published many books, journal articles, notes, reviews, and book chapters in his field. He felt his most important books are Marx and Nature: A Red And Green Perspective (1999) and Marxism and Ecological Economics (2006). He was passionate about his work, Socialism, the planet, and justice.
Capitalism and the Production of Poverty
The perpetual production of ever-changing forms of poverty is an inevitable part of the creative destruction that characterizes capitalism. The form of the poverty changes, but poverty remains.
Introduction to the Brazilian edition of Facing the Anthropocene
Ian Angus’s Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System (Monthly Review Press, 2016) continues to be well received worldwide. This is the introduction to the most recent edition released in the autumn of 2023—a Portuguese translation from the noted Brazilian publishing house Boitempo.
Marx’s Vision of Sustainable Human Development
With global capitalism’s worsening poverty and environmental crises, sustainable human development comes to the fore as the primary question that must be engaged by all twenty-first century socialists in core and periphery alike. It is in this human developmental connection, I will argue, that Marx’s vision of communism or socialism (two terms that he used interchangeably) can be most helpful.
Gramsci’s animality
Prison Notebooks sets the tone with “Animality and Industrialism,” Gramsci’s original work-in-progress header for the section he’d eventually label “Americanism and Fordism.”
Criticism LTD w/ Matt Seybold
Matt Seybold joins Rob Hawkes and Scott Ferguson to discuss the political economy of literary criticism from past to present, amateur to professional. Seybold is Associate Professor of American Literature at Elmira College and Resident Scholar at the Center for Mark Twain Studies. In addition to writing and teaching in the field of literature & economics, Seybold produces and hosts The American Vandal podcast, an ever-growing collection of conversations and presentations about literature, humor, and history in America that is inspired by Mark Twain’s life and legacy.
John Pilger (1939-2023)
A bright star in the firmament of justice has gone out. One of the greatest journalists of our era has passed away.
The (Television) Season of Our Discontent: Streaming and Striking in 2023
In 2023, TV studios cut back on both product and labor—and labor struck back. Writers and actors, having had enough of belt tightening and penny pinching, joined many other unions in either threatening to strike or striking. Workers changed how the story was told, showing that studios, their bloated salaries, and their failure to compensate those actually creating the profit, were to blame for the current conjuncture.
The World’s Economic Centre of Gravity is returning to Asia: The Fifty-Second Newsletter (2023)
In October 2023, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) published its annual Trade and Development Report. Nothing in the report came as a major surprise. The growth of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) continues to decline with no sign of a rebound.
The Price of Water and the Ongoing Colonization of Nature: Australian Cases in Global Context
Competition over fresh, clean water supplies is leading corporations and their partners in government into situations that transform water from a useful common good to a scarce, exchangeable asset. This process of commodification and financialization is imbricated in an ongoing colonization of nature, one starkly illustrated in settler colonial contexts like Australia.
Why Reimagine Soviet Georgia?
We must redefine Soviet Georgia beyond mere nostalgia—not to consign it to the past but to invigorate it, making it a dynamic force in shaping new visions for the world.
Dossier no. 71: Culture as a weapon of struggle: The Medu Art Ensemble and Southern African Liberation
The story of Medu is not just a South or southern African story, but an international one. No single liberation struggle can exist without the circulation and exchange of ideas, strategies, material resources, political solidarity, and culture across the globe.
Internationalism Today: An Interview with Paweł Wargan
Given the many contemporary global challenges—such as climate change, far-right extremism, pandemics, and the increasing threat of nuclear war—it is urgent to develop a strategic, organizational, and theoretical perspective for the international left. Daniel Benson interviews Paweł Wargan on these and other questions.
Samir Amin on ‘Eurocentrism’
In this short commentary, John Bellamy Foster describes the term after which Samir Amin’s Eurocentrism is famously named.
Teaching Economics with Benjamin Wilson
We are joined again by Benjamin Wilson to discuss what it is like to teach Economics from a heterodox Modern Monetary Theory perspective in 2023. In previous episodes, we have chatted with Wilson about his research, the Uni Currency project, and his innovative work experimenting with classroom currencies. Our conversation this time explores the potentials and dangers of using neoclassical textbooks in the heterodox classroom; the utility of classroom currencies for Econ classes of all levels; the place of narrative in neoclassical and heterodox theory; and so much more.