The invention of the “true transsexual”
The following text navigates through the trans health articles and books published between 1886 and 1966 which appear to have had the greatest influence on the writing of “The Transsexual Phenomenon”, ultimately posing the question: how did we get here?
Fighting rising anti-trans hate
One North Vancouver overpass holds lessons in defending against far-right radicalism through counterprotest.
Opinion: England’s anti-trans Cass review is politics disguised as science
The recent report borrows from DeSantis bans on transgender care in Florida and appears designed to provide political justification for further attacks on transgender care.
Pope Francis has abandoned transgender Catholics
In a recent official Declaration on Human Dignity, Dignitas Infinita, the Pope has endorsed a document that effectively outlaws sex change for transgender Catholics. The Declaration is both harsh and unrelenting in its tone, dismissive of new science and judgemental of those Catholics who in good faith make life choices contrary to the edicts of the Church. Nothing new here, but just another slap in the face for people who seek to live their God given lives as authentically and honestly as possible.
A trans person reflects on Cuba and Florida
Melinda Butterfield: “As I sat in Miami, I was keenly aware that Gov. Ron DeSantis was preparing to sign several laws aimed at banning trans people from public life and getting the health care they need to live.” (DeSantis did sign these laws just a few days later, not by coincidence, on May 17 – the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia.)
These Queers Bash Back: Pittsburgh anarchists organize in response to transphobic hate
Report on recent demonstrations in Pittsburgh against anti-trans grifter Michael Knowles.
My feminism is Trans inclusive
Attacks against Trans women are attacks against the women’s movement and the fight for better equality and justice.
Trans rights are under attack
There is a dangerous escalation of transphobia happening right now. The political right in the United States and the United Kingdom are rolling back civil rights for trans people specifically and LGBT people more broadly. This is being driven by an amalgamation of mainstream conservative parties, the far right, Christian fundamentalists and right-wing shock jocks and tabloids.
I am a trans Texan
A state resident ties the current gender panic to fascist politics through the lens of their own experience.
Junk science is being used to attack trans youth
In Florida and elsewhere, Republican lawmakers are using faulty research to deny young people access to vital gender-affirming care.
In media framing, trans kids are problems to be solved—not people with rights
As states continue to pass laws that dehumanize and endanger transgender kids, the country’s most influential newspapers have not met the challenge of covering the issue.
Two classes of trans kids are emerging–those who have access to puberty blockers, and those who don’t
For decades, kids who didn’t conform to the gender expected of them were forced to endure treatments designed to “cure” their gender nonconformity. This form of therapy, called “reparative” or “corrective,” typically involved instructing parents–and sometimes teachers–to subject children to constant surveillance and correction.