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Book Chapters
- Bridge, Gavin. 2010. “Past Peak Oil: Political Economy of Energy Crises.” Pp. 207–324 in Global Political Ecology, edited by R. Peet, P. Robbins, and M. Watts.
- Campanile, Philip and Michael Watts. 2019. “Nature and Ecology.” Pp. 353-362 in The Bloomsbury Companion to Marx. Oxford: Bloomsbury.
- Clark, Brett and John Bellamy Foster. 2012, “Guano: The Global Metabolic Rift and the Fertilizer Trade.” Pp. 68-82 in Ecology and Power: Struggles over Land and Material Resources in the Past, Present and Future. London: Routledge.
- Clark, Brett and Richard York. 2012. “Techno-Fix: Ecological Rifts and Capital Shifts.” In Ecology and Power: Struggles over Land and Material Resources in the Past, Present and Future, Alf Hornborg, Brett Clark, and Kenneth Hermele, eds. London: Routledge, pp. 23-36.
- Clark, Brett and Stefano B. Longo. 2017. “Marxism and Ecology.” In Routledge Handbook of Marxian Economics, David M. Brennan, David Kristjanson-Gural, Catherine P. Mulder, and Erik K. Olsen, eds. London: Routledge, pp. 399-408.
- Clark, Brett, John Bellamy Foster, and Stefano B. Longo. 2019. “Metabolic Rifts and the Ecological Crisis.” Pp. 651-658 in The Oxford Handbook on Karl Marx. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Clark, Brett and John Bellamy Foster. 2022. “Marx’s Ecology and Metabolic Analysis.” In The Routledge Handbook on Ecosocialism, Leigh Brownhill, Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro, Terran Giacomini, Ana Isla, Michael Löwy, and Terisa E. Turner, eds. London: Routledge, pp. 89-98.
- Clark, Brett, John Bellamy Foster, and Daniel Auerbach. Forthcoming. “Substantive Inequality and the Alienated Metabolism of the Capital System.” In The Handbook of Inequality and the Environment, Michael Long, Michael Lynch, and Paul Stretesky, eds. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Dehaene, Michael, Chiara Tornaghi, and Colin Sage. 2016. “Mending the Meataboic Rift: Placing the ‘Urban’ in Urban Agriculture,” Pp. 174-177 in Urban Agriculture Europe, ed. Lohrberg, L. Licka, L. Scazzosi, and A. Tiempe. Berlin: Jovis Verlag.
- Dolenec, Danijela. 2019. “Ecology and Environmentalism,” Pp. 541-547 in The Bloomsbury Companion to Marx. Oxford: Bloomsbury.
- Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2003. “Ecological Imperialism: The Curse of Capitalism.” In Socialist Register 2004: The New Imperial Challenge, L. Panitch and C. Leys, eds. London: Merlin Press, pp. 186-201.
- Foster, John Bellamy and Brett Clark. 2016. “Marx’s Universal Metabolism of Nature and the Frankfurt School: Dialectical Contradictions and Critical Syntheses.” In Changing Our Environment, Changing Ourselves, James S. Ormrod, ed. London: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 101-135.
- Foster, John Bellamy, and Fred Magdoff. 2000. “Liebig, Marx, and the Depletion of Soil Fertility: Relevance for Today’s Agriculture.” Pp. 23–41 in Hungry For Profit, edited by Fred Magdoff, John Bellamy Foster, and Frederick H. Buttel. New York: Monthly Review Press.
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* Comma is omitted for first author to follow proper naming convention: [surname] [given name].