We enjoyed this presentation by Mexie which makes use of John Bellamy Foster and Robert W. McChesney’s The Endless Crisis. It is both informative and fun. If you like this as much as we do, we recommend you check out some of Mexie’s other videos.
- Karl Marx (1867) Capital, Volume 1.
- Karl Marx (1885) Capital, Volume 2.
- Karl Marx (1894) Capital, Volume 3.
- V.I. Lenin (1917) Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism.
- John Bellamy Foster and Robert McChesney (2012) The Endless Crisis: How Monopoly Finance Capital Produces Stagnation and Upheaval from the USA to China.
- John Bellamy Foster and Fred Magdoff (2009) The Great Financial Crisis.
- Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff (2009) This Time Is Different.
- David Harvey (2014) Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism.
- Paul M. Sweezy and Harry Magdoff (1972) The Dynamics of US Capitalism.
- Harry Magdoff and Paul M. Sweezy (1987) Stagnation and the Financial Explosion.
- Paul A. Baran and Paul M Sweezy (1966) Monopoly Capital. (added by Eds.)