Venezuela food shipment destined for Venezuela seized due to U.S. blockade
The ship was seized in the Panama canal according to the Venezuela government.
Disablement, oppression, and political economy
It is often claimed that disabled persons are invisible, disregarded by mainstream society, and irrelevant to the workings of society.
USA vs. Venezuela: the embargo as part of a war with no turning back (Interview – Julio Escalona)
The total embargo declared by Donald Trump against Venezuela is another step in sharpening his strategy to generate chaos in the country and overthrow Nicolás Maduro. Julio Escalona, deputy of the National Constituent Assembly, analyzes the situation, the possibility of dialogues, and challenges.
American exceptionalism = mass murder
U.S. police agencies, including the FBI, are incapable of mounting an effective offensive against their soul mates in the armed white right.
More British complicity exposed in latest ‘CIA Torture Unredacted’ report
The latest report about kidnappings, rendition, ‘black sites’ and torture is a remarkable piece of investigative work. It provides us with nothing less than a litany of shocking evidence and testimony and at 403 pages it makes for truly grim reading. This article is made up of a very brief set of extracts from the just-released CIA Torture Unredacted report.
There must be bones under the paved street
On 6 August 1945, the United States military dropped a bomb that contained 64kg of uranium-235 over the city of Hiroshima (Japan). The bomb took just over 44 seconds to fall from 9,400 metres and detonated 580 metres above the Shima Surgical Clinic. Over 80,000 people died instantly. This was the first use of the nuclear bomb.
The Mexican debt crisis and the World Bank
In 2019, the World Bank (WB) and the IMF will be 75 years old. These two international financial institutions (IFI), founded in 1944, are dominated by the USA and a few allied major powers who work to generalize policies that run counter the interests of the world’s populations.
In Venezuela, social, popular and communal unity is not an illusion
The Corriente Revolucionaria Bolívar y Zamora interviewed Ángel Prado, the spokesperson of the Socialist Commune El Maizal, a campesino organization dedicated to building socialism at the grassroots level in Venezuela.
NPR shreds ethics handbook to normalize regime change in Venezuela
The Reagan administration in 1982 coerced National Public Radio (NPR) to cover more favorably the U.S. terrorist war then being waged against Nicaragua.
The Squad vs. Trump and Pelosi
In the past couple weeks, President Trump has gone on a racist, red-baiting rampage against four congresswomen elected in 2018. The four women of color–Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley–are now collectively known in the media as the “squad.”
Trump’s ‘diplomacy’ in Iran is a cynical farce
The problem for any negotiations is that the U.S. position is untenable. The U.S. wants to prevent Iran from exercising its right under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (1968) to enrich uranium even to low levels. It is this impossible position by Washington that will prevent diplomacy.
Marxism and the philosophy of science
Marxists are primarily known for their concern with the development of human society and political struggle. As materialists, however, Marxists necessarily look to developments in science and new ways of understanding the material world.
Dossier 19: Iranians will not forget: The hybrid war against Iran
It is impossible to predict what will happen in West Asia. Impossible to know whether the United States will conduct a military strike against Iran, which has already faced the full brunt of a U.S.-driven hybrid war against it for the past seven decades.
Policing the borders of suffering
Both mainstream Jewish institutions and non-Jewish liberal and conservative commentators took it upon themselves to censure Ocasio-Cortez’s use of “concentration camps,” with Rep. Liz Cheney accusing the freshman representative of “demean[ing]” the memory of those who died in the Holocaust.
Pushing out the Border: How the U.S. is waging a global war on migration
A PRINCIPAL GOAL of the Trump administration’s policy at the U.S.-Mexico border —and in Central America, considered of late only in relation to that border-has been to get other governments to handle the increase in migrants seeking to enter the United States.
Miliband’s masterpiece
Fifty years after it was published, The State in Capitalist Society remains indispensable for any socialist movement with ambitions of government.
The end of the INF treaty is a blow to global disarmament
On August 2, the withdrawal of the U.S. from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was formalized. The treaty signed in 1987 had led to the destruction of over 2,600 missiles by the U.S. and Russia
Arctic fires: “You have to go to a different planet to find a more persistent type”
Here’s a sentence for you: The Arctic is burning. Yes, that Arctic—the traditionally cold and wet one, large swaths of which are being consumed by an astonishing number of wildfires, from Russia to Greenland to Alaska.
What the New Deal can teach us about winning a Green New Deal: Part I
The New Deal has recently become a touchstone for many progressive efforts, illustrated by Bernie Sanders’ recent embrace of its aims and accomplishments and the popularity of calls for a Green New Deal.
Bernie Sanders dominates as analyses of fundraising data show Vermont senator with widespread support across nation
The data “contradicts both the mainstream narrative and some national polling data that suggest that only a centrist Democrat could succeed in this political environment.”