Why the western media is afraid of Julian Assange
The shared desire of the security services and the corporate media is to disappear Assange in the hope that his revolutionary model of journalism is abandoned or forgotten for good.
How Netanyahu handed Ben-Gvir the gun to start an annexation war
Jewish Power now has dozens of ways to inflame Palestinians into all-out confrontation. A third intifada has never felt closer.
Cop27: The dirty secret Europe is hiding at the climate summit
Grand declarations at Cop27 on tackling the climate emergency are sabotaged by a treaty from the 1990s that sees European nations held to ransom by the energy companies.
Europe, more than Putin, must shoulder the blame for the energy crisis
The same arrogant, self-righteous posturing from the West that fueled the Ukraine war is now plunging Europe into recession.
Those angry at Rushdie’s stabbing have been missing in action over a far bigger threat to our freedom
The appalling attack on him. Those who more than 30 years ago put a fatwa on his head after he wrote the novel, “The Satanic Verses,” made this assault possible. They deserve contempt. I wish him a speedy recovery.
How the Pentagon dictates Hollywood storylines
New documentary discloses the ways western publics are softened up for aggressive, global U.S. militarism through the Defense Department’s influence over thousands of US films and TV shows.
COP26: Military pollution is the skeleton in the West’s climate closet
Leaders at the COP26 summit have no intention of tackling the growing environmental impacts caused by their ‘defence’ spending.
Craig Murray’s jailing is the latest move in a battle to snuff out independent journalism
He becomes the first person ever to be imprisoned on the obscure and vaguely defined charge of “jigsaw identification”.
We are living through a time of fear not just of the virus but of each other
Welcome to the age of fear. Nothing is more corrosive of the democratic impulse than fear. Left unaddressed, it festers, eating away at our confidence and empathy.
The “humanitarian” left still ignores the lessons of Iraq, Libya and Syria to cheer on more war
In fact, those weren’t really separate horror shows: they were instalments of one long horror show.
Twitter’s ban on Trump will only deepen the U.S. tribal divide
Anyone who believes locking President Donald Trump out of his social media accounts will serve as the first step on the path to healing the political divide in the United States is likely to be in for a bitter disappointment.
Establishment journalists are piling on to smear Robert Fisk now he cannot answer back
Something remarkable even by the usually dismal standards of the stenographic media blue-tick brigade has been happening in the past few days.
The Guardian’s deceit-riddled new statement betrays both Julian Assange and journalism
In my recent post on the current hearings at the Old Bailey over Julian Assange’s extradition to the United States, where he would almost certainly be locked away for the rest of his life for the crime of doing journalism, I made two main criticisms of the Guardian. A decade ago, remember, the newspaper worked […]
Auschwitz, the BBC and antisemitism smears
Guerin had dared, unlike any of her colleagues in the western media, to allude to the terrible price inflicted on the Palestinian people by the west’s decision to help the Zionist movement create a Jewish state shortly after the Holocaust. The Palestinians were dispossessed of their homeland as apparent compensation–at least for those Jews who became citizens of Israel–for Europe’s genocidal crimes.
Bedouin mass eviction – Israel to drive Palestinians off their historic lands
Last week 36,000 Bedouin–all of them Israeli citizens–discovered that their state is about to make them refugees in their own country, driving them into holding camps. These Israelis, it seems, are the wrong kind.
Jewish Labour Movement was revived to deal with Corbyn
The Jewish Labour Movement likes to date its origins to the Poale Zion organisation, which was founded in 1903. A socialist society, Poale Zion affiliated itself not only with the British Labour party but also with a wide range of anti-Palestinian Zionist organisations such as the World Zionist Organisation and the Israeli Labour party.
After Netanyahu’s dirty tricks win–annexation of the West Bank may be next
After winning the Israeli election with a slim majority, in a campaign that grew more sordid and vilifying by the day, Benjamin Netanyahu is poised to begin his fifth term as Israeli prime minister.
The witchfinders are now ready to burn Corbyn
Nazareth, Israel: “McCarthyism” is a word thrown around a lot nowadays, and in the process, its true meaning – and horror – has been increasingly obscured.
The attack on Facebook is not for our benefit
It’s some achievement to get me sympathising with Mark Zuckerberg. But denunciations from a powerful combination of a parliamentary committee in the UK and self-appointed watchdogs of the new media like the Guardian almost managed it. – Jonathan Cook
Monsters engineered by our media
The guardians of the status quo refused to learn the lesson of Trump’s election, and so it will be with Bolsonaro.