Archive | Commentary

  • Sir Gerald Kaufman Asks “What the International Reaction Would Be If Hamas Had Slaughtered Nearly 900 Israelis and Subjected Nearly 1.5 million Israelis to Degradation and Deprivation?”

    Sir Gerald Kaufman (Manchester, Gorton) (Lab): In congratulating my right hon. Friend [David Miliband] on steering resolution 1860 through the United Nations Security Council, may I ask him what the international reaction would be if Hamas had slaughtered nearly 900 Israelis and subjected nearly 1.5 million Israelis to degradation and deprivation?  Is it not an […]

  • Greek Solidarity with Gaza in Response to PFLP Appeal

    On 10 January 2009, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine* issued an “Urgent Call to Greek People: Block the Shipment of US Arms to Israel through Greek Ports.”   It reported that the U.S. Navy was planning to ship 3,000 tons of ammunition by merchant ship from the Greek port Astakos to the […]

  • “Gaza Terrorists”

    The photographs below were all taken inside the Gaza Strip during the Israeli invasion, from 26th December 2008 to now.  Many of the photographs were taken by the Palestinian coordinator of the International Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza.  She has titled her photographs: “Gaza Terrorists.” “In the end we will remember not the […]

  • British Jews Call for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel

    We the undersigned are all of Jewish origin.  When we see the dead and bloodied bodies of young children, the cutting off of water, electricity and food, we are reminded of the siege of the Warsaw Ghetto.  When Dov Weisglass, an adviser to the Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, talked of putting Gazans “on a […]

  • UE: California Company Ready to Purchase Assets of Republic Windows, Put UE Members Back to Work

    14 January 2009, Chicago UE Local 1110 announced today that the leading company in the green window business — Serious Materials, based in Sunnyvale, California — is in the final stages of working out an agreement to purchase the assets of Republic Windows and Doors.  Members of UE Local 1110 staged a sit-in last month […]

  • Labor Unions Vow Stepped-up Pressure on Congress to Support “Medicare for All” Approach to Healthcare Reform

    Over 150 labor leaders from across U.S. kick off coordinated grassroots campaign for single payer healthcare St. Louis – More than 150 union leaders from 31 states gathered in St. Louis last weekend to step up a grassroots campaign to enact comprehensive national healthcare reform.  The group is promoting a single-payer plan, which would work […]

  • Bolivia Severs Ties with Israel in Protest of Gaza Massacres

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  • Support the PGFTU Gaza Aid Fund!

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, We are writing this letter to urge you to contribute to a special fund established by the Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) to help with the severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza.  All funds sent to the PGFTU GAZA AID will go to basic survival needs — food, medicine, rudimentary […]

  • Thousands of Israelis Protest against the War in Gaza

    A headline on the front page of the New York Times today asserts: “Israelis United on Gaza War Even as Censure Rises Abroad” (Ethan Bronner, 13 January 2009).  The article goes on to claim that “antiwar rallies here have struggled to draw 1,000 participants” (emphasis added).  To be sure, the very first antiwar rally in […]

  • “Labor Boycott of Israel” Urged at Rally for Palestinians

    On January 10, 2009, thousands of people in the Bay Area protested the US-supported attack by Israel on the people of Gaza at a rally and march in San Francisco.  Trade unionists including leaders of the Oakland Education Association and ILWU Local 10 and a leader of the California Peace and Freedom party condemned the […]

  • Israeli Soldiers Refuse to Serve in Gaza

      “Soldiers Refuse to Serve in Gaza, Tel-Aviv Protest, 8-1-2009,” Social TV, 11 January 2009 Social TV is an Israeli initiative for independent media and public education for social change.

  • Bomb a Ghetto, Raise a Cheer

    Pro-Israel Rally for Attacking Gaza, New York City, 11.01.09 Cf. Max Blumenthal, “Pro-Israel Rally Attended by Big-Time NY Dems Descends into Calls for ‘Wiping Out’ Palestinians,” AlterNet, 13 January 2009. Max Blumenthal is a senior writer for The Daily Beast and contributor to The Nation, Al Jazeera English,, AlterNet, the Huffington Post, and the […]

  • Hamas: What It Is, What It Wants, and What Israel Makes of It

    Israel’s stated reasons for its declaration of “all-out war” against the population of Gaza are the latest variation on a theme it put forward following the 2006 electoral victory of Hamas in Gaza.  In February of that year Israel issued an official set of demands.  Israel requires that Hamas recognize Israel’s permanent right to exist, […]

  • An Unarmed Palestinian Woman Confronts Israeli Soldiers

    This footage was first shown in the W (World Wide Weekly) program on South Korea’s MBC.   Brought to YouTube by oli505 11 months ago, it has been watched 306,150 times as of 12 January 2009, 15:15 PM.  The brave Palestinian woman in the video has been identified by Mitchell Cohen as Huwaida Arraf, a […]

  • Muslims and Palestine: An Alliance of Values

    Listening to the feelings expressed by Muslims around the world, one perceives an emotion of anger and revolt mixed with a deep sense of helplessness.  The current massacres are but a confirmation of the well known: the “international community” does not really care about the Palestinians, and it is as if the state of Israel, […]

  • Gaza Protests, as Seen on Al Jazeera

    . . . and unseen on American TV More Than 100,000 Protest in Paris, France, 11.01.09 USA, 11.01.09 Algeria, 11.01.09 Kenitra, Morocco, 11.01.09 Los Angeles, USA, 11.01.09 Journalists Protest the Israeli Army’s Targeting of Journalists, 10.01.09 Chicago and D.C., USA, 10.01.09 Tokyo, Japan, 10.01.09 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10.01.09 Rabat, Morocco, 10.01.09 Manama, Bahrain, 10.01.09 Algiers, […]

  • Gaza: Strip Maul

    The Daily Show With Jon StewartM – Th 11p / 10c Strip Maul Barack Obama InterviewJohn McCain Interview Sarah Palin VideoFunny Election Video Transcript of “Strip Maul,” The Daily Show, 5 January 2009 Jon: 2009, nothing but hope and change — we’re back, baby — let’s do this thing. Air Assault 2009 begins in […]

  • Workers Call for Rally at Detroit Auto Show

    Auto workers have called for a rally on January 11 at 1 pm outside of Cobo Hall on press day of the North American International Auto Show.  With news of the Bush administration’s $17.4 billion loan to the auto industry being tied to game-changing concessions that could erode wages across the board, auto workers will […]

  • Open Letter to Israeli Soldiers

      Introduction Please sign the following statement, which we hope to be able to publish soon in Israeli newspapers.  Donations to help pay for publication can be sent via PayPal by clicking here. We encourage organizations to sign by sending us email. Jews Call on Israeli Soldiers to Stop War Crimes We Jews in the […]

  • Oakland Rebels against the Police Execution of Oscar Grant

    This is a cellphone video, taken from a subway train, of a Bay Area Rapid Transit policeman shooting Oscar Grant, an unarmed 22-year-old Black man and father of a four-year-old daughter, on New Year’s Eve.  Grant was lying face down on the ground, handcuffed, without any resistance when he was shot. The murder has triggered […]