Archive | Commentary

  • House Excludes Countries with Ties to Iran from Debt Relief Bill

    Last month, the US House of Representatives amended foreign debt relief legislation to exclude countries with “business interests with Iran.”  The bill, titled the Jubilee Act for Responsible Lending and Expanded Debt Cancellation (HR 2634), is intended to provide low-income countries relief from debts owed to the United States and international financial institutions. The bill […]

  • 60 Years of Palestinian Dispossession . . . No Reason to Celebrate “Israel at 60”!

    “Even after fifty years of living the Palestinian exile I still find myself astonished at the lengths to which official Israel and its supporters will go to suppress the fact that a half century has gone by without Israeli restitution, recognition, or acknowledgment of Palestinian human rights and without, as the facts undoubtedly show, connecting […]

  • Don’t Bomb Iran!

      To contact Make Films Not War, go to <>. | | Print

  • Rethinking Israel after Sixty Years

    Israeli Independence Day 2008, marking the sixtieth anniversary of the rise of the Jewish State on the ruins of Palestinian society, should be cause more for sober reflection and reevaluation than for celebration.  True, Israeli Jews have much to celebrate.  Only a few weeks ago the shekel joined the fifteen strongest currencies in the world, […]

  • Predominantly Mexican Neighborhood to Host Dyke March [“Marcha por la diversidad sexual” en vecindario mexicano]

    Chicago, IL (14 de mayo, 2008) — La “Marcha por la diversidad sexual” tomara lugar por primera vez en su historia de 12 años en el vecindario de Pilsen, el cual es predominantemente mexicano.  Esta marcha, conocida en ingles como “Dyke* March Chicago” ocurre cada año en el vecindario de Andersonville, al norte de la […]

  • The “China Syndrome”: An Apology for Economic Injustice

    As a red Toyota pickup made its daily delivery, masses of people gathered outside the brand-new blue and white subsidized bread kiosk near my building.  A rusty and dented Fiat also delivered unsubsidized bread to the small grocery store across the street at the same time.  Last Thursday, Egypt’s Central Agency for Public Mobilization and […]

  • Mumbai’s Rebels: Those Who Couldn’t Remain Unmoved

      The risks of a militant struggle for an alternative path of development that is radically different from the one followed by India’s ruling classes seem to most dissidents far too dangerous.  Yet there are some who stand firm in their conviction: what should be, can be.  An outline of a few of Mumbai’s rebels […]

  • Santa Cruz Autonomy Campaign Is Lynchpin to Destroy Latin American Progress

      On Sunday, May 4, 2008, I joined two dozen progressive activists marching in a circle in front of the Bolivian embassy.  Thanks to our spirited presence, 150 or so right-wing Bolivians from the province of Santa Cruz were unable to get in front of the embassy to demonstrate in favor of the autonomy referendum […]

  • The Slap

      Ehsan Amani was born in 1948.  For many years he worked in advertising and acted in feature films such as Crimson Gold, Abadan, and Kandelus Gardens.  He directs short films and documentaries.  “The Slap” is Amani’s contribution to Pangea Day, a global event bringing the world together through film. | | Print

  • What Kind of War Does Neoliberalism Make?

    James A. Tyner.  The Business of War: Workers, Warriors, and Hostages in Occupied Iraq.  Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2006.  viii + 152 pp.  Bibliography, index.  ISBN 978-0-7546-4791-1. In The Business of War, James A. Tyner provides an engaged and readable synthesis of scholarship and informed polemic produced in response to the Anglo-American invasion and occupation […]

  • A Statement of Solidarity and Support for the “Freightliner 5” from Three Former UAW International Union Executive Board Members

    Sister Swinford and Brothers Bradley, Crisco, Torrence, and Whitside, We would like to add our voice and the legacy of our many years within the UAW ranks and leadership to the call for a full and unconditional restoration of your rights as employees of the Freightliner/Daimler Corporation and members our union.  Our union was founded […]

  • The Next Step in Nepal:An Interview with Dr. Baburam Bhattarai of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)

    Q. On May Day what was the message that the party was putting to the workers? On the historic May Day our message to the working class was, we are making revolution in Nepal in a very indigenous way, but we have a lot of challenges to face.  The reactionaries won’t leave the stage of […]

  • The Opposition Takes Beirut

      A few hours after yesterday’s press conference of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, opposition fighters occupied the offices of the pro-government Future Movement of Hariri in Beirut, and battles focused on the Koraytem palace (Saad Hariri residence), which was hit by rockets, the Sérail (seat of the Siniora government), and the home of […]

  • Senator Clinton, Why Are You Threatening “the Iranians”?

      Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton US Presidential Candidate c/o Your Excellency, In one of your recent campaign interviews you stated that: “I want the Iranians to know that if I’m the president, we will attack Iran. . . .  In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on […]

  • Evo Appeals for Dialogue and the Opposition Challenges Him to Win His Mandate at a Recall Referendum

    Abruptly, and at record speed, the Senate passed a law to hold a recall referendum. President Evo Morales invited the opposition governors of the “Media Luna” (the half-moon-shaped region composed of the Santa Cruz, Beni, Pando, and Tarija departments) to resume dialogue on Monday afternoon with an agenda for open discussion and offered guarantees for […]

  • The CAW and Panic Bargaining: Early Opening at the Big Three

    In the face of a deteriorating economic climate and concerns about the ‘investment competitiveness’ of Canadian plants, the CAW leadership made a startling move this spring.  It had an air of panic about it: it quietly asked the Big Three — GM, Ford and Chrysler — to open their collective agreements early, offering a new […]

  • Evo’s Dilemmas

    The Right respects legality only when legality favors it.  The history of our America has shown that a thousand times.  The confrontation that is convulsing Bolivia today is no exception. The Santa Cruz autonomy referendum is just the tip of the iceberg.  To limit the debate to a question of legal pettifoggery would be a […]

  • Testimony of Marjorie Cohn before the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties

    House Judiciary Committee May 6, 2008 2141 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. From the Department of Justice to Guantánamo Bay: Administration Lawyers and Administration Interrogation Rules Marjorie Cohn, President, National Lawyers Guild Professor, Thomas Jefferson School of Law What does [the prohibition of] torture have in common with [that of] genocide, slavery, and wars […]

  • Evo: Half of Cruceños Do Not Want Separatists’ Autonomy

    This is no autonomist victory nor is it a “democratic fiesta” — it’s a violent, failed opinion poll whose rate of abstention is three times the usual rate, says the President. The illegal and unconstitutional referendum resoundingly failed to adopt the statute of autonomy for Santa Cruz, said President Evo Morales, as the poll showed […]

  • Liberalizing Food Trade to Death

    Introduction People across the world, from Mexico to Mozambique, have once again been taking to the streets in protest.  The reason is to demand that their most basic need be met: access to food.  With food prices skyrocketing over the last few months, billions of people around the globe have been relentlessly driven towards starvation.  […]