Archive | Commentary

  • Reviving the Iranian Revolt

    At the height of the Iranian revolution in the winter of 1979, French philosopher Michel Foucault described what he was seeing in Tehran as “perhaps the first great insurrection against global systems, the form of revolt that is the most modern and the most insane.” “Islam,” he wrote, “– which is not simply a religion, […]

  • Peter Hallward Untangles the Truth about Haiti from a Web of Lies

    DAMMING THE FLOOD : Haiti, Aristide, and the Politics of Containment by Peter HallwardBUY THIS BOOK In Damming the Flood: Haiti, Aristide, and the Politics of Containment, Peter Hallward meticulously explains how, on February 29 of 2004, the U.S. managed to “topple one of the most popular governments in Latin America but it managed to […]

  • The US “War on Terror” Exported to Rwanda: A Threat to Peace in DRC

      There is a common flaw in US foreign policy.  In giving aid to foreign nations, the United States prioritizes its own foreign policy goals over any standards of good governance.  Because this system of support ignores the realities on the ground, it ultimately backfires, undermining US long-term interests and fueling instability, conflict, and violations […]

  • Interview with Shahla Lahiji on Women’s Presence in the Labor Market: No Vocation Must Be Prohibited for Women

      Shahla Lahiji is the first Iranian woman who succeeded in getting a publisher’s license registered in her own name.  She founded Roshangaran and Women’s Studies, a publishing house, 23 years ago.  Lahiji sees herself in a kind of living history on the question of women’s labor, for her mother was the fifth woman who […]

  • Real Muslims, Real Lives: An Enchanted Modern by Lara Deeb

      Lara Deeb.  An Enchanted Modern: Gender and Public Piety in Shi’i Lebanon.   Princeton Studies in Muslim Politics Series.  Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. ix + 263 pp. Illustrations, footnotes, glossary, bibliography, index. An Enchanted Modern by Lara Deeb is an important book that illustrates and explores the lives of real, modern, Muslim women.  Published […]

  • Injustice at Guantanamo: Torture Evidence and the Military Commissions Act

    The Bush administration has announced its intention to try six alleged al Qaeda members at Guantánamo under the Military Commissions Act.  That Act forbids the admission of evidence extracted by torture, although it permits evidence obtained by cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment if it was secured before December 30, 2005.  Thus, the administration would be forbidden […]

  • Walking Away: The Least Bad Option

    Except for a hardy band of neo-con optimists and the official apologists of the Bush regime, almost everyone is agreed today that the United States has gotten itself into a nasty, self-wounding mess in Iraq where it is fighting a drawn-out guerrilla war it cannot win.  At the same time, a very large number of […]

  • Algeria, the Return of the FIS [Algérie, le retour du FIS]

    Dans le quotidien Le Monde (9 février), M. Ali Belhadj, l’ancien numéro 2 du Front islamique du salut (FIS) a donné un entretien à Florence Beaugé, « Il faut trouver, d’urgence, une solution politique en Algérie » 1. Cet important entretien appelle quelques commentaires. 1. Le moment choisi pour sa publication est important, marqué par […]

  • Race, Poverty, and the Neoliberal Agenda in the United States: Lessons from Katrina and Rita

    Abstract The global economic system has come to be dominated de facto by institutions subscribing to and enforcing the neoliberal agenda.  Since the end of World War II, these institutions have sought not only to regulate but, in a manner reminiscent of classical colonialism, to control global resources facilitated by the emergence of the neoliberal […]

  • As Rome Burned, the Emperor Fiddled

    As global finance’s house of cards implodes, Bush and Congress fiddle and Bernanke Fedles.  When sub-prime mortgages defaulted, debt-backed securities tanked, and credit everywhere contracted.  Business investment then shrank as did consumer spending.  Recession now looms in the US if it is not already here.  Worry deepens that it might get very bad and last […]

  • Fear of the Left Cripples German Defense Chiefs

    What a difference a party on the left can mean! US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, at the annual International Security Conference in Munich, stepped up pressure on Germany to send more troops to Afghanistan and commit them to active fighting there, not only in the currently more peaceful north but in the battle-ridden south […]

  • Halting California Tuition Hikes

    Making ends meet is a fight for Valencia Henley, an ethnic studies major graduating from California State University, Sacramento this spring. “Each semester I have faced being kicked out of classes due not to my grades but to being late paying student fees,” she said.  “At times my professors have let me stay in their […]

  • The Folly of Attacking Iran: Lessons from History

    Write a letter to Congress in support of real diplomatic engagement with Iran: . Join Stephen Kinzer, longtime New York Times correspondent and author of the book All the Shah’s Men, is now traveling across the nation to make the case for real diplomacy with Iran.  The tour coincides with a new publication of his […]

  • On the Boycott Appeal: Israel as the “Guest of Honor” at the Book Fairs in Turin and Paris

    It is difficult to be critical of Israel without having one’s words misinterpreted, twisted, their meaning inverted.  A controversy centering on the Turin Book Fair is raging in Italy, amid conflicting claims and counter-claims.  French Journalist Pierre Assouline in a recent blog entry further distorted the terms of the debate. The facts are these: The […]

  • Kenya: Failures of Elite Transition

      The events in Kenya after the much criticized and controversial elections of 27 December 2007 have exposed the planned failures of our nascent democracy and the ideological rot and inadequacy across the Kenyan body politic.  This has left many wondering what actually went wrong.  I posit that an ideologically bankrupt political process that revolves around access […]

  • Lift the Siege on Gaza!

    Let’s pretend for a moment that Israel and not Gaza is under siege by its Arab neighbors.  The Arabs are preventing all food supplies, medicine, and fuel from reaching starving Israelis.  The reason given: Israel’s refusal to accept the Arab peace initiative (land for peace). What would America and the rest of the world do? […]

  • Class and Inflation in Australia

    Just as the slump in the US economy threatens to trigger a global recession, Australian authorities have pronounced inflation ‘public enemy number one’ and are trying to slow growth.  They tell workers to ‘exercise wage restraint’. Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Industrial Relations Minister Julia Gillard and Treasurer Wayne Swan sing the same tune: workers […]

  • IV International Conference on “The Work of Karl Marx and the Challenges of the 21st Century”

    Venue:  Palacio de Convenciones This conference celebrates the 50th anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution which occurred on January 1, 1959. These are times of special importance for the destiny of humanity, given the increase in imperialist aggression and its confrontation with the resistance of peoples from all corners of the globe, who […]

  • The Cincinnati Public Schools: Military Recruitment in the Guise of College Prep?

      The Cincinnati Public Schools appear to be promoting military recruitment in the guise of college preparation through a corporate program called “Making Your College Search Count.”  Students at Walnut Hills High School spent fifty minutes this week in a required assembly listening to a talk about getting into college, and though the presenter never […]

  • ALBA: Creating a Regional Alternative to Neo-liberalism?

    Latin America was the first place where the US imposed the most callous economic system ever seen: neo-liberal capitalism.  Starting in Chile in 1973, the US used its power, along with its control over the IMF and the World Bank, to force governments across Latin America to adopt neo-liberal economic policies.  This has seen Latin […]