Archive | Commentary

  • Trading the National Rights of Iranians for Factional Gain

      “Help fund the good fight.   By contributing to MR, you help reinforce the left and reclaim the future.” — Richard D. Vogel“To do my part, I just got out my checkbook and wrote a check for $100 to the Monthly Review Foundation.  That’s on top of my Monthly Review Associate membership, which I […]

  • The UAW-Big Three Settlements: From Defeat to Rebellion

    “Help fund the good fight.   By contributing to MR, you help reinforce the left and reclaim the future.” — Richard D. Vogel “To do my part, I just got out my checkbook and wrote a check for $100 to the Monthly Review Foundation.  That’s on top of my Monthly Review Associate membership, which I […]

  • New Politics in Old Bolivia: Public Opinion and Evo Morales

    “Help fund the good fight.   By contributing to MR, you help reinforce the left and reclaim the future.” — Richard D. Vogel “To do my part, I just got out my checkbook and wrote a check for $100 to the Monthly Review Foundation.  That’s on top of my Monthly Review Associate membership, which I […]

  • It’s Time for All of Us to Make a Contribution to MRZine

    My friends, it’s that time of year again.  Time once again for you, and me, to make a financial contribution to MRZine.  It costs real money to keep this project going and growing.  Your financial support is vital if MRZine is to continue carrying the Monthly Review message to the entire world via the internet. […]

  • Annual Fundraising Drive: Reinforcing the Left and Reclaiming the Future with MR

    Monthly Review has been on the frontline of the battle for a better world for almost 60 years.  As an openly socialist publication, MR has consistently challenged the forces of reaction at home and abroad with critical political analyses that offer alternatives to a system that survives by killing hope.  Every issue of the magazine […]

  • Venezuela: Not What You Think

    In the case of Hugo Chavez and the Venezuelan Bolivarian Revolution, the mainstream media and politicians in the United States have elevated their game of demonizing all who oppose US foreign policy and business interests to a higher level of absurdity than usual.  According to the mainstream media, the only newsworthy stories in Venezuela are […]

  • Venezuela: ¡Ahora Sí!

    Here are two songs in support of YES to Venezuela’s constitutional reform, whose fate is to be determined by the referendum of 2 December 2007. ¡Ahora Sí! by El Jekke y su Banda Click here to download “¡Ahora Sí!” in MP3. Ahora Vamos por el Sí by Lloviznando Cantos Click here to download “Ahora Vamos […]

  • “Reasonable Accommodation”: A Feminist Response [Les « accommodements raisonnables » :Une réponse féministe]

      En tant que féministes antiracistes et anticoloniales, nous avons d’importantes réserves à l’égard de la Commission de consultation sur les pratiques d’accommodement reliées aux différences culturelles.  Par ailleurs, le Conseil du statut de la femme du Québec (CSF) a suggéré des modifications à la Charte québécoise afin de réclamer la priorité relative du droit […]

  • Marx and the Global Environmental Rift

    Ecology is often seen as a recent invention.  But the idea that capitalism degrades the environment in a way that disproportionately affects the poor and the colonized was already expressed in the nineteenth century in the work of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels.  Writing in Capital in 1867 on England’s ecological imperialism toward Ireland, Marx […]

  • The Right to Our Land Must Be Restored

      This week in Annapolis, Maryland, the United States government will host a conference between Palestinian and Israeli leaders to launch peace talks on a permanent agreement.  A vital component of the peace proposals to be discussed involves exchanges of territory that would allow Israel to keep its West Bank “settlement blocs” while compensating Palestinians […]

  • Peace Talk Translations

    The corporate media is abuzz with the notion that there is a Palestine-Israel peace conference now happening in Maryland.  That this claim is being taken seriously six years into the Cheney Administration is another remarkable proof that, in this bought-and-paid-for corporate capitalist society, journalism is doornail-dead. The real truth, as reported (as a low-paragraph aside, […]

  • New Zealand Union Campaigns to Organize Young Workers

    Melbourne, Australia — Four years ago, some experienced social and political organizers sat down with young people in Auckland, New Zealand to map out a plan for a novel trade union, one that would potentially represent the thousands of workers who toil in poorly paid and mostly part-time jobs in the fast food and other […]

  • The New Monastics

    Tall black-shadowed cypresses slender beside arcaded cloisters: thus were monastic enterprises: now with our new doctrines secular-consumerist we bend with similar devoutness in service to our modern pantheon — Bretton Woods, its cohort deities — World Bank, IMF, WTO — diligently we recite “We have loved, o lord, the beauty of your house and the […]

  • Separate But Unequal in Palestine: The Road to Apartheid

      On the eve of the meeting intended to restart negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians at Annapolis, Maryland, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced that Israel will build no new West Bank settlements, but will not “strangle” existing Israel settlements.  This means that construction in the 149 existing Israeli settlements throughout the West Bank […]

  • Remembering Victor Rabinowitz: Legal Giant of the Left

    On November 16, 2007, Victor Rabinowitz, one of the giants of the legal profession and a tireless fighter for social justice, died at the age of 96.  One of the founders of the National Lawyers Guild 70 years ago, Victor defended unpopular clients when other lawyers were afraid to touch them.  During the McCarthy period, […]

  • Response to Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, et al. on Nandigram

    We read with growing dismay the statement signed by Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn and others advising those opposing the CPI(M)’s pro-capitalist policies in West Bengal not to “split the Left” in the face of American imperialism.  We believe that for some of the signatories, their distance from events in India has resulted in their falling […]

  • Celebrate and Defend the Legacy of the Black Panther Party

    NYC, Friday, November 30, 7 pm Martin Luther King Jr. Labor Center 310 W. 43rd Street (between 8th & 9th Ave.), NYC Speakers Include: Gil Noble, respected producer and host of ABC-TV’s Like It Is SF-8 defendants Francisco Torres, Harold Taylor, Ray Boudreaux and Hank Jones Soffiyah Elijah, Esq., lawyer on the SF-8 case Special […]

  • Notes on the Istanbul Al-Quds Conference

      One extremely positive aspect of the recent Istanbul Al-Quds International Forum is that it took place at all, despite Israeli pressures.  It had been known from the beginning that Israel was not happy about any activity that might disrupt the music of the Annapolis orchestra. Despite the Erdogan government’s relative strength in resisting the […]

  • Class Warfare and the Australian Elections

    The November 24th Australian election has resulted in a sharp defeat of the neoliberal pro-US John Howard government, and a victory for the slightly less neoliberal and pro-US Kevin Rudd of the Australian Labor Party.  But what has not been much noticed in global commentary on the result is the intense class struggle atmosphere in […]

  • The End of a Racist Union Basher: The 2007 Election in Australia

    Not only did conservative Australian Prime Minister John Howard lose the election last Saturday in a landslide, he may have lost his seat as well. The Australian Labor Party now controls all nine Australian governments: State, Territory and federal. Industrial relations was the key issue in the election. Years of campaigning against the anti-Aboriginal and […]