Archive | Commentary

  • US Imperialism, Dutch Government, Arroyo Regime Ganging Up on Ka Joema — CPP

    August 31, 2007 — The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today said US imperialism, the Dutch government and the Arroyo puppet regime are ganging up on CPP founding chairman and National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) Senior Political Consultant Jose Maria Sison.   Sison was arrested last Tuesday on trumped-up and politically motivated murder […]

  • We vs. Me in the Days of Lean and Mean

    In early August I had the good fortune to attend the 2007 Postal Press Association National Editors’ Conference in Reno, Nevada.  I presented a workshop on “Linking the Past to the Present,” a way to think about what we can learn from the labor movement of the past and how editors can incorporate such insight […]

  • Auto Makers Push Health Care Trust Solution for Industry Crisis

    A rising chorus of business gurus is singing the praises of a new solution to the U.S. auto industry’s ongoing crisis: one big health care trust for all the Big 3’s workers.  According to the proposal’s cheerleaders, by making giant one-time pay-ins, the Big 3 auto makers can slice off an estimated $116 billion worth […]

  • Neo-Nazis in Germany, or Déjà Vu?

    An argument at a summer fair in the small town of Muegeln, between Leipzig and Dresden, ended with a mob of fifty drunken young men wielding knives and other weapons and shouting “Foreigners Get Out!” chasing eight men from India — longtime residents in Muegeln — across the town square.  The Indians, some badly wounded, […]

  • “Labour for Palestine” Responds to U.S. Anti-Boycott Statement

    27 August 2007 In July 2007, a group of labour leaders from the U.S. issued a statement opposing the growing international campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel. The statement was signed by a number of presidents from unions including the American Federation of Teachers, the American Postal Workers Union, the Communication Workers […]

  • Benazir Bhutto’s Chilla

    Benazir Bhutto pledges allegiance to Bush and Condi. Via Al Musawwir, who found it at Dictatorship Watch. | | Print

  • Two Years Post-Katrina: Racism and Criminal Justice in New Orleans

    Two years after the devastation of New Orleans highlighted racism and inequality in the US, the disaster continues.  New Orleans’ health care and education systems are still in crisis.  Thousands of units of public housing sit empty.  Nearly half the city’s population remains displaced.  A report released this week by the Institute for Southern Studies […]

  • On Elections, Factions, and Fictions in the Philippines

    It’s been more than three months since this year’s senatorial elections were held in the Philippines, and there have been since then plenty of people saying that, far from breaking away from election fraud, the country has witnessed more cheating this year than ever before.  I had the opportunity to witness the election process when […]

  • Iran’s Jews — Shalom Salaam

    “Iran’s Jews — Shalom Salaam,” a segment of the Australian SBS current affairs show Dateline hosted by George Negus, was aired on 16 May 2007.  You can also watch this program at Google Video.    The transcript of the program is available at the Web sites of SBC and the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military […]

  • Waiting for the Argus: Theodore Gericault and The Raft of the Medusa

    Jonathan Miles, Medusa: The Shipwreck, the Scandal, the Masterpiece, Jonathan Cape, 2007, pp. 288. At midday on July 2, 1816, the frigate Medusa, flying the white flag of Bourbon France and bound from Rochefort to Senegal with a cargo of arms, ammunition, and other supplies for the soldiers and colonists it bore, ran aground on […]

  • “In Defense of Academic Freedom”: DePaul Students and Community Launch Website and Organize Lecture to Highlight Violations

    In Defense of Academic FreedomfeaturingTariq Ali, Akeel Bilgrami, Noam Chomsky, Tony Judt, and John Mearsheimer12 October 2007, 2:00 pm – 7:00 pmRockefeller Chapel, University of Chicago CHICAGO, IL — DePaul University students, concerned over the controversial tenure denials of Dr. Norman Finkelstein and Dr. Mehrene Larudee by its administration, have launched a website ( and […]

  • DePaul Violates Finkelstein’s Contract and Further Undermines Academic Freedom at the University

    How DePaul Practices Vincentian Values Prof. Finkelstein – Professor Budde has informed me that you have asked for office space for your books. We do not have office space assigned to you for the coming academic year. I will look into whether we can make space available for you and either I or Professor Budde […]

  • Chávez Proposes International of Left Parties [Propone Chávez Internacional de partidos de izquierda]

    Caracas, 25 ago (PL) Partidos y movimientos de izquierda de América Latina y el Caribe fueron convocados hoy por el presidente venezolano, Hugo Chávez, a realizar en 2008 una reunión para crear una organización internacional. Al hablar ante miles de aspirantes a miembros del Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV), Chávez precisó que recientemente conversó […]

  • Rang Taray

      Abrar-ul-Haq is a Pakistani singer. Visit malangbaba for an English translation of the song’s lyrics, whose faith comes from “Neither the masjid of believers / Nor the rituals of pagans.”

  • “We Will Defend the Constituent Assembly with Our Lives”: Resolution from the National Emergency Gathering of the Social Organizations

    United Confederation of Unions of Campesino Workers of Bolivia (CSUTCB), National Federation of Women Campesinos of Bolivia “Bartolina Sisa” (FNMCB “BS”), Confederation of Unions of Colonizers of Bolivia (CSCB), National Association of Water Irrigators and Communitarian Systems of Potable Water (ANARESCAPYS) Sucre, August 23, 2007 Considering: That the oligarchy, out of desperation, is using all […]

  • A Blood Pressure Lowering Guide to the Democratic Party and Democrats

    Many folks on the Left, and in our labor movement, are afflicted with frequent bouts of anguish and outrage as we observe the action or inaction of some Democrat in office — or running for office.  Those on the Left who claim to be recovered — or never afflicted — by this disease often seem […]

  • Zionists Attack Mural of Palestinian Resistance

      We are writing to ask for your support for a mural on 24th and Capp St that is under attack by Zionists.  The mural depicts related images of struggle by indigenous communities against forces of imperialism, racism, and economic oppression.  Its major theme is breaking down walls — those in Mexico, Palestine, Iraq — […]

  • Former Enemies Find New Way Forward

    St. Louis — A young man from Palestine and another from Israel riveted 400 U.S. military veterans to their seats last week in this city on the Mississippi River.  What captivated the audience was their recent decision to put down the guns they’d pointed at each other for years. The two members of Combatants for […]

  • The Deportation of Elvira Arellano

    The deportation of immigrant rights activist Elvira Arellano by federal authorities on August 20 was a blow aimed at the immigrant rights movement.  Arellano, a 32-year old single mother who had spent a year living in a Chicago church in defiance of a deportation order, had become a spokesperson for the New Sanctuary Movement and […]

  • Defective Toys and Worker Exploitation in the PRC

    The hullabaloo in the international capitalist media over defective Chinese-made toys and the massive Mattel recall in mid-August 2007 — including 7.3 million Polly Pocket™ play sets and a quarter-million Pixar cars “Sarge” (die-cast military jeeps) — should remind us where our solidarity must lie: with the exploited Chinese workers on the job.  They are […]