Archive | Commentary

  • Moratorium Marathon for Peace

    “WAR . . . huh . . . yeah What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.” — Edwin Starr‘s No. 1 Hit, “WAR,” 1970 Edwin Starr’s antiwar blockbuster hit Number 1 less than a year after the Vietnam Moratorium brought millions of us into the streets in October 1969. Nearly forty years later, we are […]

  • Financial Panics, Then and Now

    The authors of the most widely read book on financial panics (Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises, Fifth Edition, 2005) refer to them as “hardy perennials” and document how they have repeatedly devastated large portions of modern economies and societies over the last three centuries.  Charles Kindleberger (a professor of economics at […]

  • Peace Movement Overthrows Government, Cheney Dies

    (PU) Former Vice President Richard B. Cheney was found dead today at the Daniel Ellsberg Reeducation Center for War Criminals and the Psychopathically Challenged.  Using twine he had pilfered from a macramé class, Mr. Cheney apparently hanged himself after a particularly grueling group therapy session in which participants were asked to go deep within themselves […]

  • Iran’s Progress in Mastering Nuclear Energy Sparks New Threats of Aggression

      In recent months Iran has made large strides toward mastering nuclear technology.  Alarmed by these advances, the Bush administration and its European allies have stepped up their hostile actions and threats, specifically: Attempting to prevent the entry into service of Iran’s first nuclear power plant at Bushehr.  The Bushehr reactor will use nuclear fuel […]

  • The Age of Materialism Is Over

    “The Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has said the age of materialism is over and the world is moving towards spiritual values” (“Ahmadinejad: Materialism Is Outdated,” Press TV 15 August 2007).  Is it? His dear imam wrote a letter to Gorbachev in 1989.  Among other things, Khomeini said, “However much the Western world may appear to […]

  • A Year after the Second Lebanon War: Most of the war Crimes Were Israel’s

    This week marks a year since the end of hostilities now officially called the Second Lebanon war by Israelis.  A month of fighting — mostly Israeli aerial bombardment of Lebanon, and rocket attacks from the Shia militia Hizbullah on northern Israel in response — ended with more than 1,000 Lebanese civilians and a small but […]

  • Yes Men and Egoists

      On August 8, 2007 a German labor court in Nuremberg issued a temporary restraining order preventing a strike called by the GDL train drivers’ union, to the delight of the business press. The strike had been approved by a great majority of the train drivers, and was due to start on August 9th.  The state-owned […]

  • On the Concept “Totalitarianism” and Its Role in Current Political Discourse

    A Cardinal Principle of Modern Liberalism The basic assumption of modern liberalism is that freedom is involved in an ongoing, all encompassing struggle against a dangerous enemy, totalitarianism.  The existence of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were and still are presented as the quintessential totalitarian formations.  Liberal thinkers stress that totalitarianism is on the […]

  • Christopher Hayes on the NAFTA Superhighway: The Nation Tilts to the Right

    In the cover story of the August 27 edition of The Nation, Christopher Hayes declares categorically, “There’s no such thing as a proposed NAFTA Superhighway,” and thereby places himself squarely in the service of the neoconservative forces that are globalizing North America. As a progressive writer, Hayes turns to surprising sources for evidence to support […]

  • Neo-Con Censorship: A Threat to All of Us

    If someone can silence whatever he or she doesn’t like, we are all going to be in big trouble soon. While everyone is on holidays, a new blow to online free speech has taken place, and I would like to share it with you and ask for help. Last Friday, my blog was shut down […]

  • Visions of Peace & Justice

    Visions of Peace & Justice: San Francisco Bay Area, 1974-2007: Over Thirty Years of Political Posters from the Archives of Inkworks Press.  Berkeley: Inkworks Press, 2007, 150pp, oversized color, $30 pbk. The history of colorful political art on the US Left goes back, arguably, to black and white versions of the socialist cartoons borrowed from […]

  • The U.S.-Indian Nuclear Deal: An Unequal Colonial Treaty

      Analytical Monthly Review, published in Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, is a sister edition of Monthly Review.  Its Summer 2007 issue features the following editorial. — Ed. Prior to the Friday, August 3rd, 2007 release of the agreed text of the U.S.-Indian nuclear agreement, the media build-up in favor of civilian nuclear technology “transfer” and […]

  • Oppose the New “Settler University”

    [O]ccupation proceeds from the same ideological infrastructure on which the 1948 ethnic cleansing was erected  [. . .] and in whose name there take place every day detentions and killings without trial.  The most murderous manifestation of this ideology is now in the Territories.  It should and must be stopped soonest.  For that, no expedient […]

  • Interview: Teófilo Stevenson, Ex-World Boxing Champion: “What They Did Is Not Treason — It’s Ignorance” [Entrevista: Teófilo Stevenson Ex campeón mundial de boxeo “Lo que han hecho no es una traición, es incultura”]

    “Yo no diría que lo que han hecho es una traición, es incultura.  Y le digo esto porque al que traiciona no se le perdona”, dice el revolucionario Teófilo Stevenson, el boxeador aficionado más grande de todos los tiempos, acerca de la deserción de Guillermo Rigondeaux y Erislandy Lara por un contrato de medio millón […]

  • Po’pay, A True American Hero

      The Pueblo Revolt, which began on 10 August 1680 under the leadership of Po’pay, was the most successful example of American Indian resistance to colonialism in North America, liberating the Pueblo people from Spanish colonizers for over a decade.  Po’pay, A True American Hero, produced by the Pueblo of Ohkay Owingeh and Skalalitude Productions […]

  • Echoes of Pain in Sounds of Cicadas: Hibakusha Testimony

    At the end of those air raid shelters was our shelter.  I went in, hoping to find my brother, but I couldn’t find him.  I got out of the shelter. Then, little Kyoko called my name. “Mi-chan, Mi-chan,” the voice of a girl said.  I asked, “Who are you?”  The voice said, “It’s Kyoko.” Coming […]

  • International Day of the World’s Indigenous People

    Message of Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and Rodolfo Stavenhagen, Special Rapporteur, on the occasion of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples Geneva, 7 August 2007 As we celebrate the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People on 9 August this year, the focus of attention for many of […]

  • Alliance of Hope: Read and Hear Tariq Ali’s Pirates of the Caribbean: Axis of Hope

    PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN by Tariq AliBUY THIS BOOK The Pirates of the Caribbean identified by Tariq Ali in his slender volume titled the same are Evo Morales of Bolivia, Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, and of course, Fidel Castro, the “Old Man,” of Cuba. These three men and the movements they lead, according to Ali, […]

  • Opening Doors to New Alliances: A Review of New Departures in Marxian Theory by Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. Wolff

      NEW DEPARTURES IN MARXIAN THEORY by Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. Wolff BUY THIS BOOK Being a Marxist requires considerable gumption — especially in the United States.  Those who take Marxism seriously in a hostile intellectual and political environment are only too aware of this struggle.  At worst, interest in Marxism is perceived […]

  • Our Views on the Black Brick Kiln and Other Incidents and Recommendations for the 17th Party Congress

    Let us refer to a famous poem by Mao that stirs excitement among us all: “A cuckoo is crying in the midnight until she throws up blood; she believes that her crying can bring the east wind back!”  We deeply hope our respected leaders will stir up the east wind! General Secretary Hu Jintao and […]