A Big Step towards Left Unity in Germany
While a conference and giant celebrations in the German capital marked the fiftieth anniversary of the European Union, with heads of state from Poland to Portugal attending, another meeting was being held in the west of Germany, in the Ruhr valley city of Dortmund. Though almost totally eclipsed by the ballyhoo in Berlin, it will […]
What’s Next? Interview with Ron Jacobs
Ron Jacobs is the author of the first comprehensive history of the Weather Underground: The Way the Wind Blew: A History of the Weather Underground. His articles, essays and reviews have appeared in CounterPunch, Monthly Review, MRZine, Alternative Press Review, Jungle World, Works in Progress, State of Nature, and a multitude of other places. Ron […]
Peter Pace Porks a Peck of Pinko Perverts
Dear Peter Pace, As a lesbian, I often turn, in my quest for moral guidance, to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. You, Peter Pace, being Chairman of the JCS, are to me a virtual guru of ethical enlightenment! So, naturally, I was struck by your recent Chicago Tribune interview, in which you said, “I believe […]
China Blue: The Girls at the Other End of the Supply Chain
Good documentary films help us understand the world by allowing us to see things outside of, but relevant to, our immediate experience. Occasionally, we discover one that expands and alters our worldview. China Blue, a film directed by Micha X. Peled, is one of those rare finds. In this film, the viewer meets the girls […]
A Compendium on the Iraq War
Judging by the intensity of the debate that plagued much of the 2004 presidential election, the divisiveness of the Vietnam war has not been resolved. If anything it has festered, inflamed by similar concerns and questions regarding the legality, morality, purpose, and necessity of the war in Iraq. The continued polemic about a war […]
Mugabe: Talks Radical, Acts Like a Reactionary
If you want to know what’s going on in Zimbabwe, you could try taking seriously the view commonly argued by the independent left in this region, namely that Mugabe talks radical — especially nationalist and anti-imperialist — but acts reactionary, especially to the urban poor and working people. Fortunately, we have a fresh version of […]
Reflections of President Fidel Castro
Havana March 29, 2007 More than three billion people in the world condemned to premature death from hunger and thirst. THAT is not an exaggerated figure, but rather a cautious one. I have meditated a lot on that in the wake of President Bush’s meeting with U.S. automobile manufacturers. The sinister idea of converting food […]
Bolivia: A Movement toward or beyond “Statism”?
It is now more than three decades since neoliberal economic and political ideas began to supplant Keynesian orthodoxies within the treasuries and finance ministries of Western governments and in the policy-making centers of development agencies and financial institutions. Bolivia was one of the first Latin American countries to adopt a neoliberal approach back in the […]
Iran and Iraq: Fake Maritime Boundaries
Craig Murray, former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, is also a former head of the Foreign Office’s maritime section, who was personally involved in negotiations on the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. His 27 and 28 March 2007 blog entries disputing the British claim that its sailors, seized by Iran, were in Iraqi […]
Against Party Bureaucracy: Venezuela’s PSUV and Socialism from Below
In recent weeks, it has become clear that three of the major parties constituting the Chavista coalition will not immediately dissolve themselves to pave the way for the construction of the unified socialist party (PSUV) that president Hugo Chávez has demanded be created to usher in the next phase of the revolution. These “dissidents” include […]
Boots Riley Comes Out Swinging against the War in Iraq: The Coup Calls Up MySpace Friends to Encourage G.I. Rebellion
Boots Riley — The Coup‘s revered, thought-provoking MC — is hoping to utilize a post of his band’s incendiary, anti-war song “Captain Sterling’s Little Problem” on its MySpace Blog as a means to spark a G.I. Rebellion against the War In Iraq. Riley is encouraging The Coup’s 25,000 MySpace friends to download the “Pick A […]
Capitalism’s Three Oscillations and the US Today
Throughout its history and across its geography, capitalism has swung back and forth between private and state forms. The former reduces while the latter enlarges the state’s intervention in the economy. The economic events that precipitate swings (in both directions) have been various mixes of recession and widening inequality. Political oscillations have paralleled the economic. […]
The Empire Tightens Its Grip: DHS Targets Cross-Border Activist
Because empire creates so many enemies it has to be rigorously defended. To gain support of the citizenry, agents of empire create bogeymen, founded in fact but demonized, behind which the ongoing work of empire can be accomplished. In the 20th century the demon was communism; in the 21st it is terrorism. Currently, defense of […]
The Pursuit of Happyness
Most of The Pursuit of Happyness (Dir. Gabriele Muccino, 2006) is about hard times hitting a good, smart, and hard-working man. As the result of bad luck, mistreatment, disloyalty of friends, low wages, and high costs of housing, Chris Gardner (played by Will Smith) and his young son wind up homeless. The film is so […]
Tinged with Fire
RICHARD WRIGHT: The Life and Times by Hazel RowleyBUY THIS BOOK The author Richard Wright, whose works were recently republished by the Library of America, was a hospital orderly making thirteen dollars a week when he first experienced what literary biographers would call an epiphany. It was in Chicago; the year was 1933. The unlikely […]
Capital and Empire: An Interview with John Bellamy Foster
Q. 2007 is the 140th anniversary of the publication of Volume One of Marx’s Capital. In your opinion, what is its main contribution to understanding contemporary capitalism? Marx’s object in Capital was to explain capital as a social relation in the fullest dialectical sense and in the process to describe its law(s) of motion. I […]
Hating the Rich
“The rich are not like you and me.” “The poor will always be with us.” Get real and accept it, we are told. Give alms and aid to the poor, tax the rich. Establish private foundations, be a responsible trust baby and give. You’ve heard it all and maybe even believe it in your heart. […]
Canada and World Order after the Wreckage
The active imagining of an alternate global politics could hardly be more pressing. Mounting global inequalities, the turbulence of climate change, and recurring military interventions by Western powers have been the daily fare of the neoliberal world order. This world order was constructed over the last two decades under the hegemony of the U.S., in […]
Lessons of the War, for the Movement and the Media
From Protest to Resistance I didn’t make it to the march on the Pentagon. The storm up and down the east coast of the United States knocked down a thirty foot tree in my yard in Asheville, North Carolina, messed up my flight from Asheville to Washington, DC, and left me with a choice of […]
Life Under Occupation in Iraq
Local 2627, DC 37, AFSCME interviews labor leader Houzan Mahmoud. This interview was conducted on March 5, 2007, at an event sponsored by the Center for Study of Working Class Life and cosponsored by U.S. Labor Against the War (USLAW). Houzan Mahmoud is the international representative of the Federation of Workers Councils and Unions in […]